The end of carbon filters...?


Well-Known Member
OP it may have been misinterpreted as to what you wanted to get from this.

What do you want to get from this thread?

Those of us that have studied grow room design in order to have almost total control over every aspect of our grow rooms have told you that OUR grow rooms have no issues.

Carbon filters could be a little lighter and smaller but compared to o3 generators and their costs its something most of us are prepared to live with.

Now for instance if you were offering your services for home AC help etc maybe it would have gone down better.

The title of this thread led us to believe you had a replacement for carbon filters.

As stated if you think you have any products that could work better than carbon filters please list them and those that wish too can check them out.

@ brother numsi: I'm sure that was not yours, and possibly others, intentions. But what I'm looking for is not being addressed, whether it is or is not my fault. I can not just pick 10 to see if others think it would work or not. Many of them do not even contain a website/access for customers to learn information about the products, due to specific marketing regulations imposed by the manufacturer.
i own a business, I am a business man, I do plan on making money if anything works. But like I said I have not, and would not, try to "sell" anything to anyone here. Lets say you went to best buy for a new t.v., they would not be in business very long if, when they asked you what type of t.v. you were looking for, gave you the number and contact info for their supplier. I know that last sentence will lead some of you to think you were right all along, that this has been a ploy from the beginning and I was already called out. Well that would have to be from those who are not business savvy nor do they understand that is not the point of this thread. I do not know why i keep trying to explain this. Anyways, this is consuming way too much time for what I'm getting out of it (ROI) so again, thank you for everyone's time and wish you all the best of luck.


Ursus marijanus
@ brother numsi: I'm sure that was not yours, and possibly others, intentions. But what I'm looking for is not being addressed, whether it is or is not my fault. I can not just pick 10 to see if others think it would work or not. Many of them do not even contain a website/access for customers to learn information about the products, due to specific marketing regulations imposed by the manufacturer.
i own a business, I am a business man, I do plan on making money if anything works. But like I said I have not, and would not, try to "sell" anything to anyone here. Lets say you went to best buy for a new t.v., they would not be in business very long if, when they asked you what type of t.v. you were looking for, gave you the number and contact info for their supplier. I know that last sentence will lead some of you to think you were right all along, that this has been a ploy from the beginning and I was already called out. Well that would have to be from those who are not business savvy nor do they understand that is not the point of this thread. I do not know why i keep trying to explain this. Anyways, this is consuming way too much time for what I'm getting out of it (ROI) so again, thank you for everyone's time and wish you all the best of luck.
I will give you one piece of free advice.
Do not rely on odor masking. Any of your catalog products that will only fight odor with another odor ... are disqualified. This should cut down the options to something manageable.

Truly, if you were forthright about what is in the catalog, you'd get a much more cordial reception. The impression I got and still have is "I won't show you my cards ... but am getting frustrated that y'all won't show me yours". Am I wrong? Can I at least induce you to provide examples of some of these products? cn


Active Member
I agree, I am definitely wasting my time. Thank you
If you knew how to take advice you wouldn't be. You've started a discussion which many people are interested in. You're simply not going about it the right way..What is the point in claiming you have products that will do what the title claims, if you aren't interested in providing even minimal information about them?
Did not intend to push you away, but your entrance to this forum was very awkward and somewhat confusing.
As I suggested, if you want a discussion, list 10 products, maybe with pix, and an explanation of what they do.
That may be a shotgun approach, but maybe more acceptable, too.
^^ read this mayne, same advice everyone's been trying their asses off to burn into your head.

Brother Numsi

Well-Known Member
"i own a business, I am a business man, I do plan on making money if anything works. But like I said I have not, and would not, try to "sell" anything to anyone here. Lets say you went to best buy for a new t.v., they would not be in business very long if, when they asked you what type of t.v. you were looking for, gave you the number and contact info for their supplier."

Funny you use Best Buy as an example...there were many times the local Best Buys gave our number and then many calls were routed to me, but then again that was when I worked for a $1.5B company as a sales manager and got customers funnelled to me a lot because I was patient with end users.

You have a very different business. None of us are asking you to show any sources, but pix of products and a description might prompt questions from us about their uses.

It's like not knowing enough to ask a question...if we're not experiencing problems what should we ask? If we describe our set-ups and conditions would that be part of what you are looking for?
Look, we're not dense here and people who post and get the responses you have gotten should tell you that yes, either further explanation is needed or a different approach.
Good luck with your endeavors. Like many of us here...we are here to help.


Active Member
The formatting is all screwed up on this site....................Yep, I ain't reading all that shit. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.I am confused at the people in this thread that think carbon filters are difficult, dangerous, ineffective, expensive...I use two carbon filters for a 3 x 3 tent in my furnace room. One is inside the tent at the top, using space that plants and lights can not use. My tent is no where near air tight. The other, which is not necessary, puts filtered air into the tent. I only use it to clean the air going into the tent. If I were creating negative pressure in my furnace room, it would make the hot, carbon monoxide air from my water heater etc. want to leave through the proper vents. I do not see how creating negative pressure would make warm, carbon monoxide back up into a room. As for dangerous: My setup is not dangerous at all. If anything it cleans the air that is recirculated into the house. It seems this thread has done nothing but fan the flames of ignorance.......................................Does anyone want to talk about feminized seeds now?
Yes, I would love to talk about feminized seeds. I tried everything I could with light to hermie my current strain, all to no avail. I received a bottle of Tiresias Mist in the mail today. I recall you posted a thread about it but don't remember exactly where. Pretty excited about trying it but don't want to screw it off.
Most of the things I have are technical data sheets, such as the following result chart. Again sorry for formatting. This is one of the units i was considering. Could any of these results benefit your grow enviornment? All 3rd party testing from Kansas State University.

Norwalk Virus - 99+% Inactivation
MRSA Bacteria - 99+% Inactivation Streptococcus - 96+% Inactivation Pseudomonas - 99+% Inactivation
Listeria - 99+% Inactivation
Escherichia Coli - 99+% Inactivation
Bacillius Globigii - 99+% Inactivation Staphylococcus Aureus - 99+% Inactivation Streptococcus Pneumoniae - 99+% Inactivation Bacillius spp. - 99+% Inactivation
Stachybotrys chartarum - 99+% Inactivation Candida albicans - 99+% Inactivation
Odors Cleaning Chemicals - 55+% Inactivation Odors Pets - 72+% Inactivation
Odors Perfume - 63+% Inactivation
Odors Toluene - 29+% Inactivation
Odors D-limonene - 98+% Inactivation
Odors Methyl Ethyl Ketone - 13+% Inactivation Odors Smoke - 70+% Inactivation
Mold - 97+% Inactivation
Yeast - 90+% Inactivation
Hydrogen Sulfide - 80% Inactivation
Methyl Mercaptan - 100% Inactivation
Carbon Disulfide - 30% Inactivation
Butyl Acetate - 100% Inactivation
Methyl Merthacrylate - 100% Inactivation Formaldehyde - 90+% Inactivation
Food Surface Microbials - 99% Inactivation Surface Bacteria / Virus - 99+% Inactivation Particulate Removal - ISO Class 3 in 24 hrs


Well-Known Member
Maybe it's just me but IF I was a supplier/distributor of something I considered worthwhile and better than most of the over-priced stuff, I would hope it would be OK to post my product on here.
For example, I think their must be a market on here for decent compost teas and if someone starts selling them for £2 for a 3 litre bottle, I wouldn't have a problem with them telling us about it. We also need our own personal RIU 'seed-houses'. The only trouble is, it would open the floodgates.
It's easier said than done.


Well-Known Member
hahahah this whole post is funny as hell!!! i didnt want to read his long jargon but did this guy ever mention a single "product that will work better be more efficient, probably cheaper and much smaller then the carbon filter setup and the others". i came on this thread hoping there was something i didnt know and would be informed on a new air purifyer product of some sort or sumthin i dont know im confused. hahahahaha

Brother Numsi

Well-Known Member
These appear to be heavy duty cleaning/sterilizing agents....I hope I would never need them, but I can see them used in a medical HVAC environment:

Norwalk Virus - 99+% Inactivation
MRSA Bacteria - 99+% Inactivation Streptococcus - 96illius Globigii - 99+% Inactivation
StaphylocoMold - 97+% Inactivation
- ISO Class 3 in 24 hrs ccus Aureus - 99+% Inactivation Streptococcus Pneumoniae - 99+% Inactivation Bacillius spp. - 99+% Inactivation
Stachybotrys chartarum - 99+% Inactivation Candida albicans - 99+% Inactivation
+% Inactivation Pseudomonas - 99+% Inactivation
Listeria - 99+% Inactivation
Escherichia Coli - 99+% Inactivation

BacOdors Cleaning Chemicals - 55+% Inactivation Odors Pets - 72+% Inactivation
Odors Perfume - 63+% Inactivation
Odors Toluene - 29+% Inactivation
Odors D-limonene - 98+% Inactivation
Odors Methyl Ethyl Ketone - 13+% Inactivation Odors Smoke - 70+% Inactivation

Not sure what they smell like. Are they an odor covering odor? Could be useful to some.

Again many of these appear to be odor control. When one of these chemicals is describes as volatile...what exactly does that mean? It's the remainder, but I can't get it to format.

Not enough chemistry to understand it, but enough to find it interestin :)
This is a residential product that is 100% safe for ANY living or non-living organism to be around 100% of the time. Marijuana smell is mostly made of VOCs (volatile organic compounds) and hydrocarbons. Both of which this attacks. Again, this is where the testing comes in.


Active Member
This is a residential product that is 100% safe for ANY living or non-living organism to be around 100% of the time. Marijuana smell is mostly made of VOCs (volatile organic compounds) and hydrocarbons. Both of which this attacks. Again, this is where the testing comes in.
Then you now must provide a product to a few trusted/experienced members on this forum who are interested in providing the results to you. You said you don't actually have physical access to the products though, or am I mistaken?


Active Member
My question to you is simply this:
Are you trying to gain information in a way that you do not have to compensate for any 'intellectual' fees/obligations? Cause this is exactly what I am getting from this 8 page thread that has really gone no where. It seems that if you could come up with something that is cheaper and more effective, then you will 'corner the market'. Am I wrong? This thread is worse than the dentist trying to extract an impacted molar.....


Ursus marijanus
Most of the things I have are technical data sheets, such as the following result chart. Again sorry for formatting. This is one of the units i was considering. Could any of these results benefit your grow enviornment? All 3rd party testing from Kansas State University.

Norwalk Virus - 99+% Inactivation
MRSA Bacteria - 99+% Inactivation Streptococcus - 96+% Inactivation Pseudomonas - 99+% Inactivation
Listeria - 99+% Inactivation
Escherichia Coli - 99+% Inactivation
Bacillius Globigii - 99+% Inactivation Staphylococcus Aureus - 99+% Inactivation Streptococcus Pneumoniae - 99+% Inactivation Bacillius spp. - 99+% Inactivation
Stachybotrys chartarum - 99+% Inactivation Candida albicans - 99+% Inactivation
Odors Cleaning Chemicals - 55+% Inactivation Odors Pets - 72+% Inactivation
Odors Perfume - 63+% Inactivation
Odors Toluene - 29+% Inactivation
Odors D-limonene - 98+% Inactivation
Odors Methyl Ethyl Ketone - 13+% Inactivation Odors Smoke - 70+% Inactivation
Mold - 97+% Inactivation
Yeast - 90+% Inactivation
Hydrogen Sulfide - 80% Inactivation
Methyl Mercaptan - 100% Inactivation
Carbon Disulfide - 30% Inactivation
Butyl Acetate - 100% Inactivation
Methyl Merthacrylate - 100% Inactivation Formaldehyde - 90+% Inactivation
Food Surface Microbials - 99% Inactivation Surface Bacteria / Virus - 99+% Inactivation Particulate Removal - ISO Class 3 in 24 hrs
This is misdirection. Without letting us in on what product or process goes with the tech sheet, we cannot advance. You're playing a double game. If I were a potential client and you were trying to sell me something, I'd have left in disgust long ago. Never insult the client's intelligence. Never. cn


Active Member
This is misdirection. Without letting us in on what product or process goes with the tech sheet, we cannot advance. You're playing a double game. If I were a potential client and you were trying to sell me something, I'd have left in disgust long ago. Never insult the client's intelligence. Never. cn
Prepare for a 600 word post explaining why he is not a salesman, and how he wants us to tell him what's wrong with carbon filters.


Ursus marijanus
Cannabineer, what is it that you see that sets off a "flare"?
The double game I mentioned earlier: "I'm holding my cards close, but I'm getting fed up because y'all won't show yours". All these posts and we still have no clue what these alleged products are and how to evaluate them.

This on top of (imo) rather suspect disparagement of two things known good: carbon and ozone.

PureGrowing either needs to make with the real details, or we all should let this thread die. cn