possible theme song for medical marijuana?


Active Member
nice viral marketing ;)


Wow, just recently, my 'Do a doobie' music video above, is getting attacked by anti-marijuana people in the comments section on YouTube.
but.... a few marijuana supporters have come to defend my music video with their comments!!


Well-Known Member

Wow, just recently, my 'Do a doobie' music video above, is getting attacked by anti-marijuana people in the comments section on YouTube.
but.... a few marijuana supporters have come to defend my music video with their comments!!

Send them one with the theme song from MASH


Active Member
as I mentioned, my 'Do a doobie' video is getting attacked on YouTube in the comments section. There's this guy who says he has evidence that we lost the Vietnam War because our soldiers were using marijuana, and he has videos on his YouTube channel showing his friend who got his legs chopped off by a neighbor who was a pothead and wanted money for weed but didn't get it, so he chopped off his legs. And he posts comments like this on my video, and I'm quoting him directly:

"At a party I held one time, I caught this fucking pothead in my bathroom drinking out of my toilet. My friends & I took him out back & tied him to a tree with a dog leash since he was acting like one, & left a bowl of dog food there for him. In the morning we found him fast asleep there & the dog food bowl was empty."

And he gives out his 1-800 number to report people who are using marijuana.....




Active Member
Here's more unreal anti-marijuana comments that the guy I mentioned above posts on my YouTube video:

“N. Vietnam covertly introduced marijuana to U.S. troops in the Vietnam war, demoralizing & incapacitating our soldiers, resulting in our defeat. It was used against our boys again in Somalia, resulting in the infamous ‘Blackhawk Down’ incident. Never again! The presence of marijuana in military operations will now be dealt with swiftly, evacuating victims of marijuana to medical care, & exterminating the source of this toxic weapon known as marijuana.” (White House, Nov. 30, 2011)

"Marijuana is now considered a weapon of mass destruction. The United States government will act accordingly & hunt down these marijuana terrorists that cultivate and/or sell marijuana. We will deal with them harshly, as we have done with other terrorist groups such as al Qaeda." (White House news release, November 30, 2011)

"MARIJUANA IS EVERYONE’S PROBLEM. Does Your neighbor smoke marijuana? Report him & have him removed from your community! CASH PAYMENTS for information on marijuana smokers in your community. Phone 1-800-STOPPOT. See my YouTube channel for more information....
MARIJUANA-- The #1 cause of rape & murder ~~ "



Active Member
here's my other music videos, I guess I should put them here instead of making more clutter by starting another thread.

I wrote them about my Dad after he passed away, well actually one is about a mother, but I was thinking of my Dad when I wrote it but I changed it around to be about a mother:

"I'll see you in my dreams"-

"I don't wanna say goodbye"-

full arrangement version-

I'm also working on another WEED music video!!!
I like the do a doobie song, are these the correct lyrics?
There's a new dance craze that's sweeping the nation
It's called the toxic waltz, and it's causing devastation
Used to do the Monkey, but now it's not cool


Active Member
I like the do a doobie song, are these the correct lyrics?
There's a new dance craze that's sweeping the nation
It's called the toxic waltz, and it's causing devastation
Used to do the Monkey, but now it's not cool
Those lyrics aren't in my song

are we talking about the same song here


Active Member
Still blows. Sorry :(

Thanks for listening to it though!
I appreciate it.

I do have to say though that people have contacted me via forums and YouTube and asked me for the mp3 of the original version (for free, haha, I didn't say I gave it to them), and one guy on a video game forum actually put a link to the Do a Doobie video in his signature with the title "catchiest song ever" and I don't even know him, or even asked him to do it, LOL!


Active Member
I have a new song/music video I wrote about my Dad:

A staff member I met when my Dad was in Hospice is using the above music video and this other song/video that I also wrote about my Dad "You Were There All This Time" (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j7-p3XcHWc4 ) for her grief support meetings for other families who have lost a family member. One song is about recent loss while the other is about healing and moving on. I wrote the songs as therapy for me during my own grief, but as it turns out, other people have really related to these songs, and I discovered that I have the ability to really move people with my lyrics and music. Via messaging on YouTube, Facebook etc., people have told me they bought the songs on iTunes and used it for their Dad's funeral. That was totally unexpected when I wrote these songs, but you just never know....


Active Member
I just realized that on page 2 of this thread, in post #11, since I had to re-upload the Director's Cut of the Do a Doobie video, that link is no longer good. I had to make another version, because Google had changed their name of their download service (where I sell my songs in addition to iTunes etc.) from "Android Market" to "Google Play", and since I had the text of Android Market in the video itself, that made the video obsolete. So I changed it, and here is the new link to the Director's Cut:

In fact, I got rid of the text intro entirely and went straight to the scene with the girl. There are a few scenes that I added, and a few scenes that I deleted from the original Do a Doobie video in order to make it come out to around the same length as the original video.

I couldn't edit post #11 itself, probably because I think there's a time limit on which posts you can edit, I think.