Sr. Verde's: Concentrate Corner

until this guy posts a video (A CLEAR ONE not one with a camera phone he borrowed off a 12 yr old in 2006) from beginning to end he is full of shit IMO. most of his posts make NO SENSE

if u r a teacher MAKE A VIDEO post it TEACH EVERYONE not just ur 50 or so imaginary friends
post wtf you do so special that makes your oil danker than the rest? I'm glad you guys can't put the concept together, as I get time for my grant application. You guys haven't got the foggiest. It's no wonder I feel so deserving of the grants I am applying for, suckas. So if that happens, it would become public knowledge soon. But if you don't speak Chinese, your not going to understand the technical talk either. My methods require some tweeking before I can suggest you to be doing something against the law, like unscrewing the valve off a tank etc.
It's no wonder I feel so deserving of the grants I am applying for, suckas.
Just for that we are going to laugh when you don't get the grants, which you will not. You do nothing special and your extracts look mediocre at best. If your grant writing ability is 10X your post writing ability in coherency you will still not have a chance.

You must realize that your posting is confusing. I went to school for chemistry, but you dance around what you are actually doing in an attempt to sound smarter and more experienced than you really are. My stupid simple lighter fluid extracts shit on your mix solvent oils all day. Why? Because extracting with solvents is so easy any retard can do it. Its heat/vac purging to shelf stable glass without losing the flavor that requires some experience and machinery.

Okay so what I've gathered on this oilmaker fellow is that he really really likes using dry ice in combo with typical solvents, and calling it a CO2 extraction. And he thinks this is better than BHO because its more safe. But really the dry ice is just making his solvents cold, he doesn't run at the pressure/temp required to make the dry ice liquid. He is doing sub-zero extraction. And I'm not sure he is vac purging, he seems more focused on the wash than the purge. And he is cheap, and wants to spend as little as possible on making extracts. Ronson... lawd have mercy. That stuff stinks imo, just sniff it, pee-yew.

Is that about right?

Just for that we are going to laugh when you don't get the grants, which you will not. You do nothing special and your extracts look mediocre at best. If your grant writing ability is 10X your post writing ability in coherency you will still not have a chance.

You must realize that your posting is confusing. I went to school for chemistry, but you dance around what you are actually doing in an attempt to sound smarter and more experienced than you really are. My stupid simple lighter fluid extracts shit on your mix solvent oils all day. Why? Because extracting with solvents is so easy any retard can do it. Its heat/vac purging to shelf stable glass without losing the flavor that requires some experience and machinery.

Okay so what I've gathered on this oilmaker fellow is that he really really likes using dry ice in combo with typical solvents, and calling it a CO2 extraction. And he thinks this is better than BHO because its more safe. But really the dry ice is just making his solvents cold, he doesn't run at the pressure/temp required to make the dry ice liquid. He is doing sub-zero extraction. And I'm not sure he is vac purging, he seems more focused on the wash than the purge. And he is cheap, and wants to spend as little as possible on making extracts. Ronson... lawd have mercy. That stuff stinks imo, just sniff it, pee-yew.

Is that about right?

from his videos earlier i also learned his house is a mess he probably isnt bringing any women back thr
back to the thread i prefer mine solid vac'd after sitting out for a few days then whipped

cherry pie

Just made this BHO today from mixed OG & SD duff.
Vac & heat purged. Smokes very smooth :)

(haven't tinkered with the pictures at all, just different lighting in the room)


Also, one question:
Does anyone experience that decarboxolated BHO (that has been heated excessively during the purging process) is harsher to smoke and hits you harder? I guess thats the whole point? I just burnt some oil in the oven yesterday, totally goofed - forgot to set my timer (never using the oven again btw, f*ed shit up so many times cause i was just gonna have a dab and then spaced out to set the timer, lol). It was total watery liquid and boiling by the time i got to it, so I ended up with this black syrup that kicks my ASS and makes me cough. Any thoughts?
Laugh? You forget I done bitter kola, targeting caffeine and at 200 bar successfully did so w co2 and water only. If needed, I could extract DNA from anything you drank, smoke, or ate w a fork. So this industry, I'm not applying. So keep laughing cause your wax is on fire. WTF do you forget what butane's job is sir? I'm shaking my head in disappointment because wtf are we asking from it when we spark a lighter? So your attempts at ridicule are amusing to me, sir!

IMG_20121208_021154.jpg Same Ronson? Different CAS#? Different facility? Wtf? And why is it printed in Spanish, made in the USA?
Like I said before, ain't nothin you can teach these people you do different about your process that makes it any better than anyone else using power 5. Good now that you understand my point, I would like to state something on another deviation from my methods, from which I created. I like my co-solvent to hit the matrix at like 1,000 psi if not higher. Here I use ethanol and dry ice filling the green tank, the baby tank has an oz in it, then I screw together and make sure the valve is closed. At the other end is a check valve and I tank transfer co2 at this point. Your gauge can hit quite high. I've hit 2,000 psi on this type of fill and as it warms it will get higher. So there isn't an addition of heat needed and bleed off any foreseen overpressure w its rate of increase. So if you see your gauge climbing fast towards your max psi rating, crack that bitch until enough headroom is made for your peace of mind, Re-close the valve and maybe now heat can be added. So Dr.brownstainforbrains, you see how I try to teach but dumb shits like yourself make it real hard to do so? And Dan, it's hard to believe the credentials you have(superstoner or whatever), but who am I to discredit or not to read your posts prior to writing w you recently? I assume people know I am co2xtractr or fusionfreak2009 from my youtube channels where I do have the first video showing a co2 extraction, thus making it easier for a whole industry to break out the dark ages and get current w some more modern applications that are GREEN.

still doesn't answer my very basic question. Why are co2 extracts superior? They appear to be significantly less potent. Seems more comparable to cold water hash. In that case, why wouldn't I just want cold water hash?

I'm not trying to give you a hard time here, but come on man. You're making it tuff on me. All I'm asking is why do you think co2 extracts are superior? I do tend to annoy people with questions they find unpleasant but that's the only way to get legit information. In the cannabis world if you just take everything anyone says as legit information without asking questions, you end up with a head full of bullshit. I'm just looking for accurate information, not trying to have a pissing contest.

Also the "superstoner" is not a reflection of my skills or give me credibility, it just means I've been posting a long time.
post wtf you do so special that makes your oil danker than the rest?

high percentage of thc and/or cbd + good flavor without unwanted plant material usually represented by a good smell, light color, and a lab test. If you have some evidence that your method produces similar results I'd be very interested in seeing that. If it turns out to be correct than I would be very interested in hearing more about your process.

I'm glad you guys can't put the concept together, as I get time for my grant application. You guys haven't got the foggiest. It's no wonder I feel so deserving of the grants I am applying for, suckas. So if that happens, it would become public knowledge soon. But if you don't speak Chinese, your not going to understand the technical talk either. My methods require some tweeking before I can suggest you to be doing something against the law, like unscrewing the valve off a tank etc.

If you're killin' it making concentrates, why waste your time applying for grant money?

Just for that we are going to laugh when you don't get the grants, which you will not. You do nothing special and your extracts look mediocre at best. If your grant writing ability is 10X your post writing ability in coherency you will still not have a chance.

You must realize that your posting is confusing. I went to school for chemistry, but you dance around what you are actually doing in an attempt to sound smarter and more experienced than you really are. My stupid simple lighter fluid extracts shit on your mix solvent oils all day. Why? Because extracting with solvents is so easy any retard can do it. Its heat/vac purging to shelf stable glass without losing the flavor that requires some experience and machinery.

Okay so what I've gathered on this oilmaker fellow is that he really really likes using dry ice in combo with typical solvents, and calling it a CO2 extraction. And he thinks this is better than BHO because its more safe. But really the dry ice is just making his solvents cold, he doesn't run at the pressure/temp required to make the dry ice liquid. He is doing sub-zero extraction. And I'm not sure he is vac purging, he seems more focused on the wash than the purge. And he is cheap, and wants to spend as little as possible on making extracts. Ronson... lawd have mercy. That stuff stinks imo, just sniff it, pee-yew.

Is that about right?
ROFLMFAO. Holy shit are you way the fuck wrong or what! Holy shit first off you don't know shit about my process unless I gave you a lesson. So your assumptions are quite queer sir. The temperature is a stable one when I extract. Meaning the dry ice went through these dynamic changes during it's life cycle. First as a snow, then a subcritical liquid, a supercritical fluid, finally back into a snow different from the parent snow that was loaded. So it's used for it's gas and liquid properties that are indistinguishable from each other. It is a non-polar solvent and it's for that reason ethanol is the ideal solvent to co-extract w. To target the areas co2 does not cover, taste preservation, for a slight residual that is < 15 % wt.wt., and only recently did I resort to using butane for other reasons than a cheap date. The yields are bigger, the high is better, but when your last $10 is all you got and a full co2 tank, it's better to go w tane rather than look to iso for your savior.IMG_20121207_230747.jpgHere's 1/2 oz vs 1.48 oz Ronson which is not yet purged.
The answer is simple. The chemical formula C4H10 is harsh when compared to CO2. First CO2 isn't spiked w a nasty, alarming odor like butane is. It doesn't have an inherit taste passed to the end product. 2nd it's a more pure chemical that evades legalities in California that are associated w stiff manufacturing charges the same as cooking meth. Another is because it's solubility factor is dependent on temp/pressure relationship, different strengths of concentrates can be obtained. Also placibo marijuana can be made as a bi-product from this process. It uses the humans ability to choose the way they want to leave their carbon footprint in this case it's on the smaller side, but going green has got to start some where. It then progresses to efficiency, waste prevention, recycling, because there is a pothead somewhere in the world wishing they were high, I dab w safety pins for you guys!!! Waste not, want not. But unlike a butane extraction, the conditions you expose it to makes the big differences. How long, ratio co-solvents, temperature, pressure, sub, super, polar, non-polar, both,etc have every impact on the final product. It's not like pumping a can through the extraction. Your the commanding chief extractor who's job is to formulate a precise mixture of various co-solvents. At low pressures it's the only way to have success w co2. At 5,000 psi plus it's not needed, but still improves yields. It is so much more accurately replicating the matrix, and the smoothness alone is all I need as butane extracts are harsher by nature. CO2 is extracting w food or a food grade extraction and done from stainless steel your a medicinal oil at this point. It could be left a fluid extract w 40% alcohol content, where concentrates start about 15%wt. wt. to fully dried wax. Why anyone would prefer tane to co2 is absolutely absurd. Where you get your shit from, so I know never to go their, or if I did it would be for them to see wtf co2 oil really is.
still doesn't answer my very basic question. Why are co2 extracts superior? They appear to be significantly less potent. Seems more comparable to cold water hash. In that case, why wouldn't I just want cold water hash?

I'm not trying to give you a hard time here, but come on man. You're making it tuff on me. All I'm asking is why do you think co2 extracts are superior? I do tend to annoy people with questions they find unpleasant but that's the only way to get legit information. In the cannabis world if you just take everything anyone says as legit information without asking questions, you end up with a head full of bullshit. I'm just looking for accurate information, not trying to have a pissing contest.

Also the "superstoner" is not a reflection of my skills or give me credibility, it just means I've been posting a long time.
If I were so full of shit, why do people like on average 1 out of 8 posts I put there? Is that a good number? Verde, how many times people like what you post vs # of posts? Who knows, mine could be low to percentages, but I think it's better than most members who actively post.
I liked it for you so now it's 2out of I far from think you're bullshit...your pics look like fkn gold jello....that's the shit I want!!!!
But for now I'm on an IceWax mission....I want to be Rize