The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Well either my phycosis aint phycosis or yours cause mine just didnt have that plant structure atoll . Found mine very small bushy small dense buds how long you veg her for lad ?


Well-Known Member
I'm not totally sure rolla, it's wasn't long, I'd say no more than 3 weeks and the exo no more than two. The exos supposed to out yeild the psycho I heard but mine seem to be way different in the wilma system. There was a few exo in the middle that really didn't yeild well, but on average I'd say 2 of each exo, but some of the psychosis must of had about 5. I've hung them seperate sorta so well see soon enuf


Well-Known Member
Well they have 2 weeks left they just didnt seem to stretch atoll in flower just bushed out more time needed with it me thinks it come from billy and I trust the Scottish fucker he's bonkers orite haha hope you enjoy the smoke master ! looks nice as ever sambo I still got basterd money stuck on Interaango from you cunt ! Hahah ! No probs though how are you .


Well-Known Member
Well they have 2 weeks left they just didnt seem to stretch atoll in flower just bushed out more time needed with it me thinks it come from billy and I trust the Scottish fucker he's bonkers orite haha hope you enjoy the smoke master ! looks nice as ever sambo I still got basterd money stuck on Interaango from you cunt ! Hahah ! No probs though how are you .
you could have had real pyscho too if ya hadnt spat ya dummy out lol

im all good rolla just cropped 25oz of exo coming to the end of me smokeothon now, although have still got 3-4g of exo iso but think il save that for xmas


Well-Known Member
I've a shit load of good trim, goina make a load of bubble hash very soon, kept all the good trim seperate from everything else so it should be nice


Well-Known Member
My son asked me why oysters are Aphrodisiacs.

"Not sure son, maybe because they smell like fannies."

"Ugh, is that what mum's is like?"

"You tell me," I replied, "you were the last one near it."


Well-Known Member
instead of waitin on the water to achieve room temperature before you feed the plants what would be wrong with just using water out the hot tap, provided u have a combi-boiler or sprint system as opposed to an actual hotwater tank that may be all limed up? i just filled my bucket with hot water and added my nutes and ph'd it and its fine, what would be the problem, if any, by feeding them with warm(ish) water?......cant see any logical issues myself, any opinions?


Well-Known Member
instead of waitin on the water to achieve room temperature before you feed the plants what would be wrong with just using water out the hot tap, provided u have a combi-boiler or sprint system as opposed to an actual hotwater tank that may be all limed up? i just filled my bucket with hot water and added my nutes and ph'd it and its fine, what would be the problem, if any, by feeding them with warm(ish) water?......cant see any logical issues myself, any opinions?
been doing that for years m8 never had a problem i dont do it warm tho just take the chill out of the cold tap in winter


Well-Known Member
Chedz always puts some hot in from the tap to take the chill off I can't cos I let mine sit a day but if it's way to cold I just sit the bucket in the bath full of hot water for a few min or you can take a mug of water out microwave it an chuck that in....

Anyhow how's it swinging lads?

Always had nice fat buds on the psychos I've done......


Active Member
instead of waitin on the water to achieve room temperature before you feed the plants what would be wrong with just using water out the hot tap, provided u have a combi-boiler or sprint system as opposed to an actual hotwater tank that may be all limed up? i just filled my bucket with hot water and added my nutes and ph'd it and its fine, what would be the problem, if any, by feeding them with warm(ish) water?......cant see any logical issues myself, any opinions?
i use warm water mixed with cold to feed mine with no ill effects.


Well-Known Member
kinda thought it seemed relatively logical, im a right lazy cunt when it comes tae feedin but since ah went into coco and got ma ph pen ahm beginning tae think that i'll increase ma yields if i'm a bit more conscientious and organised