How Long Does It Take To Fully Grow?

what I did was I got an empty can and I put like 15 white seeds I got some regular dirt from outside and I planted it then I put some water for the first 2 1/2 weeks then I started pissing in it well not pissing IN it but getting like a cup and mixing my piss with water and putting it in the plant..

you're retarded.
and wasted 16 seeds.

learn to germinate, water, feed and light a plant and ill talk to you. haha :)
even if your piss is good in nitrogen it still has other poisons that the body CANNOT break down so why in the hell would you feed it to your plants?????

do you wanna smoke PISS grown plants?!?!?! fuckin gross,... i personally like my plants grown how they are suppose to be grown
dude restart im prtty sure ur roots are rotten if u didnt have any holes in ur lil can besides would be a nicer plant urs got owned it sounds like
I planted my plant like about 3-4 weeks ago and my plant is about 2 inches tall... the container I have it in is a can is like a corn can whatever..
I want to make it grow faster but it takes too long..

how much more am I gonna have to wait???
i planted mine 5 days ago and it is five inches tall! did you buy your seeds? y did you mix piss and water?????? that was a waste!!!!!!!
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what I did was I got an empty can and I put like 15 white seeds I got some regular dirt from outside and I planted it then I put some water for the first 2 1/2 weeks then I started pissing in it well not pissing IN it but getting like a cup and mixing my piss with water and putting it in the plant..

your a fucking idiot
it takes 12 weeks for the full plant to grow then you can smoke it.
i am grown a cheese plant and it has has only been 2 weeks and its grow dead good.
u can buy cloneing gel to clone it and make more plants.
you can all so buy something for the routs to double the size of your plant thats what in doing
no wonder your plant is takeing so long to grow u need to buy the right soil u dick not soil from out side and u need a heat lamp if u dont have one put i in the bin cause u want get any bud just leafs and the leafs that cm off it u cant smoke .
to grow weed u need.

heatlamp good soil a electric fan.

if no heat lamp thou it outinto the bin

u can buy something called grow yes it called(grow) and it will make it grow faster
Dude, first off, I would NEVER smoke piss pot, cause thats basically what that would be. I was hoping this would be a joke, but I dont think so. I mean why would you stir your piss in a cup and make a piss drink for your plant? It would prolly smelly like dead ass if it did get any bigger. Just throw some gas on your plants and try not to set yourself on fire. Start over man...Im done
Dude, first off, I would NEVER smoke piss pot, cause thats basically what that would be. I was hoping this would be a joke, but I dont think so. I mean why would you stir your piss in a cup and make a piss drink for your plant? It would prolly smelly like dead ass if it did get any bigger. Just throw some gas on your plants and try not to set yourself on fire. Start over man...Im done
when i was young we had an old apple tree,every weekend the old man had his drinking buddies over,they must of pissed over a 1000 gallons against that apple tree,and not one person complained about the flavor of the apples,liveing on the trapline if you had even a thought about not eating anything a bear or moose are caribou pissed on you would starve,i dont piss on my plants but ive been in the bush long enough to no it wont hurt you one bit,how many people would smoke the last weed nugget that fell in a pile of moose droppings,i for one never complained.hell we had to smoke an oz filled with weasel piss or no smoke for the winter,people get all dramatic when someone pisses on a weed plant like its sacred or something and god will strike you down.
I wasn't pissed, but dude had it in a corn can, I dont care bro, apple trees and corn cans are totally different situations. I guess you could call it the '' Bear Grllys '' strain if it works. Or ''Bushman skunk '' hahaha...