Club 600


Well-Known Member
Yeah it's all relevant to the activity level of the breed. I started out wanting an English mastiff but it has evolved to the cane corso now. I have time to figure it out still, I gotta wait till my English bulldog kicks the bucket and he's 8 so statistically speaking it won't be too long! Lol I sound like I'm wanting him to croak, but that's not the case :) He is not friendly to strangers or new animals whatsoever so bringing a new pet in isn't an option.


Well-Known Member
I see loud on Craig's a lot, I don't foresee ever using it myself. This girl I know when we first met asked me if my buds were regs or kush... I was like well actually there is some kush in it, but I don't think that's what you're asking me!
I see it used there all the time as well

I love it..."Kush or Regs"
Like Kush is the king of all weed. Not saying I dont love kush in the mix, but my fav strain doent have kush in the name at all.
Big dogs needing more room to run is a myth. Mastiffs don't like to run that much. Believe me. Give them a good comfy couch and permission to get up on it and a happy dog you will have. Not that I condone letting your dog become a lazy oaf getting all fat on the couch, a good walk and park time is good exercise, but the idea that the bigger the dog the more room you need is crap. If anything, it's the other way around. Rant over.
Yeah it's all relevant to the activity level of the breed. I started out wanting an English mastiff but it has evolved to the cane corso now. I have time to figure it out still, I gotta wait till my English bulldog kicks the bucket and he's 8 so statistically speaking it won't be too long! Lol I sound like I'm wanting him to croak, but that's not the case :) He is not friendly to strangers or new animals whatsoever so bringing a new pet in isn't an option.
My Jack Russell x Chihuahua was small and needed lots and lots of room. He would break outta the yard and run to the park and do laps for 30 mins or so then come home.
My Big dogs have wanted to run around sometimes, but that lasts about 5 minutes lol.

Right now 2 dogs one 110 lbs ....lazy other 11 lbs hyper as hell!!


Well-Known Member
Any dog will tie you to home more but a large dog makes life a little more difficult getting out and around, unless you have a van of some sort. Posers who have their Danes and such with their heads out the car window should have a stop sign laid upside their heads, IMO, :) (see? Happy Duchie) My last Mastiff wasn't as good with new people and pets either. Know how that feels.


Well-Known Member
Any dog will tie you to home more but a large dog makes life a little more difficult getting out and around, unless you have a van of some sort. Posers who have their Danes and such with their heads out the car window should have a stop sign laid upside their heads, IMO, :) (see? Happy Duchie) My last Mastiff wasn't as good with new people and pets either. Know how that feels.
My Blue nose x Amer Bully loves new ppl and dogs and obeys me.

The lil Schweeny is a PITA!!
She chases kids cars name it. If she was big and a real threat I would have been in trouble by now.

I cant even take her in the front yard without a leash.
My big boy goes out in the yard and does his business and the neighbors are all intimidated (good boy!) and he doesnt even care about them, as they cross the street to pass...


Well-Known Member
You just reminded me, last weekend we were out front and my neighbors Great Dane got out. They weren't home and my son knows the dog a little so he corralled him back towards the house to put him away. As I got closer I realized the gate was closed and was like hmm odd. Just as the dog walked up, slowly stood up on the gate and pulled himself up and over in one fluid movement without so much as a hop. I lol'd and was like well so much for our 6' fences! Hope he doesn't come into my yard to visit my bulldog!


Well-Known Member
You just reminded me, last weekend we were out front and my neighbors Great Dane got out. They weren't home and my son knows the dog a little so he corralled him back towards the house to put him away. As I got closer I realized the gate was closed and was like hmm odd. Just as the dog walked up, slowly stood up on the gate and pulled himself up and over in one fluid movement without so much as a hop. I lol'd and was like well so much for our 6' fences! Hope he doesn't come into my yard to visit my bulldog!
Wow up and over the fence!


Well-Known Member
Yo, new pics. Getting bushy...preflowers are allover but can't determine which are male and female just yet. Another few days to a week maybe. Haven't switched to 12/12 yet. Hoping I can ditch the males and transplant 1 more time to 5 gallon containers to flower the remaining girls that are left.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I cant focus my camera very well apparently. This is what I just tried, its uhh fruity chronic. Pretty good, nice flavor, mostly in the head.


Well-Known Member
Cheers Saer,

I wanted an Alsation, but my wife said i would need to be walking it shit loads and it wouldn't be fair in our apartment.....her family has one in SA, but she wants a border collie when we eventuially get a dog...


Well-Known Member
Cheers Saer,

I wanted an Alsation, but my wife said i would need to be walking it shit loads and it wouldn't be fair in our apartment.....her family has one in SA, but she wants a border collie when we eventuially get a dog...
Border Collies need GIGANTIC amounts of exercise.


Well-Known Member
Border Collies need GIGANTIC amounts of exercise.
Yup, Border collies (same as the springer/cocker spaniel that i one day want) are like an amped up can walk em for 10 miles then play with a ball in the park for an hour then walk home and the first thing that happens when you get through the door is they wanna go straight back out again, they just dont seem to tire for anything and always want to play/go out etc


Well-Known Member
That's why the boss said we'll get one when we are down in SA. Then it can run around a garden all day long. If there was a bad storm at night her Border collie, Golem use to run around the house at night round all the kids rooms making sure everyone was cool. I am totally down for having a dog like that!


Well-Known Member
Nice Cali, I think you would probably enjoy going through my CD collection. I use to be into Master P before he went a bit kind of......well not too interesting. Loved the old school stuff with In a Minute Records, and when King George, EA-ski, Chill Powdah etc were doing stuff with him. I think he got a bit too big. Anyway, the Rich.
fuck 2:15 here in Ca. Late night porn



Well-Known Member
morning 6er's, i uh got to the root of my problem!IMG_0124.jpgIMG_0125.jpgPretty kool root ball i thought! cali i love late night porn whodini used to say the freaks come out at night and thats fine by me lol! Hey guys here's a quick question for ya's all. Of all the clubbers and there last 5-10 years of puffing what was the strongest indica strain(thats still available) that youve either grown or smoked or both?Thankyou for your input ahead of time of course!


Well-Known Member
Although I didn't overly enjoy it, Herijauna was/is a strain that straight up sent you to sleep.

One of the nicest Afghani's I ever had was actually from Barneys (:shock:) but when it was only one little shop selling breakfasts and weed.

curious old fart

Well-Known Member
Although I didn't overly enjoy it, Herijauna was/is a strain that straight up sent you to sleep.
I totally agree, but it makes a nice breeder for increasing the potency of a strain.

about collies......high maintenance, and not the sharpest tack in the box. Go back to your original idea of an Alsation....much better, loyal and a fierce protector.
