The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Yeah u can still smoke in the dam, it was left to each towns mayors to choose weather to enforce the ban and funny enough the dam said no thanks we like our tourist drug money lol

Majorcoco did u get the info u wanted about bitcoins? I think u sent me a pm ages ago asking where I got some hash I put pics up from? Could be wrong.


Well-Known Member
Yeah u can still smoke in the dam, it was left to each towns mayors to choose weather to enforce the ban and funny enough the dam said no thanks we like our tourist drug money lol

Majorcoco did u get the info u wanted about bitcoins? I think u sent me a pm ages ago asking where I got some hash I put pics up from? Could be wrong.

Didi ye get that email I sent ye, send ur info to that m8, no rush it'll be nxt week sometime anyway

wer u get the Bitcoins now m8? Still of vendors is it? Haven't had a look in ages been too busy, ill have to get me a wee selection box ordered up for crimbo tho


Well-Known Member
Just givin the room a clean out, goin stick root matting in all the pots before I put the pebbles in too try and keep the roots from goin down into the reservoir, I'm thinkin it might help in bein able to control them a little better, the seem to go a little mad when the roots hit the res. think it might help a bit, can't do any harm anyway


Well-Known Member
That's Wernard Bruining who opened the first coffeeshop in the netherlands in 1973 (Mellow Yellow).

u the guy with the white beard on stage dst? :chuckle:
There will be another Cup next year, they were already talking about it.....tourists can smoke anywhere in Holland except Maastricht cause the mayor there is a facist pig who doesn't like his parking spaces being taken up by Germans and Belgians buying weed in his city, lol.


Well-Known Member
Yeah u can still smoke in the dam, it was left to each towns mayors to choose weather to enforce the ban and funny enough the dam said no thanks we like our tourist drug money lol

Majorcoco did u get the info u wanted about bitcoins? I think u sent me a pm ages ago asking where I got some hash I put pics up from? Could be wrong.
Ha...after I wrote that here I went off and did some research...and decided I couldn't be arsed with it all. The only thing I'd want em for is silk road, and to be honest the only thing I'd want off there is hash. To be honest I've still got some hash sitting next to me here from my last trip to Dam, so I thought fuck it! I get a few valium everytime I go to india and that and a bit of MDMA is all the drugs I ever need. Fuck bitcoins man. Too much hassle!! ;)

Edit: And I'm too fucking lazy of course!!


Well-Known Member
A day pass fir the expo costs €50 mate. Judge pass €250 gets you in all 4days and into the concerts/ceremonies, free bus tours and the right to vote. Tho these were this years prices, it might change next year.


Well-Known Member
Now that the mayor of the Dam has regained order on the puffing I might do another for 1 night only for my 40th in June, fly in Sat fly back out Sunday fucking carnage!


Well-Known Member
This year we had about a dozen passes so people who gave us a shout got in for nadda.

@ Saer, the last two pics are a pic of the lads from Breeders Boutique, and a view of the inside of the warehouse where the expo was.
Hey Guys,
Just need some advice, think i'm getting paranoid. Have been growing for over 2 years with 1 veg tent under CFL and then a slighly larger tent were i have the 600 HPS, i'm usually flowering 3-4 plants at a time.
Can police detect heat from the grow tent? as I type this I know how ridiculous it sounds. but i'm constantly on edge i'm going to get caught. I don't sell and I just smoke with my GF and one other friend. the only thing is i live in a house with 4 others. no one has ever said anything, but they know I smoke. There no odour in the house, I have a carbon filter set up. anyone got any stories of how people get caught, and what penalties they get?


Well-Known Member
Ice, aye don went, which one you think he is then, lol.

And no worries with giving us a shout. After all, is that not what these communities are all about.....?

Dinnae fret lad. Just don't tell anyone you grow. Oh, and I forgot to say, don't tell anyone you grow.

QUOTE=Niall Mcdomniall;8314033]Hey Guys,
Just need some advice, think i'm getting paranoid. Have been growing for over 2 years with 1 veg tent under CFL and then a slighly larger tent were i have the 600 HPS, i'm usually flowering 3-4 plants at a time.
Can police detect heat from the grow tent? as I type this I know how ridiculous it sounds. but i'm constantly on edge i'm going to get caught. I don't sell and I just smoke with my GF and one other friend. the only thing is i live in a house with 4 others. no one has ever said anything, but they know I smoke. There no odour in the house, I have a carbon filter set up. anyone got any stories of how people get caught, and what penalties they get?[/QUOTE]