Hows it look


Active Member

I was wondering how this was doing, to me, it looks a bit stretched, but meh.

Also, ive got some seeds germinating now, paper towel and plate ontop of the cable box method, a couple has cracked their tap roots out, when i put them into some soil, should i be aiming to give them as much light as possible? (18/6) or should i let them get their leaves 1st? :S

Cheers for any help.



Well-Known Member
Wait form them to sprout before you hit them with light. For your seedling, what light are you using?


Well-Known Member
I suggest cfl's for veg and the hps for flower. Give it 24/0 for like a week or 2 seeing that it is very yound and needs the most light it can get.


Active Member
set up a box with some 23watt "energy saving" light bulbs. (cfl), just hope their the right spectrum lol.


Active Member
you can't go wrong with hps more lumens means faster growing plants just don't put it too close too soon
Would it maybe be a good idea to keep with the cfls for maybe a week or 2? THEN use the HPS? it is really fukin hot, even if i put the light at the top of my "grow-cupboard" and the plants on the floor, it still seems to be rly rly warm.