What "normal" food repulses you?


Well-Known Member
What's a "normal" food that you hate?? No wrong answers. Inspired by ObiJohn's latest reply in the Milk Thread.

Ketchup for me. Went to McDonalds when I was wee little and got sick from too many french fries and ketchup. Still can't eat ketchup. Or McDonalds. Love potatoes still though. How's bout you?
i'm not big on strawberries either.. i could choke one down maybe though.. i hate rubarb (sp?) omg, so nasty.. also not a fan of okra.. chittlins are also pretty foul..

not a big pork person either.. not too crazy about pork chops, i'll eat them once in awhile though but far from a fave.. also lamb is very far down in my list..
Mayo, sour cream (unless they are used to make something like a dip) I hate spaghetti or any real red sauce noodle mix.
mushrooms are the most disgusting food on this planet that slimy texture arghh makes me wanna puke thinking about them lol also prawns are pretty grose things make me feel ill lol
Awesome answers everybody. Exactly what I was hoping for with this thread.

It's apparently a good thing some of you don't like strawberries because I read pound for pound they contain the most pesticides.

Also to chime in with my quips of ketchup and tomatoes. I too have a weird relationship with them. I like them fresh on a sandwich or puréed into a red sauce such as spaghetti but get a bad gag reflex if they're warm and chunky.
Raw tomatoes. I don't mind them cooked like in pizza sauce but eating them plain makes me want to gag.:spew:
Raw tomatoes. I don't mind them cooked like in pizza sauce but eating them plain makes me want to gag.:spew:

i always give me dog my tomato from say a wendy's sammy.. it was a bad idea though as now she picks them right out of the garden.. just the other day i found one laying in the yard she grabbed off of a plant.. :D
TOMATOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I forgot about them. I can't stand them. The texture absolutely repulses me. I never did like them but one day when I was like 6 or 7 the fridge light was out and I grabbed what I thought was an apple and took a huge bite. i threw up all over the kitchen. I can eat salsa, pico, ketchup but a plain old slimy slice on my burger? eww get it off!!!!!
i always give me dog my tomato from say a wendy's sammy.. it was a bad idea though as now she picks them right out of the garden.. just the other day i found one laying in the yard she grabbed off of a plant.. :D

I can't stand the taste of a raw tomato. I always get mine made without. I can't even eat a sandwich that had tomatoes, even if taken out, if the juice got into it.
I can't stand the taste of a raw tomato. I always get mine made without. I can't even eat a sandwich that had tomatoes, even if taken out, if the juice got into it.

i agree on the taste of them raw, but i always still get them on my sammy's as the dog really seems to enjoy them...

my mom would always pick a fresh one and eat it like an apple, so ewww.. :(
I got sick one time from eating thin mint girl scout cookies, so no more of those. and peanut butter, can't stand the smell of that stuff