New guy here...Some questions for everybody.


Somebody I know is about to start growing marijuana in his basement. First I would like to show you the lights that he purchased. This is the setup

First thing, He is aware the bulb that comes with it is for flowering, so he also ordered a 400W bulb that is for vegetation (blue spectrum).

First question- How many plants do you think he could grow under this max? I truley believe it could definitely be more than one.

Second question- it is winter time where he lives, and the cellar tends to get a little colder at night. Do you think a heater of some sort would be required? It doesn't get freezing cold, but it certainly isn't warm.

Third question- It certainly isn't humid down there, is that good or bad? should he get a humidifier?

fourth question- it is being grown in the same room as the dryer, I don't see this causing a problem, right?

Final question- Sterlizied soil, correct? Could somebody give me the name of an exact soil that he should purchase.



New Member
1. He sure paid a lot for a 400w setup.

2. metal hallide is better for veg growth. hps for flowering.

3. whats the temp? youll need to know this. 75-79 is pretty optimal with lights on, 65 or so with lights off.

4. humidity? what is it? recommended by the site is about 60% for veg, 30% for bloom.

5. how in the hell do you sterilize soil? im a hydro guy so i'd love to know how you sterilize dirt.


Thanks for the answer, and i just realised the bulb is MH for the vegetation, so we're good to go...Im gonna find out the temperature. But back to my first question, how many plants could he grow under that? 3 right?


Well-Known Member
Sterilize dirt by baking at high temp long enough the internal temp exceeds 200F. It's smelly as hell and won't soon be forgotten.


Won't i be fine if he just gets foxfarm ocean forest? And could someone tell me the amount of plants he can grow under the light?

Digger Dave

A dryer in the same room.Gas or elect. not a good thing,I'm a retired appliance repair person and grower since i was fifteen,with that said,please move it if ya can.


Well-Known Member
I have a 400W system, too. I have two plants under it that I topped early so they're very bushy with multiple colas. I don't think the light would be strong enough for more than this. So I'd say two plants if you're turning them into bushes, maybe 3 or 4 at the most if you're not???? But they should be very close to reflective surfaces to make the most of that light. If your basement is large and you're just hanging the light above the plants I think you'd do well to use two plants but top for multiple colas.

2 weeks in 2.jpg2 weeks in.jpg


A dryer in the same room.Gas or elect. not a good thing,I'm a retired appliance repair person and grower since i was fifteen,with that said,please move it if ya can.

Their is no way it can be moved. Is this going to be a serious problem?


Well-Known Member
the most i have had under my 400w is 6 in 2.5 gal buckets. they all grew ok. I would say 4-5 is good though.


New Member
"I" and "He", you might as well just refer to you as 'you'.:wink:
No doubt.

You're better off putting the room in the bathroom than the laundry room.

I got 2 400 kits, 2 MH bulbs, 2 hps bulbs, digital ballasts and hoods for 200$ shipped to Alaska. Tell your boy to shop around before he continues to rip himself off. (not trying to be a dick lol)


No doubt.

You're better off putting the room in the bathroom than the laundry room.

I got 2 400 kits, 2 MH bulbs, 2 hps bulbs, digital ballasts and hoods for 200$ shipped to Alaska. Tell your boy to shop around before he continues to rip himself off. (not trying to be a dick lol)

I know you're not being a dick, the truth hurts, haha. The thing is, the warranty is 5 years long, anything happens to it, its replaced for free, bulbs and all. He thought that was a good deal. The only place he can grow is the laundry room. The dryer is electric, he was in there when it was on, and he said the only difference was it was a little warmer in there. The cellar is quite spacious.

Hopefully no problems arise from this..


New Member
Ok. It's completely pitch black dark in there right? If you have light in there when it's night time, it can/will cause your plants to go hermaphrodite. Even small pinholes in a tent can cause this. Usually the plant closest to the pinhole will go herm. The darkness part is almost more important than the lighting part.

This means, no doing laundry at certain times. Also, your air quality could suffer.

Just helping you foresee things. That's all :) That's what the board is here for right?


New Member
Seriously though, wtf is "sterilized dirt"?? I haven't ever heard of this. Is this just a new guy saying something that has got me thrown off?? lol


Ok. It's completely pitch black dark in there right? If you have light in there when it's night time, it can/will cause your plants to go hermaphrodite. Even small pinholes in a tent can cause this. Usually the plant closest to the pinhole will go herm. The darkness part is almost more important than the lighting part.

This means, no doing laundry at certain times. Also, your air quality could suffer.

Just helping you foresee things. That's all :) That's what the board is here for right?

Absolutely. My friend is a complete idiot when it comes to these types of things, as big of a noob as it gets, haha. I'm sure he really appreciates your help.

Another question, is bottled water at room temp. good for feeding? And also, he purchased Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil, along with Neem oil and the sticky white fly traps. Good move right?

He is also under the impression that he needs a fan blowing on the plant to keep the main stem strong and to keep the waste moving or something...?


Well-Known Member
Ocean Forest is good, it can be a little strong sometimes for small plants but once the funky shit breaks down and the plants have a root system its good,just let it dry it a little in between waterings (dont keep it soggy). I dont know what you mean by "sterilize" the soil, but dont do it..the whole purpose of growing in dirt is that its biologically active, right? If you want a sterile growing medium use coco or rockwool instead.