Sr. Verde's: ROLLITUP GLASS INDEX [Post your collection here]

Talon/Vela G
Verde- its been a couple years. What's with subway? Do you work there?lol

Long story short: It became apparent that subway is a delicious, and satisfying meal before taking a journey (road trip, or psychedelic).. So the psychedelic community here started talking about subway like it was buttered toast. I just kept the signature because it means almost nothing, is a .png with transparent background, and also subway is delicious.

don't get me started on the whole subway thing. ;)

OOPS! :lol: sorry man. I figured nobody else had, and everything blew over, so I figured it was cool. ;)

Do more space balls.


Ludicrous Speed!!
I just mailed them both graphite. Nice unit. That the 10m joint? The coloring is awesome

I just shipped LURCH a shitload of graphite in trade for a custom rig. I'm pretty exited about it. Should be here in a couple weeks.