Does Anyone Use These Or Have Any Reviews


Well-Known Member
I am inquiring about the NutriPlus line of nutrients. They are the cheapest by far at my local hydro shop and I would like to know if anyone has any reviews on this product. In my next grow i am thinking of conducting an experiment. I will feed one plant Nutriplus, one Fax Farm, and i will have one control plant(No nutrients added) I think it will prove to be a useful experiment in the big scheme of thing as it seems everyone battles each other about which nutrients are best.


i grow everglades bud

Well-Known Member
I am inquiring about the NutriPlus line of nutrients. They are the cheapest by far at my local hydro shop and I would like to know if anyone has any reviews on this product. In my next grow i am thinking of conducting an experiment. I will feed one plant Nutriplus, one Fax Farm, and i will have one control plant(No nutrients added) I think it will prove to be a useful experiment in the big scheme of thing as it seems everyone battles each other about which nutrients are best.
They are hands down fantastic. Along with some choice adds my ladies dog the competition. I would advise anyone to use them.