I tried it for the first time the other week and it was absolutely amazing. Everything was an exciting color or a beautiful pattern. Whats your feedback on it?Also, whats it compared to LSD? Correct me if im wrong but i was told Nbomes werent actually LSD, though I haven't been able to try Acid yet.
PLEASE be careful. 25i, along with many of the other more recently available RC chemical can KILL you on bad dosing. Not common, but happens enough that you need to be able to recognize the pattern.
LSD is pretty much HARMLESS (at least at the physical body level, what it does to your head is up to you). There is no LD-50 (dose where more than 50% of people who take it die).
The LD-50 for 25i is not known, but enough people have died on it that it seems to be about 5-10, which is INCREDIBLY dangerous in TINY amounts, so the person who sets up the blotter or whatever other carrier has to get it PERFECT.
Also, while your visuals were probably incredible (not denigrating your time, really), it seems 25i is visual heavy and feeling light. So the internal deep, holy shit, internal, what the fuck, "was that the touch of god!!??" moments you get on LSD (and shrooms) seems to be lacking.
Kind of like going on a rollercoaster ride through a local carnival, with lots of fun blinky lights, but when you are done, you know it was just a carnival. Not a TRIP to somewhere far away.
Also, the RCs are often sold as LSD since they can be packaged the same way.
LSD tastes a sweet metallic, and you will start feeling it in about 45 min to an hour. If someone does not feel it at that point, they might feel it is a low dose and take SEVERAL more. This is not a bad thing for real LSD, it allows a "safe" (mentally) low dose for those that can't handle more, while allowing the more experienced trippers a next level to get to by eating more at the hour mark.
Bitter slow (90+ minutes) come up means an RC that can kill you. Do NOT add to you dose in under 2 hours, you might barely have started the trip, and you could end up in the hospital if you gobble some more at that point.
If someone offers you Bromo-DragonFly (same family of chemicals), do NOT FUCKING TAKE IT. 6 hours come up, then up to 2 weeks of insanity in the hospital lock down. If someone is given that and doesn't know it, and triple doses at the 2 hour mark because they feel nothing, all bets are off. Body temperature skyrocketing and seizures are probably on the way.
You want fun? You want safe? Stick with LSD, DMT, and psilocibin. Make your own DMT (google it), grow your own shrooms (google it), and use that experience as part of your quest to find someone who makes LSD, or at least has access to pure sources. Then trade your shrooms for some.
But don't go wandering outside that unless you are prepared for death. I am, many are, and now you get to make that choice.