Bottled water


Ursus marijanus
It's safe but expensive. Can you get your local/municipal water analysis online? That should tell you if your tap water is good. cn

Light House

Active Member
Boil some water if your cheap.

If you can afford go to local safeway, walmart, grocery store etc. get some distilled water. But will probably have to add cal-mag.

If you fall inbetween buy some spring or drinking water, usually contain calcium and unknown ratios but is better than tap water.

Light House

Active Member
Get yourself some pH dye test. You'll need it. It costs about 3$ on eBay and if you cant afford that dont grow.:fire:


Ursus marijanus
Neither suggestion addresses my main concern ... TDS and sodium. Some tap in the States has too much of one or both. cn


Well-Known Member
I've been using Krogers bottled water on my grow. It's purified by reverse osmosis, advance filtration and ozone. Only costs like $3 for a 24 pack of 500ml bottles. They do not add minerals for taste like most bottled waters do. Straight out of the bottle it's pH is 6.1. After adding nutrient solution, it drops to 4.0ish and i bring it back up to 5.8 for my girl.

I highly suggest getting a pH meter. While drops "work" they are inaccurate and easily mis-read. You can pick up a pH pen for like $20-30 from your local hydro store, well worth the investment IMHO.


Well-Known Member
I dont have a ph tester so would bottled water be ok to water my plant?
If all you're worried about is the PH, go to a pet store or even Wal Mart or K Mart, and get the PH test kit for fish tanks.
Not entirely accurate, but good enough for fish, and won't cost more than a case of water anyway.


Well-Known Member
I've been using Krogers bottled water on my grow. It's purified by reverse osmosis, advance filtration and ozone. Only costs like $3 for a 24 pack of 500ml bottles. They do not add minerals for taste like most bottled waters do. Straight out of the bottle it's pH is 6.1. After adding nutrient solution, it drops to 4.0ish and i bring it back up to 5.8 for my girl.

I highly suggest getting a pH meter. While drops "work" they are inaccurate and easily mis-read. You can pick up a pH pen for like $20-30 from your local hydro store, well worth the investment IMHO.
Hm, you must be somewhat close to my area, I came from the west coast, and know they don't have Kroger's out there, but anyway, it doesn't sound like you are in hydro, and so I will mention.........
5.8 is a little low for soil, but right on the money for hydro.View attachment 2424220


Well-Known Member
Boil some water if your cheap.If you can afford go to local safeway, walmart, grocery store etc. get some distilled water. But will probably have to add cal-mag.If you fall inbetween buy some spring or drinking water, usually contain calcium and unknown ratios but is better than tap water.
Boiling water does not do anything. Get a drip ph tester. Piss yellow (not orange, not green) is 5.8.

I have spent over $200 on ph pens and they have all shit the bed.

You can get an R/O filter on ebay for less than $75.

Light House

Active Member
Hm, you must be somewhat close to my area, I came from the west coast, and know they don't have Kroger's out there, but anyway, it doesn't sound like you are in hydro, and so I will mention.........
5.8 is a little low for soil, but right on the money for hydro.View attachment 2424220
Awesome picture I'll be printing out to use at home, way better than the one I had thank you.


Well-Known Member
BTW, keep reading, and I think you'll find kinda like I did, the majority of guys (and gals) here don't care for distilled water, as it is too 'clean'.


in a nuttshell bottled water is 5.5 ph and should be fine ...but gunna cost you lol ....happy growing

spring water and the likes ...dont use disstiled or deionized

Light House

Active Member
BTW, keep reading, and I think you'll find kinda like I did, the majority of guys (and gals) here don't care for distilled water, as it is too 'clean'.

I understand their points. However I would rather add those things supplementaly so I know the exacts in my feeding and theirfor problem solving. Yes it costs more to do it my way and takes more work to mix but I've seen it work both ways. Commercially we use tap water and honestly no problems from Cal or Mg. Pure hydro. Privately in 85% of plants in soil/coco I use distilled.

This may be a preference game. Honestly id say if you got good tap water use it.

Is rain water practically distilled water?