Wal-Mart: The Asshole of America


Well-Known Member
Actually the war in Iraq is costing you guys a trillion dollars a year, that is being borrowed from china....
And oil prices are going up because of the ability for the stock exchange to buy on margin, which means you can buy and sell a barrel of oil before its even pumped out of the ground.


Active Member
the international bankers first gave out insanely convoluted home loans to million of people and let us bury ourselfs. Now the people are gonna look to the government and ask them to take away more of our freedoms to get us out of this fucking "depression". wake up


Well-Known Member
Actually the war in Iraq is costing you guys a trillion dollars a year, that is being borrowed from china....
And oil prices are going up because of the ability for the stock exchange to buy on margin, which means you can buy and sell a barrel of oil before its even pumped out of the ground.
I thought the oil prices were going up because George Bush pissed off the arabs. Am I wrong?:peace:


Well-Known Member
I thought the oil prices were going up because George Bush pissed off the arabs. Am I wrong?:peace:
Yeah, the war has nothing t do with. Everyone thinks it does, but thats the trick.

Two things happen to increase the prices. First they have to drive to record highs, and then create a situation where they can justify high oil prices.

As the price trickles higher..slowly, the boys on wall street decide that investing in oil is a sure fire way to make money. so they buy. Then they sell to this other guy on wall street, who buys from him for a little more. and next thing seventeen people buy one barrel of oil, before it ever enters your country. These two situations work together to self perpetuate higher and higher prices.


Well-Known Member
AND! if there is any mention of a union. The Manager is to report to head office immediately. At which point a team of three union specialist fly out to rinky dinky down in their jet and take over temporary control of the Store. At which point they systematically go through the staff and find the person who is speaking to a union and fire them. They are VERY good at doing this and VERY quick. This is their only job and its almost and art form.

If you think Wal-Mart supports unions. It does exactly the opposite. It might be feeding you chump change with one hand. But its choking your child with the other.
Brother you know not of what you speak or at the very least are over dramatizing the issue as many do.

First off supporting trade unions that pay their membership in the $70 an hour range to errect their buildings is not chump change,not even close,the trade unions walmart supports helps pay the salaries of men who are proven to stay at their job more than a few months with most being in the life long carrerr catagory,the trade unions that walmart supports are stable high paying jobs .

Ok now,on to walmarts anti "inhouse" union policy.

This is the one thing you are correct about,walmart has taken a stance against ANY INHOUSE unionization of its work force,let's look at the reasons why it is in walmarts best interest & in the interest of the consumer for walmart to remain non union.

What could the possible benifits be to walmart for becoming a union shop ?

Better employee training offered by unions ? ,i think not,it dont take a rocket scientist to stock a shelf,not one area of walmarts day to day operations needs any real training above 7th grade skill level.

Long term devoted employees ?,again i think not,the average length of employment of any low paying job like food service or commercial food workers is not lenghty,employees use places like walmart & (meijers who just so happens to be a union shop) as a stop gap until they find better paying employment.

Higher productivity due to slightly higher wages ? ,walmart as a business allready runs like a finely tuned machine,how would raising wages increase employee productivity when walmarts entire hourly work is still looking for a better job the day they hire on.

Lets take the wage issue one step further,how much would walmart need to raise the employee wage to convince a employee to make a long term carrer at the company,lets leave management positions out of the ecomomic end of this discussion for the sake of making sense of walmarts reasoning.

Weather a person loves ther job at walmart or not,sooner or later the economics of commercial food work are going to force that employee to look for more suitable work in order to move up in life,this applies to unionized commercial food service as well as walmart,it's impossible to stay a stock boy for 20 years & be able to pursue the american dream,economics & the sheer buying power of the people will not allow such a lengthy stay,there are only so many high paying management positions open at any one time,the rest of jobs available are very low skill level with a massively high turn over ratio.

Im a 100% union man down to the bone when it makes sense,union membership can be a great thing,great for the economy,great for corporate,great for labor & great for the consumer but only when clear cut benifits of unionization can be shown across the board,in this case the only ones would benifit would be the union proper,their benifit would be from due's collections.

Show me how walmart going union would benifit all involved if im off base here .


Well-Known Member
How about the fact they don't use union labor for their workforce?
How about it ?

What would you like me to say,would you like me to say that if walmart paid a high enough union wage that their employees(even a stock boy) could make a life long carerr at the company it would be better for all.

How high of an income level would a walmart employee need to make a carerr choice deciding to build a life & family based upon long term employement at walmart ?

Would you & other consumers be willing to pay extremely inflated prices in order to pay for these massive wage raises ?


Well-Known Member
I think what a union would do is stop the abuse that employees have to take.

For example, they often tell employees that a certain amount of clothes have to be stocked on a single shift. Sometimes that number is more then an employee can do other there paid shift. They say it HAS to be done before you go. In this way the employee has to work an extra hour without pay, or they get fired.

You should watch "Wal-mart, the high cost of low price" It talks about both of these issues. I assure you, i do not embellish.


Active Member
Hey guys,

First, no offense, but if you don't shop at Wal-Mart, they won't miss the estimated $257,000 you would spend there over your lifetime.

Second, Americans have traditionally been opposed to large concentrations of power. Wal-Mart is the largest corporation in America. Stop hatin' on it just because it makes profits. Corporations exist to make profits to pass on to their stockholders. If you want to get in on that skrilla, buy some stock.

Third, Wal-Mart does not pay its workers below the poverty line "in most states". Full-time cashiers at Wal-Mart make almost $1 more than their counterparts at other big-box retailers. In only three states does Wal-Mart pay less than average retail wages. 3 out of 50 isn't bad.

Fourth, Wal-Mart does not destroy jobs. If anything, it creates more! Economists have studied "Wal-Mart towns" (rural towns with populations of less than 30,000 who got a Wal-Mart store somewhere between '97 and '05). These towns exhibited more growth after Wal-Mart arrived than before. Wal-Mart attracts more business (restaurants, hotels, other stores) because Wal-Mart attract a lot of people, and businesses want to be where the people are! Perhaps in the process, Wal-Mart has closed a few "ma and pa" stores, but that's just market-capitalism at work. If a store closed, it's because they offered less selection at higher prices. In this world you must ADAPT to survive... if you don't want Wal-Mart to put you out of business you have to do something NEW or BETTER than them.

Fourth, Wal-Mart has REALLY improved the lives of Americans in rural towns. It has brought them more selection at lower prices, and you simply CANNOT deny how positively the CONSUMER SURPLUS created by Wal-Mart has BENEFITTED this country. I'm pretty sure that if you were to ask ANY TOWN with a Wal-Mart if they would give it up they'd say "HELL NO"!

If you want to LEARN more about Wal-Mart, I encourage everybody maybe take a couple economics classes and read some books. I recommend: The Walmart Revolution by Richard Vedder.


Well-Known Member
I think what a union would do is stop the abuse that employees have to take.

For example, they often tell employees that a certain amount of clothes have to be stocked on a single shift. Sometimes that number is more then an employee can do other there paid shift. They say it HAS to be done before you go. In this way the employee has to work an extra hour without pay, or they get fired.

You should watch "Wal-mart, the high cost of low price" It talks about both of these issues. I assure you, i do not embellish.
Cmon man stop it,have you ever been inside a walmart ?

The picture your painting of employee's working feverishly trying to get their job done is not reflected in what we all see when we go to walmart.Your painting a picture of John Henery the steel driving man, laying down 20 miles of tracks every day under slavery conditions.

When i visit walmart i see employee's chillin out,usually gathered in small groups talking about personal shit,or slowly walking down isles on their way to do god knows what,ive yet to see any employee at walmart kicking ass & taking names,or even breaking a sweat,its an air conditioned building for god sakes .

I am an employer of union men & i too set goals & quotas that need to be met daily,i set my goals & quotas on what i know for a fact that i personally can accomplish in a days work,if these goals can not be met by a man then he gets a warning to either pick up the pace or go buy a newspaper for the help wanted ad's,im very close to retirement so if a 35 year old man cant atleast keep up with me then somethings terribly wrong,equal pay means equal work, period.

That stupid saying where "all people dont work at the same pace" was started by a bunch of lazy ass people & is ALWAYS quoted by lazy people to explain away their personal lazieness,if a person cant keep up stocking a shelf at a walmart they must be either lazy or a weakling,lazy is a condition of the mind & can be rectified,being a weakling is a whole other issue.

If a person is truly such a weakling that stocking shelf's blows them out then they applied for the wrong job & hired in under false pretenses,there is no way a person can be that weak & not realize a job lifting box'es is too hard for them before they take the job.

Im going to walmart in a few minutes to pick my wife up some snacks for her hospital stay,i'll keep a close eye out for those guy's feverishly trying to get their job done in the alloted time,allthough they might be hidden by the small groups of walmart employees gathered & chillin out so i cant gaurantee i'll see them.


Well-Known Member
Hey, dude, i have done a lot of research on the subject. Do think that people complain just for the sake of complaining. Where theres smoke theres a fire. I implore you to do some research, rent one of the 20 documentaries on the subject. There are also a TON of books. I am not over embellishing. I have to admit, i might be a little bit bias on the subject, but for good reason. The world needs radicals to keep things in check. There are just a lot of people out there that think that wal-mart is the greatest place on earth and turn a complete blind eye to all the problems that it creates; and don't see the connection with there own problems and the problems that this company creates.
I was an avid wal-mart shopper until about a year and a half ago.


Well-Known Member
wal-mart is gluttony. Americans and chinese love it like flys on shit.
It truly is an asshole. Instead of pissing in the pool, wal-mart takes a big dump.


Active Member
wal-mart is the beginning of socialism in this country, and if you cant see that your a brainwashed sheep, just like your supposed to be.

and penn and teller or a couple of the most corrupt corporate douchbags in vegas.


wal-mart is the beginning of socialism in this country, and if you cant see that your a brainwashed sheep, just like your supposed to be.

ROFLMAO...that's just funny......so funny...

I'm going to go shopping now..at Wal-Mart......

Wal-Mart Rules!!!!:peace::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
these are the ignorant masses. That is who walmart appeals to. These others ideologys and beliefes are the reason why global warming is happening and even why some people even deny its happening. Or like china proclaiming that The dalai lama is a terrorist who has the face of a man but the heart of an animal. How do you get millions of people to believe that? The same way you get a nation to believe that it needs wal-mart and no amount of wal marts will ever be enough. every fuckin idiot and thier mother goes to wal mart and not even bother to think how am i saving money, at what cost etc. If you havnt noticed, theres nothing stopping wal-mart. They are going to be here for a very long time.

"What do they sell at Wal-mart? Wals or something?"
-Paris Hilton

Muddy Paws

Well-Known Member
these are the ignorant masses. That is who walmart appeals to. These others ideologys and beliefes are the reason why global warming is happening and even why some people even deny its happening. Or like china proclaiming that The dalai lama is a terrorist who has the face of a man but the heart of an animal. How do you get millions of people to believe that? The same way you get a nation to believe that it needs wal-mart and no amount of wal marts will ever be enough. every fuckin idiot and thier mother goes to wal mart and not even bother to think how am i saving money, at what cost etc. If you havnt noticed, theres nothing stopping wal-mart. They are going to be here for a very long time.

"What do they sell at Wal-mart? Wals or something?"
-Paris Hilton
Well, where do you get groceries at?

Some of the ignorant masses you speak of are poor as shit and Wal-Mart makes a buck ride a little further. You quote Paris Hilton (ick); she's a millionare..I'm not.

I don't care if Wal-Mart tries to take over the world...all they would do is install lighting in every street and put everything on sale.