U.S vs U.K


Well-Known Member
Definetely the US, we pretty much get off with a slap on the wrist over here in the UK, for example a friend of mine got caught recently with about 30 plants, scales, baggies etc and got a 6 month suspended sentence and a £780 fine + £300 court costs


Well-Known Member
Definetely the US, we pretty much get off with a slap on the wrist over here in the UK, for example a friend of mine got caught recently with about 30 plants, scales, baggies etc and got a 6 month suspended sentence and a £780 fine + £300 court costs
Thats actually very similar to repercussions here in washington state...if any. You have to understand that there are 50 different sentences depending on which state you are in. Not to mention that as of december 6th here in washington state weed is legal. In one year growing it will be legal with a permit and right now i legally grow 30 plants for medicine.


Well-Known Member
Thats actually very similar to repercussions here in washington state...if any. You have to understand that there are 50 different sentences depending on which state you are in. Not to mention that as of december 6th here in washington state weed is legal. In one year growing it will be legal with a permit and right now i legally grow 30 plants for medicine.
Yeah but to be fair when we get raided we dont have flashbangs thrown in our face, our dog shot then a gun shoved in our face lol


Well-Known Member
Your cops dont often have guns lol. So ill concede that point. No hate for the uk here im only second generation straight from maidstone in kent.


New Member
well ,america is such a massive place ,laws vary alot ,like in texas you could get life for dealing and in cali you can walk into a dispensary .In the uk though ,it's so ridiculous.They fly helicopters around looking for growers non stop.They look for tip offs wherever they can get them .When they find out your growing ,they'll drive a van load of drug squad cops with riot gear around to your house and smash your door down ,wreck your house ,make you look like a mafia drug lord in front of all your neighbours ,but then when its all done and dusted you get a caution or a small fine or even a suspended setence for like 30 plants.. . Now ,not that i'm saying i have a problem with this ,but if your gonna go through all this trouble to catch people ,wheres the punishment?? it's stupid ..The problem is soo many people is doing it they don't have enough jail cells for everyone .they know they are losing this drug war but they keep at it because it makes them look productive.It's easy to find a house full of hps lights and skunk .Try asking them to find mr bigs 5000000000000 quid cocaine or heroin stash ,not a fucking chance.