Broad mites, please help

Hi all, I've been posting of my problems for several weeks and today, with the help of a forum member here, I discovered the problem. I have positively identified broad mights on the affected plants. Please help me treat them. Right now I have a two grows affected, both in flower. What can I do? Thanks!


Well-Known Member
Mighty wash
This is all you can do while they are flowering. Mighty wash them. If you want to kill them forever get some Forbid 4f. Get the smallest possible amount you can find on ebay. Usually you can find a few ml of it there for 15-25$. 1 ml makes a gallon of very strong spray. Two gallons of weaker spray. You spray it once during vegetative phase and they are all gone. Spray around the room a few weeks into flowering, on the floor and sides of the pots.

Forbid 4f cannot be sprayed on them during flowering phase!

Spray them with the forbid during vegetative once each crop for the next six months, and spray your cuttings once too. After six months just spray the cuttings before they go into your system. They are dead and gone by then.

Forbid kills right through the leaves, no need to spray the undersides, and it kills eggs too. It keeps working for 6 weeks after you spray. Its miracle stuff.


Well-Known Member
hey,As your in flower I would recommend, (Im in flower and am using this for spidermites and thrips, but it also kills other insects) Pyrethrum 5EC. Its quite expensive but you get 250ml and its 4ml per litre of water so not too expensive when you think about it.I have used it in flowers/bubs and there are no really bad effects to the flower., If you use it during the day it can burn leaves( thats what they told me where I bought it) so use it after lights out and switch off your circ and vent fans for the night. I didnt think It could be that good but it has killed them all in 2 sprays at a 5 day interval. Worked for me and Im 4 weeks into flower,
Also I have tried neem oil, garlic soap, DYN-A-MITE(which can also be used in flower, I have searched online but it would seem only my hydro shop sells it??i) SB Plant Invigorator(also can be used in flower but i found it not as good as dnyamite, or this pyrethrin 5ec) as well as other homemade sprays, like nicotine,garlic,liquid seaweed(actually quite good at killing insects) to name a few,,,,

,Good luck and kill them all!