What would the Feds do if


Active Member
Hello, I talk with my old friend cashier at the corner store every time I go in, it's about legalizing marijuana. I said well what can the Feds do arrest everybody in Colorado. Then I got the response, maybe if there were a semi truck load worth of pot smuggled out of state and caught by another state border police the Fed then could come down hard on the reform. What do you think would happen? I don't think there would be operations to supply other states where the laws are not in place with marijuana. But maybe I'm wrong.
They don't need to catch a truck smuggling weed out to crack down. There is already a conflict between the State and Federal laws. This will lead to a showdown.

And it is very naive to think people who are growing are not supplying outside their state illegally. People on this forum have discussed it in posts.
It's it's Dual nature.

Cannabis in modern terms is the part we smoke and it has a political and economic utility.

We all know Cannabis is a Trillion Dollar a year industry*.

I assume with the Treaty issues and the U.N. is that we may not understand how the U.S.A. has acted on the world stage in both regards.
There has been reports that our CIA has used drugs and drug-economics as a tool and may well base policies around the U.N. agreements. On the other hand we had to allow drug trade to continue in Afghanistan.

I'm sure we are up against the Stone Walls of American Federalism and the principles of these United States of America in regarding States rights.

Can the Federal Government say Marijuana is too dangerous, will be abused and of no medical value facing a different now and in the future demographic than the 1040's?


* When we consider all related spending. I believe world wide counting all the related sales Cannabis is a trillion dollar thing. Things like cannabis and grow equipment, electricity sold, wages, munchies building supplies, fertilizers, the weed itself and so on.
It's it's Dual nature.

Cannabis in modern terms is the part we smoke and it has a political and economic utility.

We all know Cannabis is a Trillion Dollar a year industry*

I assume with the Treaty issues and the U.N. is that we may not understand how the U.S.A. has acted on the world stage in both regards.
There has been reports that our CIA has used drugs and drug-economics as a tool and may well base policies around the U.N. agreements. On the other hand we had to allow drug trade to continue in Afghanistan.

I'm sure we are up against the Stone Walls of American Federalism and the principles of these United States of America in regarding States rights.

Can the Federal Government say Marijuana is too dangerous, will be abused and of no medical value facing a different now and in the future demographic than the 1040's?


* When we consider all related spending. I believe world wide counting all the related sales Cannabis is a trillion dollar thing. Things like cannabis and grow equipment, electricity sold, wages, munchies building supplies, fertilizers, the weed itself and so on.

Most estimates have the industry in the 120 billion range. You can probably double that for a more accurate estimate. I am sure data is under reported...
Most estimates have the industry in the 120 billion range. You can probably double that for a more accurate estimate. I am sure data is under reported...

I was thinking that adding up all the purchases each year for all related sales. Does the 120 Billion include just the weed or all the economic activity world wide related?

I wonder because even my very Conservative Hardware store has put in a "Grow" section and it will only get bigger as sales increase.
The local ace hardware just started carrying the full line up of fox farms, Kind of funny being that WA's laws have growing still illegal, hopefully it get amended to the full legalization but for now im happy with what i got.
The Feds. can choke Federal funds. If they presume that a State is collecting revenue from pot tax,..it`s that much less they need to give to that State. Especially when it`s being done against Federal law.

When Elected officials in said state make promise with money once recieved by the Feds. and then have that revenue cut off, makeing those promises becomes difficult or impossible. Now you have a politician looking to get re-elected because of the good he thought he was gonna do scrambleing around looking to raise other revenue with new tax, and you have broken promises, angry civillians, and food for the next guy who wants to get elected.

Not good any way you look at it !!
California is going bankrupt and Democratic Politicians with Federal .."clout"..are thrive`n for the very reasons i just posted !!