Well-Known Member
Anyone know if 4 probablyCorners has heavy enough yields to snap branches?
Probably. Going to have to talk shit or start some seed genetic drama to illicit. A response from aredankness. To rtespond
Anyone know if 4 probablyCorners has heavy enough yields to snap branches?
I am going to assume it wont unless someone says otherwise. That is the impression I had prior to asking but figured if it potentially would be an issue someone with experience would say something and not be evil. Reason I even ask is because I am going to be extremely tight on cash until my harvest in April and I am avoiding any additional expenses such as extra support suitable for my layout.
So is the lpb. Mold n mildew. Resistant. Suitable to Mich. Outdoor?
Sorry I have not grown it. It is a large yielder however, so I would say it would be more prone to mold outdoors.
There will be plants that will be rotated, fishing line is not going to cut it. Going to need individual cages that I will probably custom build. Altho I am planning on using the fishing line in the meantime as a fail safe so the entire plant does not fall over somehow. Not going to help if branches get so heavy they snap which from the pics ive seen doesnt seem to be the case with 4 Corners. Also, I am back seat growing the strain, which by Christmas I will be doing everything first hand. Taking cuts from the moms by Jan 1st.Too broke to spend $3 on fishing line or string to tie plants up? Come on man. Ask some questions when it's time. You're still not growing this strain yet. Wait til you get to these problems. Your questions don't always get answered because they are all hypothetical and there are so many variables. Does this plant need support? Well yeah if you grow it to be a 7 ft tree, if you flower out a bunch real small probably not. But that is the same with almost every strain? See what I'm getting at? No one can answer your questions because they aren't specific, and they aren't specific cause they are all hypothetical cause this is a non existent grow as of now.
Shit looks fire. But there's no chance in hell I'd pay seedbank prices
Shit looks fire. But there's no chance in hell I'd pay seedbank prices
Gonna try to see if I can pull enough money together soon after my plants start flowering to put cages on the plants receiving 1000W light from multiple angles since those are probably the only ones potentially at risk for having branches heavy enough to snap. Still have other things of higher priority to cover that the cost is still being determined, but I might say fuck it and get like a 2K loan to cover the remainder; and not have to eat ramen noodle hook-ups every day and have money for bud.I've made wire cages, they work great. Then a bunch a bunch of the small zip ties and use them, very quick, easy, and effective.
Well first post was a complaint about seedbank prices. Second about not caring about 'coin' followed up by your good works.I treat cancer patients out of pocket. I don't make "coin"cause I don't care for "coin" I care for patients.
I'm thinking he missed the point. But really can't bring myself to care. Anyone??I have no doubt to the genetics. I simply stated I wouldn't pay seedbank prices. I've never payed a cent for genetics tho. And refuse to let any I know spend any as well. I don't care about MAKING coin. I grow for others out of pocket therefore I don't have the money to pay inflated prices and rediculous shipping in hopes of the package arriving when I can wait a month and get it for free. That's great you give away beans but that has nothing to do with anything I said in my op. I wont bother to keep arguing preference. Seedbanks are scams /.02
I have no doubt to the genetics. I simply stated I wouldn't pay seedbank prices. I've never payed a cent for genetics tho. And refuse to let any I know spend any as well. I don't care about MAKING coin. I grow for others out of pocket therefore I don't have the money to pay inflated prices and rediculous shipping in hopes of the package arriving when I can wait a month and get it for free. That's great you give away beans but that has nothing to do with anything I said in my op. I wont bother to keep arguing preference. Seedbanks are scams /.02