First try at DWC. Pyramid seeds Auto Purple


Well-Known Member
Someone should make a sleeve for a 5 gallon container that plugs in and keep the res nice and chilly, that way you can have more light without heat issues.


My little Auto Purple is growing pretty fast. From just yesterday, she grew a full set of leaves and half of the next set. I'm pretty happy. :D Also, another bagseed I had sprouted and it is now planted in the late SWD's bucket, so we'll see how that goes.

Just a couple shots of my little Auto Purple. :D


Still growin pretty great. It's growing fast, which is promising. Also, my other plant has sprouted above the soil. :D

Here's my little Auto Purple. Growin pretty fast.

My new little plant. Just a couple pictures


Active Member
that auto looks really nice man keep it up. make sure you clear any dead vegetation from that dead plant. always good to keep things as clean as possible.


Not much to report today. Just a little growth. Started to ice bombs to the DWC res to keep temps cooler because roots are getting into the water now


Life's been a little crazy lately and haven't been able to update. But I finally got the chance to get some pics and update this thread. So my plant is now just about 20 days from it first popped up, and she (Finally confirmed! :D) is beautiful. The water level got pretty low, so I added a gallon of nutrient-enriched water to the res. Still changing the ice bottles everyday to keep the temps down. I forgot to take a picture of the roots, but they're nice and healthy and white. Ill take a pic tomorrow. My other plant in that little grow box is growing well, but it looks really...weird. Any ideas on why would help. But here is my Auto Purple and the other plant in my little grow box.

Here she is from kind of a top view. As much as I could get with my iPod camera.

An attempt to take a pictures of the pistils, but again, iPod camera.

A side view of my baby

My little mutated baby


She's still growin nice and steady. Starting to get smelly :blsmoke: Trimmed a couple of the leaves from the bottom that weren't getting any light. There seems to be quite a few new bud sites, and there's more popping up every day. Once I start to see flowers, I'm gonna change the res since this one had Grow Big nutrients in it constantly. I'll make a mixture of Tiger Bloom for this res and rinse out my current bucket to prepare for my next grow. Well, without further ado, here' the part that we all care about: the pictures. And I actually got a shot of the roots today. Let me know what you guys think. :D

Couple top shots.

My little mutated baby

A nice shot of my Auto Purple's roots

A nice side shot


So a little has changed since the last time I updated this. My Auto Purple was starting to grow into my little bagseed's space because of some LSTing I did. So I decided I'm going to put the ScrOG screen in between my Auto Purple and the bagseed and have any branches that grow into it start growing up. We'll see how it goes. But here are some pics of my girls.

My Auto Purple.:blsmoke:

A shot of the screen in place

My still-pretty-mutated baby


Only reason I'm updating 1 day after the last one is to record that I changed the res to flowering nutrients and changed the lights to flowering lights. Gettin pretty smelly and hairy and already starting to see some "sugar" on them. :mrgreen: Here are some pics. Also, I've found a couple male parts on my Auto Purple. I've only found 3 and I've picked them off. Should I be concerned? I see a lot of female flowers and pistils still.

Couple pics of my Auto Purple.

A quick shot of my root mass

And last but not least, my little mutated baby. At least it's still growing and at least it already has 5 leaves.


Well-Known Member
Only reason I'm updating 1 day after the last one is to record that I changed the res to flowering nutrients and changed the lights to flowering lights. Gettin pretty smelly and hairy and already starting to see some "sugar" on them. :mrgreen: Here are some pics. Also, I've found a couple male parts on my Auto Purple. I've only found 3 and I've picked them off. Should I be concerned? I see a lot of female flowers and pistils still.

Couple pics of my Auto Purple.
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A quick shot of my root mass
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And last but not least, my little mutated baby. At least it's still growing and at least it already has 5 leaves.
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Looking better. Mine are at day 10, I hope they come out as good as the auto purp.


Well got a better camera so Ill be able to take better pictures. Pretty happy. Not much to report. Weaved a couple of the branches into the screen, and topped my other plant. Do you know when about Ill be able to tell sex on the bagseed? If its a male, I wanna get it out of that chamber ASAP. The pictures are before I topped the bagseed. And the bagseed is 17 days from when it sprouted.

Couple shots of my Auto Purp

And a few shots of my still-mutated-baby


Ive been weaving a couple of the Auto Purple's branches into the ScrOG and it seems to be working fine. She's getting smellier every day and every day there is significant growth. In fact, I have to raise the lights every day because it's growing into the lights. Unfortunately, it burned a couple of the leaves, but I tamed it a little using the ScrOG. :D The bagseed is on day 20 and it's doin pretty great. Lots of growth and I topped it yesterday and it's already started growing the 2 main shoots. By the way, anyone who's following this, my Auto Purple doesn't have a main branch. Just a bunch of side branches. I tried to top it and I think it failed because there is nothing growing there. Is this going to ruin my yield? Just curious. Also, added 2 more 6500K 23w CFLs over the bagseed and it seems to like it. I'll soon be getting a 400w HPS and MH light as well as a grow tent and 2 more DWC set ups. I'll be setting those up for my next grow, which is going to be Nirvana's AK-48 and Zambeza's Blue Magnum. I've been doing quite a bit of research, and basically all i had to gather was MH bulb is for Veg and HPS is for Flower, right? If anyone has any tips to growing with a HPS or MH light as compared to CFLs would be greatly appreciated. And last question: I'm pretty much ready to give up on soil, so is it possible to transplant a plant from soil to a DWC set up, or do I just have to ride out the soil for the bagseed? And now the part that everyone waits for: the pictures. Enjoy! :D

Root mass

The main stalk where nothing will grow now after failed topping.

Some leaves that got burned from the lights. :(

An attempt to get a shot of my newly topped plant. :D

My little plant. :D

My ScrOG from the bagseed's side of the grow box

My Auto Purple. :D


Both of my plants are growin pretty good. Went out and got the materials for 2 more DWC setups and I'll be getting the 400w HPS light this weekend. Still can't tell sex of the bagseed (day 25), but I'm checking every day. Also, in the days that I didn't update, I topped my bagseed twice. So now for the part everyone looks for: the pictures.

My not-so-little-anymore bagseed.

Few shots of the Auto Purple

Just one of the many bud sites on the Auto Purple

Main stalk

Root mass


So I finally got my 400w HPS light and added it to my little grow box. I took out 2 of the 23w CFLs and put back in the 6500k lights. There are now 8 23w, 6500k CFLs above my little bagseed and just the light from the 400w HPS on the Auto Purple. Well. And any light it is getting from the CFLs from it's grow-mate. The reason I don't just have the HPS light growing the bagseed is because I'm trying to keep it short and bushy and I've heard the 400w HPS makes them stretchy and I don't have a MH bulb yet. I unfortunately got a magnetic ballast (Craigslist. Hood, bulb, and ballast for $75. Can't really complain. :D ) so I have to get a MH conversion bulb. Eventually. So without further ado, i give you the pictures.

A few shots of my Auto Purple.

A shot of the ScrOG. Lots of bud sites even on this side

The light set-up above my bagseed

My bagseed. I can't even say "my little bagseed" anymore. She (hopefully) is growing up so fast... :')


I finally got my tent! No more ghetto grow box. I got a 4'x4'x6.5' grow tent (Craigslist. $50) and set it all up and moved everything into it. I had to take off the ScrOG from the side of the Auto Purple in order to move it. Now that it had room to spread out a bit, my Auto Purple is way bigger than I thought. My bagseed (topped twice, four main stalks) is growing really well. It's already starting to get sets of 9 leaves. There are 8 23w CFLs over my bagseed and just the 400w HPS, and any light it can get from the CFLs, on my Auto Purple. There's just a regular fan blowing through one of the exhaust holes. Because of where my whole set up is, dropping temperatures really isn't that much of an issue. I kinda skimped out on the pictures this time compared to normal, but I'll get more on the next update. But here's what I did get.

Outside of my tent

My Bagseed. Still not sure if it's a male or female yet

My Auto Purple. :D


I'm not sure anyone is even watching this thread anymore, but it's helping me to have a place to write it all down anyway. Not much has changed since yesterday. Trimmed the girls a little bit. Filled the DWC with more water and watered the bagseed. Started to notice some deep purple in the Auto Purple today though. Pretty excited about it. And now some more updated pictures, since i didn't do so well yesterday.

My bagseed

A shot of the whole Auto Purple

A couple close-up shots of the Auto Purple

Root mass

An attempt to show you all the purple in my Auto Purple