First timer about to start. Please leave your advise.

So after many hours of reading I've came to the conclusion that I will be using either LED UFO 180Watt light or CFL's

My question with the CFL is what watts should I use?
I was thinking of dropping 2 x 42W 6500K 2800 Lumens on each plant 4 plants total (veg)
2 x 23W 2700K 1600 Lumens on each plant (flowering)

Running 18/6 during veg and 12/12 for flowering.

I'm building a tent that's 32"Lx22"x63" Reflective sides with 2 out vent and one in

CO2 Will be on timer with lights.
When should I start CO2 Flowering or Veg

Please respond looking to start tonight.


Well-Known Member
That's not many lumens for a good yield. Those lights will have to be awful close. Can you get a good LED light? Or just go with the CFL but try 2 plants? And CO2 - I'd start using it in the veg and keep right on using it during the flowering cycle. Plants love CO2 and it can benefit them in any cycle IMO>
Well if that's too low what is the ideal lumen? I haven't bought the lights and for the LED which does everyone prefer.

Guitar Man

Well-Known Member
You want 2000-3000 Lumens per square foot. A 150 WATT HPS will deliver a whopping 16,000 Lumens, and the light penetration of an HPS is about the best you can get. They run lower in heat than MH, use less electricty, and can be used for Veg and Flower. I have a 2X4 closet and I run 2 150 HPS bulbs, and they work fantastic! IMO, light is the key to a great harvest. Poor light, poor harvest. Next grow, I might try to sqeeze 1 more 150 HPS in there.
So would 400W HPS work well in the space I have and will it cover all four plants? I'm looking at 400W 55,000 Lumen would this work?


Well-Known Member
If you're going to use cfl get 50's or 150's or 250's. Don't screw with the little ones unless you can figure out how to add a dozen.
Scratch that its H*L which makes mine 15.75 Square feet. so by what you all were saying I will need about 44,000 but with 4 plants will 55,000 be enough?


Well-Known Member
Go with a 250-400 watt Hps for your space and you will be hooked. Cfls are hard to position and reduce heat since thy have to be so close to the canopy. Constantly raising and repositioning according to plant growth. The Hps will increase yeild, plant vigor, and possibly shorten veg time to get the height you want, and it can be raised much higher above the canopy. But either way make sure you stay on top of ventilation and air flow. Most noobs concentrate on the lighting( which is VERY important) and ignore the other environmental factors. I have no experience with LEDs. C02 can be key to killer harvest if you are set on CFls. And for 4 plants under a 400 Hps has the potential for close to a pound of grade A buds. CFLs will get much less. Happy growing.
I'm starting a new hobby I'm never taken part of herbs but my wife is a big fan and I'm trying to keep her happy... I Think the more i read the more I might go with HPS 400W The room I'm building my tent stay on avg is 50degrees on avg. would 1 fan intake and 2 fan outtakes vents both 6" work? I'll have two thermometers one at the roots and one at the canopy would a single light raise it 20 degrees? So much learning and trial and error. I'm doing my best to have a great first grow.

Soil? I've been reading about Masters' Pride Professional Soil. Anyone ever use this?
So looking at lights which brand is the best I'm seeing a few different brands... Help me pick...
Agromax, Digital Plus, HTG Supply, or growbright or does it matter? Would love to know who you all are using?


Well-Known Member
IPower is a great ballast. Inexpensive and digital and sometimes dimmable. The reflector is dependent on the lay out of the room. Air cooled ones keep the temps much more manageable. Use Amazon to compare.


Well-Known Member
There are tons of options. Everyone has their own opinion of "best" or "next best". Agromax is # 2 in my circle of growers and friends.