Induction Lights? The newest (supposedly) technology in Induction Grow Lights

I guess many induction grow lights up until this point are bunk (what iGrow said). I stumbled across this company, but they're new and I can't find any info about them anywhere. Has anyone here heard of them/bought one in the last couple weeks?

I totally recognize the guy from those sure to grow videos though. I guess he's moving on to lighting...
my $0.02 on this company...

first off, iGrow is a rebrand on Full Spectrum Solutions. compare the image of where they are made (on the respective sites):

so, back in Feb of this year, a local shop donated to me a 200w and a 400w from Full Spectrum Solutions, as I was the first person to even ask the owner about EFDL technology in the 5 months they were sitting at the store.

so, the 200 was rather dim compared to the 400, and they clearly used different phosphor blends. all went pretty well until i was one month into bloom with the 400 and the ballast failed- literally 11 months from the date of manufacture on the ballast label - but not before it's 45 lbs of weight burned out a light mover.

i called FSS and explained that i was using their lights in an indoor horticultural application, and that everything was climate controlled but that one failed. they were SURPRISED that i was using them with agreeable results.

but they didn't want to offer any support on the failed hardware.

i ended up getting in touch with Inda Gro, and explained the situation. It was explained to me that Darryl, of IG, used to work at FSS, and that 6+ years ago was telling them that they needed to make horticultural lights. they refused for years and so he went on to eventually start Inda Gro.

well, he was eager to take in the failed lamp since FSS abandoned it. i got a great deal on my first 420 and 200 for IG and was able to see that the FSS 200 is literally half the light intensity of the Pro-200-PAR. months later, i am now happily running 3 420s in bloom and 2 200s in veg. i have the FSS 200 sitting in the corner of the dining room floor...

i suggest that anyone considering FSS/iGrow also takes a look at i have personal experience using both of these lines of lights, and to be totally honest, i wouldn't run those "iGrow" pieces of shit if i took the cheap route and ordered them direct from FSS at the original MSRP, which is HALF of what they are listed at under the iGrow name.


i compared the FSS/iGrow 400 at the FSS MSRP of $650 vs the IG4320 at $795, and was very happy to have gone IG (and to this day, i am immensely pleased). at $1200 under the iGrow brand, that's just a downright criminal ripoff.

by the way, if you click the link in my sig, it'll take you to my first post in that thread, and the video i first linked was when i had the single FSS 400 running on the mover in the tent.
Gandohar welcome to RIU. For your first post ever to these forums could you tell us what makes you curious about these lights? Have you seen any cannabis gardens that have used these lamps? Have you seen any cannabis specific journals? Perhaps any other threads on any other cannabis forums you might point to that would stir our curiosity as well?

Hiya Spliff! Good to hear from you buddy and hope the gardens are purring 4 ya! I can only add to your IGrow 'criminal ripoff' comments with the following:

That's Matt Getsche formerly of R&M Supply and Sure to Grow. Matt worked with the IGrow guys for a while, until they screwed him over and discarded what he stands for in terms of straight honest talk to the indoor gardener. Matt left when iGrow tried to set up this national distribution network of hydro shops that would push a 'must buy' 2 lamp solution @ somewhere in the $1,600 range, that's per fixture, for both a veg and a flower lamp. Matt's a good guy, a tremendous resource for indoor gardening and he got away from this brand just as fast he could.

Matt's Facebook page say's it better than I could;

Just to be clear in case anyone was confused by a series of bootleg videos recently released to the net. I DO NOT REPRESENT OR SUPPORT THE IGROW INDUCTION LIGHTING SYSTEM. Once again I Matt Geschke, formerly known as Matt the Grower and Matt the Grow Guy in no way supports or encourages anyone to buy this light. It is not the lamp or ballast that I developed while in their employ. PLEASE DO NOT BE MISLED. Knowledge is power and truth is the light. With that said, here at Brotherhood we are gonna keep on shinin' and the truth WILL be revealed. Blessing and bountiful harvests.

Matt Geschke
Managing Partner
Brotherhood Products
Thanks for the welcome Chaz.
After a couple days of google searches and forum digging I found that igrow does seems to be a re-branded ripoff. I've found much more info on inda-gro lights and they seem much better (especially in price)
I'm interested in the 420pars because of a few factors: less heat, lower electrical bill, more stealth, little to no need for AC, etc etc.

I was originally going to set up with 1000w hps. From what I've read the inda-gros can't quite match them...I'm wondering if that slight lack shows itself in yield and quality. It seems, from what I've read, quality isn't a problem but I haven't seen much info on yield gain/loss. I love the idea of a lower electrical bill....and not having to worry about ducting and AC...but will my yield suffer?
Hiya Gandohar! I don't know much about igrow other than what was Spliff's and Matt's experience but they're both straight shooters who I respect and if either one of these guys say's they're out to screw growers that is all I need to know. Fuck that. The good hydro shops will do their due diligence and no matter what not push something that is short term profits but long term bullshit. If igrow is all that than let them put up some of their lights to Psuagro or even me and we'll take a run with them. But if they don't double the yield of an Inda-Gro run with their two lamp solution (what a pain in the arse) and at the prices they're trying to charge they're already fully medicated and need more help than these forums can provide.

Inda-Gro will treat you right and they're not priced out of reach. 10 years from now you'll be lookin at the same lamp that keeps on pushin up babies to ladies bro. In terms of yield comparisons I would compare the 420 series to a 1000 watt MH and a 750 HPS. Getting between .75 and 1.25 g/w is the usual first time experience with the 420's than you adjust methods accordingly to optimize subsequent runs.

Stay safe
Talk about paid faces, these guys are for sure working for inda-gro is it not obvious? This type of thread is exactly why i am going to start my own blog about growing with induction and the igrow induction that i purchased. if you guys did any research like i did you would know that igrow is actually working with full spectrum solutions, who by the way has a pretty good resume.

im sending an email to roll it up, enough of this b.s. this is supposed to be a forum about growing and helping each other grow. Not about posting b.s. about a company you either work for or that you are a friend of. get real.

Hopefully everyone reading this will clearly see through it, im not a genius but pretty easy to see that this is a campaign and not intended to help anyone.
Talk about paid faces, these guys are for sure working for inda-gro is it not obvious? This type of thread is exactly why i am going to start my own blog about growing with induction and the igrow induction that i purchased. if you guys did any research like i did you would know that igrow is actually working with full spectrum solutions, who by the way has a pretty good resume.

im sending an email to roll it up, enough of this b.s. this is supposed to be a forum about growing and helping each other grow. Not about posting b.s. about a company you either work for or that you are a friend of. get real.

Hopefully everyone reading this will clearly see through it, im not a genius but pretty easy to see that this is a campaign and not intended to help anyone.

Hiya SteveyG!

With only 13 posts here you're kind of new to RIU. That being the case a friendly suggestion would be that you don't belittle members for not doing the comprehensive research that you performed prior to your full spectrum solutions-igrow purchase. I'd also suggest not blaming RIU for being unfair to you or igrow as these are open forums. So don't take any comments of various product experience reports, igrow or others, so personally. Just post up pics and journals of your garden using the igrow twin lamp solution. This would be the forum to do so and no one is attempting to discourage or prevent you from doing so.

If igrow products bring you better quality and yields than we all want to share in that. So while I believe your comments may just be a mild case of the lady doth protest too much, I am somewhat inclined to agree with you regarding the part where you say you're not a genius. Post up your results and prove me wrong.
Talk about paid faces, these guys are for sure working for inda-gro is it not obvious? This type of thread is exactly why i am going to start my own blog about growing with induction and the igrow induction that i purchased. if you guys did any research like i did you would know that igrow is actually working with full spectrum solutions, who by the way has a pretty good resume.

im sending an email to roll it up, enough of this b.s. this is supposed to be a forum about growing and helping each other grow. Not about posting b.s. about a company you either work for or that you are a friend of. get real.

Hopefully everyone reading this will clearly see through it, im not a genius but pretty easy to see that this is a campaign and not intended to help anyone.

so you pulled the trigger on iGrow after doing what you think was more research than me?

just to be clear, I used those lights before moving on (and up) to Inda-Gro. in fact, if you go to my YouTube channel, the earliest video has the FSS lamps up, not IGs.
i now own 2 Pro-200-PARs and 3 Pro-420-PARs.

i do not work for IG; i represent them - because i believe in them and the results they bring. i rep them here, i rep them to my friends that envy my garden, i rep them to newbie growers that hit me up for advice at the hydro shop i work at... and if something (other than the sun) worked better than these, i'd be repping them instead.

i'm not trying to rip on FSS/iGrow; what i'm about to type is me putting it nicely. i found their 200w and 400w to both be pieces of shit (the 400w slightly more so, as it died due to a bad MOSFET at the ripe old age of 11 months from the date of manufacture). then FSS didn't want to stand behind their own warranty.

for what it's worth, or rather, for what they cost, i hope that they work for you. for sure, when the FSS400 died, my Purple Durban Poison was looking proper as fuck, just sucks that they have ZERO customer support. i'd really be interested in seeing your grow once you get them all installed. and if you really like them, let me know if you want to pick up my FSS/iGrow 200w. it's been sitting in the corner of my dining room for over half a year, and i would rather get rid of it to someone that really wanted it bad enough for me not to feel bad schlumping it off on them. i'm serious and sincere with that offer; it's only got about 4-5 months of use on it. PM me an offer and we can figure out the logistics of getting it to you.
Well your very detailed reply lead me to call igrow and ask them some of the very good content you posted and after to speaking with Carey, i believe one of the owners I have some more information now that makes me believe even more you guys are full of it and just created a post to bad talk another company who seems to have done some serious research and development with the top induction light manufacturer.

i know i am new to the forums, thats why i probably have a different perspective on the whole thing, i joined thinking i was going to share knowledge about growing and growing with a new technology, which me just spending all this time responding is even pretty pathetic. But my experience on forums does not mean that i cant see through propaganda.

From what i learned from calling igrow, which by the way did not bash you guys at all, is that they have only been selling in the market for 3 months now and that any light that was out there was given to specific dealers across the country to trial different spectrums they developed. They did not know who you were and explained that somehow you got a proto-type from someone who had a non disclosure agreement to not give them out or sell them.

So if you want to rank on customer service and say things like piece of shit, then make it easy on everyone to believe you and show a receipt for paying for it or contact the store that sold a demo light they were not allowed to sell to you and get your money back.

If you were a good person you would send back the light that somehow you got before they were selling them, and by the way that light doesn't look anything like my igrow fixture, except the on off switch and the brackets.

smart people will see the truth and see what you guys are doing here, but you haven't changed my mind on you guys just filling the forum with bashing and not anything relevant to the open thread. no bad vibes here just speaking my mind and so are you guys. very impressed with my igrow lights so far and have purchased a few more already, great support, nice store i get them from, nice people i spoke with at their offices and nothing like the posts you keep putting up all over the place.

it's ok to come in second place. well that's atleast what i tell my son when he doesn't win.

peace out

I think I speak for everyone when I say how much we appreciate that you actually took the time to call and speak with the owner of igrow to confirm Spliff was part of a violated NDA between igrow and the store that gave him the igrow products to trial run.

Let me see if I have this straight. You're telling us that a company that has all this USDA and university accreditation behind them would give their products to a RETAILER for sample runs and would have required an NDA to do so? And furthermore this store not only violated an NDA with igrow but took in an unwitting customer into this conspiracy to do a trial run and did not inform him that they, the RETAIL STORE, were operating under an NDA with igrow? And that the customer was to return the products upon completion of the trial run to the store without disclosing any of the results of that run to anyone outside the store? This is a serious accusation and I'm glad you did the due diligence to uncover the details of this arrangement.

But before I accept what you're saying I have to ask myself; why would igrow require an NDA from a RETAILER for advancing their technology when they're already running this battery of tests with the USDA and university research projects? What would I hope to get from that? An unscientific opinion from a RETAILER who would be then sworn to silence? C'mon Stevey don't be played here. I'm willing to bet you a zip of top shelf right here and now that Spliff simply asks the store owner who he got the lights from that free demo if there were any strings attached between him and the store or between the store and igrow that would have had ANY conditions attached to the sampling of these lights. An NDA would certainly placed high on that 'strings' consideration list.

I'm all about giving the benefit of the doubt so perhaps you simply misunderstood Carey re the whole NDA thing. I suspect Spliff will followup on that as he is a 'good person' who would not have knowingly gone into the testing of their products to publicly report his findings in violation of an NDA. If I were the RETAILER I would want to clear this issue up on behalf of my reputation and that of my customers.

very impressed with my igrow lights so far and have purchased a few more

Glad to hear you like the lights to the degree that you have bought a 'few more'. Perhaps you can share a few pictures of the entire 4 light setup so we can all share in your enthusiasm.

it's ok to come in second place. well that's atleast what i tell my son when he doesn't win.

If you like all your new lights that's great. I don't know what winning has to do with anything at all but with that advice I for one would be proud to call you dad.

Post up the pics of the garden and all your new lights installed or I call BS.

peace out

quick reply there.

you obviously have more experience in the forums and as i can see from here and other ones you have the gift of gab and know how to express yourself well.

The only take on your comment about the NDA that i can say is that from my conversation testing was supposed to be done in house by the retailers in effort to give feedback to igrow and obviously not in the hands of inda gro representatives. i think the igrow guys were doing their due diligence and testing all aspects of their lighting was not a bad idea, why not have someone take a test drive before you sell it to the world?

im ready for my zip because i have been posting and started my own blog about my grow with igrow lights. So if you look on the growers forums you will find the information you are looking for. I may not be the most experienced grower but i do produce high quality and love my igrow lights and that they have a veg and bloom spectrum lamps.

i do hope that splif gets something out of that retailer or even calls igrow and talks to them about who gave him the light, looks like he is heavy into representing inda gro so im not sure how helpful that will be to do anything with his proto-type light he has.

If your in need of a good father figure Im here for you. Im a much better Dad then grower, but im getting better everyday at both.

peace out

[QUOTEThe only take on your comment about the NDA that i can say is that from my conversation testing was supposed to be done in house by the retailers in effort to give feedback to igrow and obviously not in the hands of inda gro representatives. i think the igrow guys were doing their due diligence and testing all aspects of their lighting was not a bad idea, why not have someone take a test drive before you sell it to the world? ][/QUOTE]

Based on your telephone conversation with Carey @ igrow he is accusing, in plain English, not gab, that this RETAILER violated at minimum a trust between them and there was legal breach of an Non-Disclosure Agreement. An NDA that was presumably put in place because the RETAILER had the expertise and scientific background to provide specific feedback which would lead to product improvements. This still begs the question since igrow had collaborative research being done with the USDA and several universities as cited in numerous igrow media statements why would they rely on an NDA with a RETAILER who was simply taking their product(s) for a as you put it 'test drive before they sell it to the world' to determine where their products needed improving?

Either the RETAILER had an NDA or they didn't. Carey tells you they did which means there is clearly been a breach of the NDA which would be legally actionable against this RETAILER. Very serious stuff Stevey. Spliff will be in a position provide specific details as to who the RETAILER was and how they came about acquiring the lights Spliff sampled. igrow is sliming some pretty decent people here when making claims that a trust/NDA was violated and you're as a independent gardener/customer helping to promulgate this.

I'm still safe in that my zip depends on their having been an NDA between these two and your showing the world all the igrow lights you recently purchased which are now have hanging over your garden.

Until then...I call BS

Sorry Dad
Chaz please, your making a mountain over a mole hill. it is obviously not the finished product that he didnt pay for. free is free no matter how you got it. if the guy sold him one then that guy is not a good guy to sell him something he got for free. If spliff works for inda gro or not, doesnt matter what that guy was supposed to do or not.

you keep asking for pictures, i do have a thread going.

call whatever you want,

this tread is BS.

now go to your room and be quite

Since your first post of November 11th you claim to have purchased 1 of the igrow lights and have been so satisfied you've gone on to purchase 3 more since they were doing so well. So now we have 4 lights going and the thread you refer to doesn't show images of the igrow setup your running.

If their products outperform the sun and every other technology on the market than I'd like to see that in action.

As to a 'mountain out of molehill', you brought this confidentiality issue up by suggesting it was violated by less than honorable people with less than honorable intentions. That's what frosts my ass. We are talking Intellectual Properties (IP) being violated. If I'm the manufacturer and I have a rep working for me that gives products to a business or professional type individual, researcher, engineer, university or RETAILER that would propel my product development along and that rep had been working under the express instructions that they must have an NDA in place prior to sharing any of the products than I would have more than a passing dissatisfaction that at least in this case the NDA was violated. IP is the lifeblood of the business and as a CEO of igrow would have a responsibility to shareholders and everyone in the company to maintain the integrity of IP, Patents and Trademarks. That is my job. This is a serious allegation Stevey and if Carey said it and it's not true than you've libeled that retailer while attempting to extol the virtues of what may be an extraordinary product in it's own right.

You're just not the guy to bring that message home since a good parent doesn't send his child off to his room to be quiet (not quite). Sorry
JB lose the BOLD bro. It makes you look pissed and that scares me.

Nobody is dissing induction lighting and you do not have to go into all that makes this technology so special. We know. If you spend any time on these forums you'll catch that drift where numerous grows, images and journals may be found by active induction users. We are all here to learn and share information amongst us. So in the spirit of sharing perhaps you might have that patent number handy so we can search out what makes their lamp(s) so special and unique that a patent is necessary to protect it?

iGROW is the ONLY company with a patent on the horticultural grade induction light

Patenting phosphor blends is not too difficult. Patenting specific spots on the CIE Plankian locus is because there are dozens of ways to get to those exact same spots. In essence, if igrow has a truly unique phosphor blend that hits specific areas on the Planckian locus than their patent application and any ensuing arguments will have to be made that no one before them and I'm talking GE, Phillips, Osram, etc., has ever hit these same CIE points precisely as they have.

So all I'm getting at here, if they are going to carry on about their patent, or whatever else it is that makes their product so unique let's see it. My guess is that this is a patent application and not an actual patent. There is a huge difference and the claims being made that igrow has a proprietary product suited for horticulture would be a result of the unique spectrums their lamp(s) emit. If that is the case I would again ask that the patent or the application for that patent be made public knowledge. If it is the phosphors that make their product unique and superior to anything else on the market, including the sun as stated in one of their videos, than the approved patent or even the patent application will look something like this;

They have vegetative and bloom bulbs just like everyone else

So enjoy growing with induction for all the reasons you stated. But to make sweeping claims like 'everyone uses a vegetative and bloom lamp' or that the 'leading manufacturer of induction lighting' is FSS or igrow who by the way is new to the market and that no other manufacturer can deliver a horticulture EFDL solution to the market is either not factually accurate or requires just a wee bit more support. Let's start with the patent. Would that be for the vegetative lamp, the bloom lamp, some combination of both, possibly it's the on/off switch or the lamp swap out mounting method for which this patent was filed? Should prove an interesting read.
hey everyone.

so i wanted to take a moment to recap, mostly for Stevie, my initial experience with FSS/iGrow, as he obviously missed it while he was doing his "research". simply take a moment to click the link in my signature, and you will be whisked back in time to mid-April of this year, and you can read how it all went down. i will go further to provide additional details at this time.

So, I'm a medical Cannabis patient for 2 years now. When I got my recommendation I had no resources to grow my own, so I assigned a friend that was already growing. The friendship fell apart due to his greed and I started making plans to take over as my own grower. At that time, to cover his shortcomings on providing meds, my wife and I had gotten a membership at a local cannabis club. One day, I asked the club owner at if her husband (a grow shop owner) had heard of EFDL lights, and might be able to sort out a deal for me on them. She had an answer back for me the next day or so that he had heard of that technology, and had a 200w and a 400w from some company or another that he had been given. We went to the shop and met up with him directly, and he explained that someone had come into the shop with the 2 lights, claiming that they were the next big thing, and that people would soon be beating down his doors to get these things. He said that the guy left the lights there for him to do "what he wanted with", and that he would be in touch in a couple weeks to see how things were going. Couple weeks turned into half a year and he never heard from or saw this person again. Thing is he grows outside, and doesn't have room to grow indoors, so the lights were just sitting in his garage, taking up space. He said that I was the first person in that time to ask about them, and he was very eager to be rid of them. He worked me up a deal on a package that consisted of a used 5 x 10 grow tent, the 2 lights, a No Holes Bar (all used, what can I say? I'm frugal), and he threw in some nutes. I paid cash but can't recall if i got a receipt. Fast forward to when the 400w died... I called the guy up to let him know and he said that he had no means of contacting the guy that dropped the lights off with him; the guy had never called or came back in since, and that he had been unable to locate the card that he was pretty sure the guy had given him. He suggested that I call the number on the ballasts, as he was very uninterested in having the lights back at is place while stuff got sorted out. Additionally, he was under the impression that he was free to do with them what was being done with them. I had (obviously) asked several times "Oh my god man, are you sure? free? really?", as my chief concern was that he would ask for them back at a point in time that would be inopportune for me. "Nope, they're yours." was all he said back. That's why, when the 400w failed on me, he had no recourse to offer me. That's why I called FSS (their number was on the ballast) and the tech support guy told me that it was their 400w enclosed high bay inducted fluorescent (essentially a warehouse light). We talked about what kind of environment it was being used in and i explained the indoor garden (didn't get cannabis specific, just talked about indoor horticulture in general) and I explained my take on them so far. It came down to the guy saying i could ship the ballast to them on my coin for a diagnostic, then buy whatever was broken, and pay to get it shipped back. There were a couple times he put me on hold to check on the detail to a question, and not once did he make like anything was out of the ordinary. I was under the impression that the failed 400w was identical to to all of the other ones like it that they make, and they were amused that I was lighting plants with it rather than a warehouse or garage, and that also, nothing was out of the ordinary with the fact that I had it. They were willing to service it, but not under warranty, despite it's stamped date of manufacture putting it at 11 months old.

In case you missed it, there was no NDA, nor was there discussion of one.

additionally, here are some of the emails that occurred as a result of several phone conversations with people at Everlast/Full Spectrum Solutions. some details are redacted to protect the identity of the rep I was communicating with, myself, and the store owner, as this is a wide-open public forum. if this makes you or Carey upset, Stevie, let him know that I'd be more than happy to work with him to get to the bottom of this via direct communication; he can message me via YouTube.

From: Sxxxx (REDACTED)[mailto:(REDACTED)]
Sent: Sunday, April 22, 2012 8:01 PM
Subject: Re: Warranty Form

Hello Bxxxx,

Thank you for sending me the warranty form. I have since been in contact with the retailer that provided me the light (actually a pair, the 200w and the 400w enclosed high bay inducted fluorescent, but it's the 400w that has ceased to function) on a trial basis (as I previously mentioned on the phone, I am an indoor horticultural lighting consultant. I was planning on running a comparison between your company's lamps and several other popular lighting solutions.), and he is unable to locate anything that would qualify as a paper trail... He is even unable to find the business card that he was given at the same time. In any case, he is unable/unwilling to assist me in this warranty process. The upsetting thing is that I am at the point of being almost two months deep in preparations for this experiment, with a lot of people constantly asking for my updates on it. And one of the primary lamps of customer interest has abruptly failed at the 1 year mark (with only 2 months of use on it). Please advise on how we can proceed in this matter.



On Wed, Apr 18, 2012 at 1:24 PM, Bxxxx Sxxxxxx <(REDACTED)> wrote:

Hello Sxxxx,

Thank you for the reply. If you would like to let me know the retailers name and address I can try to cross reference it with ship to addresses in my database to see if we shipped direct to them. The purchase would have been through an electrical distributor such as Gexpro, WESCO, Graybar, CED, Granger, Platt, or North Coast Electrical Supply to name a few. I look forward to your reply. Have a great day.

Thank You,

From: Sxxxx (REDACTED)[mailto:(REDACTED)]
Sent: Sunday, April 22, 2012 8:01 PM
Subject: Re: Warranty Form

[TABLE="width: 1265"]

Good Morning Bxxxx,

In regards to the lamps in question, I received them from (REDACTED). From David, the owner of the store. Their address is (REDACTED). I contacted David in regard to this matter this past Saturday. He informed me that he is unable to locate any paperwork that he was given with the lamps. He does not even recall the name of the person who dropped the lamps off at his store...

I had originally contacted him in regards to EFDL lamps from a different manufacturer. He explained to me at that time that he had a couple such lamps at his house; that a rep had dropped them off at his shop saying that he could check them out, and that "people would be beating down his door for these lamps", but that he was requested to not actually display them in his store for a few months, until he was told it was OK to do so. According to him, I was the first person to even ask him about this technology in 6-7 months. Because he needed the space that they were taking up at his house, and the fact that he hadn't heard anything back from that rep, he opted to take my information (for future contact purposes, if needed) and he gave the lamps to me on a temporary basis. That was in February of this year. The lamp has a date of manufacture (indicated on the badge/label on the ballast) of April 2011.

That's pretty much all of the info regarding how I came to be in possession of these lamps, of which one (so far) has stopped working. Please let me know how we may proceed.

Thanks and have a great day!

[TABLE="width: 1192"]
[TD]Apr 24

[TD="colspan: 3"][TABLE="width: 1265"]
[TD]to bxxxx

Hello Bxxxx,

Thank you for your reply. I understand that you are just doing your job and following the protocol that your employer dictates that you adhere to. However, due to the fact that this is not my lamp, and that I was in the process of testing it competitively against other lighting technologies in order to form an opinion to then suggest (or not) these lamps to my customers and clientele, I think I have all the information I need regarding Full Spectrum Solutions and their products in order to move forward in my daily business. It's curious that the fact that I actually have one of your lamps, and it identifies its age to be exactly 1 year old, that your company is unable to stand behind it's product based on the detail of a receipt. It confuses me what good a 10 year warranty is when the manufacturer will abandon responsibility for poor craftsmanship or cheap components because the owner of your failed product doesn't have the receipt. I have your lamp, what does that count for?

In any case, I have been in contact with a different manufacturer of EFDL lighting (another company that has 2 lamps in my test, and makes them here in the USA rather than selling rebranded Chinese imports) in regards to your lamp's short lifespan. They are stunned at your lamps early demise and advised me that if your company was unwilling to take stand behind the failed lamp, that they will. Their offer stands for me to ship your failed fixture to them so they can find out why it failed. And then they will replace the failed fixture with a new one of theirs - mine to keep and shipped for free. That's a win for me, but I am trying to do a product/technology comparison here; lets remember that I'm an indoor lighting consultant, not a collector of exotic lighting fixtures... I guess that the experiment ends now in regards to Full Spectrum Solutions with the conclusion that FSS lamps are unreliable and a waste of money, that the company has zero faith in the product they sell and zero sense of customer service; opting to use a product failure as an opportunity to drive additional sales. My review of the hardware from the other EFDL manufacturer will be based on their 200w running against yours (which was no comparison the moment I turned the lamps on, their lamp was at least 30% brighter than yours, from strike onward. It also doesn't have issues with dimming when a steady breeze is on it). My review of Full Spectrum lighting and business practices should be obvious from the tenor of my email.

Again, nothing personal here (REDACTED). I really appreciate how you did everything in your power to make this situation right for the customer. Well, in this case the Consultant. I believe that everything happens for a reason, and so the reason that I take from this occasion is that at least I saved all of my clientele from having a similar issue with your company. I will do my part to save FSS the effort of addressing future returns and/or warranty service of your company's lamps. I will do that by advising people against purchasing them.


so there we have it. the facts behind the zealot, as it were.

i need to get running for now, but i'll be back later tonight or tomorrow with a video update of the FSS/iGrow/Everlast 200w vs the Inda/Gro Pro-200-PAR, and y'all can see for yourselves what that looks like, and why the FSS is currently collecting dust in the dining room. i just need to figure out where i want to set the lamps up for the video.

in the mean time, here's a pic of the 2 FSS lamps when i got them home; i was (at that time) a happy man.

also, here's a series of pics, taken when i originally got my first IG Pro-200-PAR and was shocked by the difference between it and the FSS200w that i had previously been happy with, that shows what to look forward to later:
i know it's difficult to make it out completely in the pics above, and so that is the reason for the upcoming video - just need to iron out details and set up the other light.

oh, and Stevie... i'm still very eager to see your garden with your "several" iGrows. i looked in your thread, and aside from seeing evidence that you can neither take quality pictures, nor can you post them on a forum. what i did see were close-ups of bud grown under god-knows-what. pics or it didn't happen, bro. and that's not the first time such a request has been made in these threads.
