best way to store harvest


Well-Known Member
I am having problems trying to explain to someone how to properly harvest and store ur bud so without another word from me, can some other growers out there help me out with this amateur who hasn't a clue :roll:bongsmilie


Active Member
Agreed. I burp my jars ever day for the first week then every other day for the first month. After that, once a month if I'm not smoking out of it. I've never kept a jar for more than 6 months though. I can't comment on long term storage.


Active Member
Its not rocket science. And there are 100's of threads on the topic. have "your friend" Go on your computer and search the forum for it. Kinda seems weird you can't explain it to him considering he's you friend but ok.....I cut my plants, hang them, when crispy dry to touch I do a final trim and remove from branches, then paper bag, Then Jar and burp a few times, then Good to go. pretty easy just gotta be patient. :leaf:


Active Member
is there any reason canister vac wouldnt hold longer than airtight jar? For storage(longtime). Or Im guessing an occasional burp is beneficial too. hmm. Its gonna take me quite some years to find what i like best. PEACE and Store your BUDS!


Well-Known Member
1. You can trim the buds and hang to dry in 65-70 degrees. RH should be 50-55%. 5-7 days
2. You can cut whole branches and hang. 7-10 days
3. You can cut the whole plant at the base (fan leaves and all) and hang the whole thing ~10-14 days. This helps with the slow dry. Trim when dry.

It really depends on your environment. If RH gets over 60% - watch for mold.
Have a fan circulating light air.

If you dry too fast........yes you will have dry bud that smells like hay. I've done it too many times.


Misguided Angel
1. You can trim the buds and hang to dry in 65-70 degrees. RH should be 50-55%. 5-7 days
2. You can cut whole branches and hang. 7-10 days
3. You can cut the whole plant at the base (fan leaves and all) and hang the whole thing ~10-14 days. This helps with the slow dry. Trim when dry.

It really depends on your environment. If RH gets over 60% - watch for mold.
Have a fan circulating light air.

If you dry too fast........yes you will have dry bud that smells like hay. I've done it too many times.
Well said +rep to you sir! Make sure the fan is not blowing directly on the buds though!


Active Member
I've seen wineries use pure nitrogen gas (out of a spray can) to purge the oxygen out of opened bottles of wine before recorking. I'd imagine it would also work well for long term storage of buds. any oxygen in your jars will oxidize and degrade the cannabinoids. Nitrogen is heavier, so it pushes the atmospheric air (including oxygen) out of an upright jar.


Well-Known Member
I've seen wineries use pure nitrogen gas (out of a spray can) to purge the oxygen out of opened bottles of wine before recorking. I'd imagine it would also work well for long term storage of buds. any oxygen in your jars will oxidize and degrade the cannabinoids. Nitrogen is heavier, so it pushes the atmospheric air (including oxygen) out of an upright jar.
That would be an interesting experiment. Anyone have nitrogen???


I use half gallon Ball jars and a handheld Foodsaver to vacuum seal them.
One of the things I would be curious about is whether there might be more outgassing of some of the volatile terpenes (and water!) from the bud in a vacuum environment. It might be interesting to compare a nitrogen stored bud to one stored in the vacuum after a lengthy period wrt moisture and terpene content.

Another thing I was curious about is whether "oxygen absorbers" available through Amazon and elsewhere might be effective in storage. They create a partial vacuum with oxygen gas removed from the jar, but with the other natural gases remaining (uses iron oxide). It is nowhere near the vacuum level as that of a vacuum sealer, so might be more gentle than a full vacuum wrt outgassing. Of course you need the oxygen during the cure, but maybe for longer term storage it might make sense. A possible downside is that the absorbers also use *some* of the moisture in the air (until oxygen is gone). So maybe one of those humidity packs (small) in addition might help.


Well-Known Member
Really long term storage idk about but herbpreserve make a hell of a storage jar and their customer service is top notch