The Secret Garden- Twin Blackstar 240.

looks delicios! demonic great work! i second that t5 proposal. and for flower why not consider a HID with 2 led panels on the sides... :) but thats just me HIDs not for everyone.
looks delicios! demonic great work! i second that t5 proposal. and for flower why not consider a HID with 2 led panels on the sides... :) but thats just me HIDs not for everyone.
My entire closet is running off one outlet. Thats a tower fan, 6" duct fan, 2 lights, a humidifier, small fan, I'd add a 400 watt HPS if I wasn't already pushing limits.
"humidifier"? really? lol you would more likely need that with leds. lol

and a 400w is fine to run with a 4" inline or a 6 duct fan, 400w aint shit. its when you start exceeding 400w....:)

as for the electric.... well depends on how dedicated you are, could wire something up im sure, but if that worth the hassle is beyond me. i dont care either way your doing your thang and it looks great! so fuck it, just keep at it!
Yea, I'm going to loose my house to foreclosure so I'm not doing any rewiring or anything, or else I would run and drop secondary power through the ceiling.
Yea, I'm going to loose my house to foreclosure so I'm not doing any rewiring or anything, or else I would run and drop secondary power through the ceiling.

Sorry to hear about your house man/ sucks..............shits not getting better around here in Philadelphia either/ friends losing jobs like an epidemic==many of them talking about growing for profit again; I won't! cause of a big talking /showoff grower also involved in this op ......well you got some frosty free smoke, nicely done.
Thanks... hopefully I't will taste great cured. I'm puffing on some skywalker that was the test branch. Just put into jar yesterday I think. tastes decent and gets you ripped but obviously still has the burn the back of the throat effect.
Well so much for harvesting under the full moon/eclipse i didn't get home until the moon was completely down. Took a look at Skywalker under the scope. Almost all clear or cloudy... not sure what to do. Shes around 9.5 weeks. Buds are hard, haven't really seen any new pistils or bud growth.I think I will chop her tomorrow when I get home from work. Also my plants that are drying are almost ready for jars and will be 6 days tomorrow... I hope that's not TOO fast a dry and destroys the taste.
I took a quick break from work, headed home while the moon was directly over my house. I didn't have time to make a blood offering, I will have to do so in the morning. Hopefully the Horned Goddess will be patient with me. Skywalker literally took like 5 min to hang. I just pulled the larger fan leaves and what I could easily clip of the ones mid bud and hung the entire plant. I will clip off manageable branches when I get home from work in the morning. Lemon the bottom buds where still a little larfy but they had at least filled in more than they where the week prior. I'm just happy I have more trim for another hash run. Hehe.
Well the Lemon and purp just went into cure jars at 6 days dried. Not counting all the "test" branches I took and smoked or the extra that's currently dryingLemon = 11 grams (but at least 6-8 more drying) so basically ~zip which is what I was shooting for. Anything more and it's just a bonus ;)Purple Wreck = 19 grams. Skywalker just got chopped into managable peices and trimmed a lil nicer. Hung up to dry in the not so humidor ... while I really didn't think of her as being a good yeilder I have to admit the nugs are dense as hell. The largest weighed in at 17 grams wet. I know that's not much compared to what some other guys get but I'm excited for it. This current run is only 16 days in and I can already tell this next one will have MUCH better results..
Not an official update

Just wanted to throw out a group pic now that they got the lights to them selves and can spread out.


Left to right.

Hawiian bagseed- Looking more like a bonsai now.

Purple Haze- NOT what I expected a haze to look like but a very happy plant. Leaves always reaching up looking happy as hell. Shes very symmetrical. The gap is because I removed the two giant fan leaves. Looks very Indica dom obviously so not sure I will enjoy the high but appearance wise i would love to do a SOG with these.

Purple wreck clone.. If you look closely you will see a tiny clone sharing pot for shits n giggles.

Chocolope far right. Nothing overly crazy going on with it to point out.
Did a little more LST on the Hawaiian.




I'm thankful I tied her her down while she was still pliable. she would of ended up being 4' tall.

Cleaned up a few of the lower branches ... might as well reveg/clone them.
Also one chocolope clone.

Hurry up and cure damn you!.. Not that it's stopping me from puffin.

Vented the cure jars this morning. Was pleased that they are starting to smell a lil more like dope than hay... My other cuts will be going to jar soon.
Bored and super tired at work. Born villain playing in the work truck.

[video=youtube;ykab4PNzUC8] [/video]

I must say, i'm feeling pretty darn good today. Not often a guy finds a incredibly cute gamer/toker chick who's totally into him. Only downside is she lives all the way in Ontario....

I am completely exhausted though. Got ~3 hrs of sleep and smoked a lil too much before heading in. Eye lids are heavy as hell. I just want to kick my feet up and take a nap.
That Purple Wreck looks nice, great job man!

Thanks, curious to see how it turns out this time around. Last time she succumbed to what I suspect was root rot.

Just jarred up skywalker after 5 day dry. largest bud 5g's total was a lil over a zip n a half. My hands smell soooo good. She retianed a good portion of scent through dry so I expect something stellar after cure. Over all I harvested exactly what I expected going into this and I can only expect better yields the next go around.

ns settup,beautiful plants.purple wreck good strong stone.