What would you put in a time capsule you made for your future self?


Active Member
What if you knew you were going to be reincarnated or frozen cryogenically and thawed out at some point in the future, what are some of the things you would leave hidden away in a time capsule for your future self to use?


Well-Known Member
I would def leave a lot of seed in it, no guarantee that cannabis will be easy to get ahold of. A bunch of coins that would probably be very valuable, considering society is still intact.


bud bootlegger
I would def leave a lot of seed in it, no guarantee that cannabis will be easy to get ahold of. A bunch of coins that would probably be very valuable, considering society is still intact.
damnit peyote.. only three replies, and someone already stole me idea as i was gonna say i would leave me seed collection for it.. would be awesome waking up in x amount of years and only having marlboro bud or new phillip morris marijuana to smoke, then breaking out my stock pile and bringing joy back to the world with fine genetics.. :D


New Member
How far into the future we talking about? If it's 100+ years, I'd buy something I know would become valuable and keep that, I'll be rich in a blank of a flash!

Or still poor depending how much shittier the economy gets lol.


Well-Known Member
the older I get the less crap I want... the older I get the less important crap that was "VITALLY IMPORTANT" ten years ago is crap I would get rid of now.


Well-Known Member
deff a ton of sees sealed in various ways. guns if they'll fit. lots of ammo. as much money and valuables as i can spare.couple knifes.


Active Member
How far into the future we talking about? If it's 100+ years, I'd buy something I know would become valuable and keep that, I'll be rich in a blank of a flash!

Or still poor depending how much shittier the economy gets lol.
Lets just say it is an undetermined amount of time, could be weeks, could be hundreds of years, but everything else you own will be passed to your heir(s) and is assumed to be gone. To make things interesting, lets assume the time capsule has a maximum size of 3' x 3'.

Personally, I would put a variety of Cannabis seed, clearly labeled so as to be able to tell what variety you will be growing. I would also put gold and silver coins in the box, along with a gun and plenty of ammo. I would also stow some seeds of edible plants, just in case i awoke to some kind of post apocalyptic scene where most of the people have starved to death and the few who remain live in fear of marauding bandits.

A water distiller also will come in handy, I own one that holds several gallons of water, with the still mechanism sitting on top to catch the water vapors as they are made from any heat source. The still is made of stainless steel so you can just stick it on a stove or campfire to generate fresh water from almost any source of water such as the ocean.

A multitool such as Leatherman Supertool, a Buck knife, and some fishing line and hooks would also go in.

A warm wool blanket and a coat would go in...


Well-Known Member
pic of my family. gold & silver. handgun with ammo. a copy of popular science, the future edition? A copy of the Constitution (posterity?) Clean underwear. A bottle of water. A passport. Cash. and the Dharmapadda.


Active Member
US currency will be worthless very soon. so i would waste space on money. just fill it with weed, rolling papers and acouple lighter


Well-Known Member
guns and ammo only. i can take what i want with those, tools, your is mine boom your dead... food, yours is mine boom your dead...

@kinetic i hope i can fit in your boxers.. can you pack me a pair of 34W????
@medical420 boom i just took your stash\


Active Member
guns and ammo only. i can take what i want with those, tools, your is mine boom your dead... food, yours is mine boom your dead...

@medical420 boom i just took your stash\

nah, your gonna get so stoned from the smoke of my 1000 year cured Homegrown, that we will team up and find some fucking munchies and take a weed nap.


Well-Known Member
guns and ammo only. i can take what i want with those, tools, your is mine boom your dead... food, yours is mine boom your dead...

@kinetic i hope i can fit in your boxers.. can you pack me a pair of 34W????
@medical420 boom i just took your stash\
or i wake up in a nightmare in which case boom i'm eating the barrel :eyesmoke: