Kicked Out

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i go downstairs, my moms like so what u gonna do
im like idk, dont rly have a plan. or money
dad goes not my problem u need to get going

and just like that my day went from shitty to just LOW

i'm in my car in a mcd's parking lot. nice to know your parents can't tolerate you during the holiday season so they'd rather kick you out...on the street
naturally, that's the first question anybody would ask, to try and "find the other side of the story"

they had said one week from the start, I could live at home. I guess cuz "I'm very difficult to live with"

yea happy holidays
i gotta ask, how old are you m8??
and why don't you have any money saved up?? do you currently have a job?? not trying to be a douche, just trying to get more info..
and btw, i think it's kind of shitty to just kick your kids out to the streets if they have nowhere else to go if they're not being a total ass lick at home, which is also why i asked the other questions as well.. :D
One week notice? I always thought the lowest notice people usually get is at least a month or 2, that's pretty low of them, and yeah they could at the very LEAST given or even lent you a little bit of gas money.
One week notice? I always thought the lowest notice people usually get is at least a month or 2, that's pretty low of them, and yeah they could at the very LEAST given or even lent you a little bit of gas money.

if you're not paying any sort of money or never signed a least, i'm pretty sure you don't have any sort of renters rights or anything like that and can be told to leave at any time..
it does vary from state to state as well..
naturally, that's the first question anybody would ask, to try and "find the other side of the story"

they had said one week from the start, I could live at home. I guess cuz "I'm very difficult to live with"

yea happy holidays

So you lost your place...then asked your parents if you could move back in...they said yes for 1 it's been 1 week and they kicked you back out? Is that the situation?
Ever think about the fact that maybe you are a bad kid and hard to live with? You had to of royally fucked shit up for them to kick you to the curb...A good sorry and an I love you goes a long way with parents FYI.
I read the OP's first post, then looked at his name, and the wheels started turning. I have a friend who allowed his son to drop out of HS and live off of him for another 5 years. He NEVER got a job and smoked weed all day. Eventually he threw him out because he was tired of all of his kid's friends of like mind hanging out, eating all of his food, making a mess they didn't clean, etc. It's called tough love and it has to be done at some point.

Whatever the reason, it sucks to be Budsmoker87. I wouldn't wish that situation on anyone. Do you have any friends that you can crash with for a bit until you can get something going? If shit is getting real, you can always clean up and join the military. Go to exotic lands and kill people. Then come home, claim PTSD, get benefits, and start smoking weed again.
get job at McD's

sell car

get place

you will be happier!

real simple .. . dont mooch just cause you can . . .dont be a fin shaggy

and tbh you sound like a chill dude. . . . . . didn't flip out just wtf mom, dad . . . . but just goes to show that you got to provide for yourself . . and with a little slave labor its possible
I thought Bud made good money, and I asked him yesterday of he had any savings because I feared precisely this situation. He was saying he made good money but was unhappy and a drifter (seems to be either on an oil rig or his car) HunI love you, but you should have put away money you didn't want/need in the bank and not spent chasing women and drugs.

Bud, I feel for you, having been kicked out before, but when I was in high school and I'd loaned my Ma all my money. I know it's not a nice situation. Find yourself an apprenticeship, internship or another job quickly and a soo as you get that first paycheck, open a bank account. Find somewhere to settle. You say you don't like your jobs or the women around you, so maybe now you have no more ties and no obligations to anyone, it is the time to go.. It is always easier said than done, but at least your exit is clear, If I get kicked out I get guilt tripped for not being at home cleaning or looking after my younger brother..

Good luck on your adventure Hun x
ya i feel for ya, i was also kicked out of home in high school had to live in my car for a while . . . . . if you want to change your situation in life you will . . .thats all i can really say as advice
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