Tap water high pH, will this help?


The tap water here is like 7.7 and I started using General Hydroponics pH Down (http://generalhydroponics.com/site/index.php/products/maintenance/ph_buffers/ph_down/) but I didn't realize it said to lower the pH of nutrient solution and plant fertilizers. It says nothing about just water. I was wondering if anybody has used this or maybe has some insight on to what this could do and possibly another solution to lowering the pH. Any help is appreciated.
its fine to use it in just water... just make sure you keep the same ph with water and nutrient water!!


New Member
I use the same thing with a 8.3 out of the tap. If your adding nutrients, remember that general hydroponics has a bit of ph down in it. I will add my nutes to 8.3 and it will be about 6.7 after. Then I will PH down to 5.8 (or whatever number I need to)

Always always always adjust your PH to the correct number. The plant cannot uptake nutrients if the PH is in the wrong range.