Kicked Out

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well if you'd all excuse me i've got to jerk my meat in the car, looking at porn of course :) i love me my evening sesh. might roll a doob before i end up nutting, or nut and go for round 2. I'll let you all know

as he sat there getting high beating off in his car in his parents driveway budsmoker87 wondered to himself if there was more to life... then rolled another joint and went for round 2
i just got a stamp and mailed that letter so the courts will mail me my $1,500

at the rate at which i spent money at hotels this past year, i figure not staying at hotels or renting any places will save me a good $7,000 a year
i woke up at 7:45 am and came inside. all i had on my mind was food, coffee and scheming a way to make some dough. I ran into mom, asked if she minded i cook, she said she doesn't so long as it's cleaned after and i made a bomb homemade tomato/beef sauce with rice noodles and some coffee. first thing's first, I mailed the signed documents to the public defender's office, including a post-it that read "please send refundable bench warrant check to this address".... when they review and sign off they'll mail me that dough. I'm gonna live the most frugal way POSSIBLE, and the weather has been cooperating with highs in the low-mid 50's. that's good for me, not great for the mtn, but that's on saturday. they've been making snow and will be up and running. if i can spare 160 till i get my first check that'd be ideal. fucking life has costed me too much money when the money isn't coming in

sorry sunni
oh and going from making $3,200 a week take home to $200 a week will require some patience and forethought in understanding this is only temporary. i hope that check arrives before xmas tho and i can just take off in january, like the 2nd week
Bud I hate some of the things you say and do, but I love you. Thankyou for apologising to Sunni and I hope you will learn and grow up a little from this experience. Stick to my plan, keep treating your mother well. Asking your dad for a job might not be a bad idea if you need to have a stable base at home for a while.

Good luck, and maybe when you've made your first million, I'll ask Tip Top if you're allowed a reward cuddle. Fix up, make everyone here and at home proud of you, make amends.
how about tip top and i tip-topple you over when i bank $50k. We'll put bills in your lingerie under sexy pussy cat costumes and take pictures and make threads for you...i'll be the fireman with the hose. Please, careful with that thing hunnie, contents under high pressure ;) we woudn't want to blue sweet baby black girl's cheeks...or would we? heh. yum
Why is it impossible to stay mad at you, you little fuck....

But seriously, you have cause ALOT of trouble in and out of this thread. Go forth and report progress as you fix it.

We'll make a calendar or something at the end of this year. That's your timeframe to turn everything around and do something really nice for your parents. Something sincere. From the heart. Make Subni a little something, too.

Good luck and off you go now, get the fuck offline!(x)
you are text book bi-polar OP
kuroi why do you play nice with this person?
i'm fucking disgusted by his behavior. i regret posting suicide hotline numbers for your assistance.
i go downstairs, my moms like so what u gonna do
im like idk, dont rly have a plan. or money
dad goes not my problem u need to get going

and just like that my day went from shitty to just LOW

i'm in my car in a mcd's parking lot. nice to know your parents can't tolerate you during the holiday season so they'd rather kick you out...on the street
bo who bo who im living out of my car. dude i gave me apartment to a couple who needed it and took to the streets till the 2 weeks of school is done then ill be in another state. at least you have a car. mitch and i and some dude i dont know his name, have been walking spokane for the past 2 days. God blessed me with weed sold and a hotel room. the shelter isnt bad but 8 o clock is fine every once in a while. at least you have a car. being homless isnt bad dude. there are worse things.
you are text book bi-polar OP
kuroi why do you play nice with this person?
i'm fucking disgusted by his behavior. i regret posting suicide hotline numbers for your assistance.

I've had worse said to me but I feel it better to forgive. In case you haven't notice, he doesn't take criticism well. He can only see one side of the picture. Negative things make him go into self destruct mode as what happened when Sunni didn't give him the response he was hoping for. He will only change of he can pull himself out of this shit and grow up.

I am not condoning his behavior as has been stated, but ripping the shit out of him in the same manner as he has done with others won't fix anything either :(

I'm trying not to dogpile or take sides. It's not constructive.
I've had worse said to me but I feel it better to forgive. In case you haven't notice, he doesn't take criticism well. He can only see one side of the picture. Negative things make him go into self destruct mode as what happened when Sunni didn't give him the response he was hoping for. He will only change of he can pull himself out of this shit and grow up.

I am not condoning his behavior as has been stated, but ripping the shit out of him in the same manner as he has done with others won't fix anything either :(

I'm trying not to dogpile or take sides. It's not constructive.
what do you mean "worse said to you?" do you think Tip Top would be so forgiving if budsmoker said the shit to you he said to sunni?

who cares?

may fix him a bit to get the shit he flings thrown back at him.

imho opinion he doesn't take anything in a constructive manner. it's not taking sides when you state your opinion and most others agrees, it's called being right.

i think you're a good kid but you have to realize you can't fix or save everyone my friend. :eyesmoke:

what do you mean "worse said to you?" do you think Tip Top would be so forgiving if budsmoker said the shit to you he said to sunni?

who cares?

may fix him a bit to get the shit he flings thrown back at him.

imho opinion he doesn't take anything in a constructive manner. it's not taking sides when you state your opinion and most others agrees, it's called being right.

i think you're a good kid but you have to realize you can't fix or save everyone my friend. :eyesmoke:

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