First 2 weeks down, many more to come. I'm sure you will keep them happy and healthy every step of the way. How is your last run curing out?

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First 2 weeks down, many more to come. I'm sure you will keep them happy and healthy every step of the way. How is your last run curing out?
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Beautiful plants Jin!!! I still don't think you should be scared of a little snip, i mean you get your hair cut right??Hey, dudes. Love the topping suggestions. And believe it or not, I was actually about to alcohol my blades last night, but I read a comment from our good friend, DieselDog, at Green Gurlz. And I quote:
"Please dont top those beauties In the long run each time you cut a top is a waste of a cola. If you werent SCROGing i could understand but it will just result in unnecessary stress and lower yield. Youre better than that."
Now first off, I would like to the thank the good DieselDog for reading and taking part in Green Gurlz. And his comment came at a time when I was giving deep thought to a new method of increasing vigor and possibly yield. And since his comment is very consistent with the underpinning of my new theory, I'll thank him once again.
Now I realize one method isn't necessarily better than another, given case by case variance and all that, so let me note that I really did entertain the idea of cutting since I recognize it as a legit technique for increasing yield.
But what am I talking about? What's my new theory that's consistent with Diesel's comment? Nothing. Absolutely nothing.
I know what you're thinking. I've finally smoked one bowl too many, right?
Probably. But the answer to this riddle can be found at Green Gurlz (later).
Tune in and find what the fuck I'm riddlin' about. Now I'm gonna take another hit and probably end up taking a much-deserved nap, but all will be revealed later when I wake up.
Beautiful plants Jin!!! I still don't think you should be scared of a little snip, i mean you get your hair cut right??![]()
I gotta say though......' each time you cut a top is a waste of a cola ' ??????? ummm no. No it certainly is not.
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lolFLOWA!!!!!LMAO that has got to be one of the most awesome pictures i have ever seen! all those colas with the red numbers .... i want a print. that is cash baby.. get that copywrighted right now !!! i will trade you one of my drawings for that
Flowa knows best! Do you think his monster plants would be where there with no topping? No, certainly not. Actually i'd be impossible to achieve what he does w/o topping.
I'd say if anything your wasting potential colas by not topping![]()
Beautiful plants Jin!!! I still don't think you should be scared of a little snip, i mean you get your hair cut right??![]()
I gotta say though......' each time you cut a top is a waste of a cola ' ??????? ummm no. No it certainly is not.
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SubbedI'm running the same cut, still babies but I'm taking notes.... Keep em' green
Thanks, I planned on putting up a trellis to support them after week 3 so the colas don't go flopping on the floor.Congrads, it's a freaking amazing cut, I have it as well... Welcome to the Tahoe OG Kush club! It's a good club to be in lol
By the way, you should note topping them works well hahaha.......
awwwww guysBut it is true, there is no way i would get even 1 lb without topping, I have a mate who tries and tries, and simply refuses to top, he even states that he tops to shut me up, but you cant fool someone who has properly topped a plant, some say you cant some say you shouldn't. I'm here to say 'why talk about it??' DO IT. Reap the rewards
the way you scrog Jin would be a plus beneficial!!! i used alot of your alone skills to implement into my own, if you top yours your bottoms will come up and become mains, not strong bottoms, therfore you will end up with 'lets say' a broom of tips to sweep across your screen instead of balancing out technical octopus arms
It will also shorten your node length come flowering time, as it doesn't 'slow growth' it simply transfers sugars and divides the growth, to give equal and balanced growth
time to ponder....... I'm like the guy in school who tried Ganja first and wanted everyone to see how good it wasI couldn't listen to the teachers, I just wanted people to be high and happy
Thanks, I planned on putting up a trellis to support them after week 3 so the colas don't go flopping on the floor.Which is a current problem I'm having with Deep Sleep (Larry OGK x pre98 Bubba), after the calyxes started swelling the stalks started revealing their weakness and now the buds want to lean. I staked it and tied up the branches to try to keep them near the light.
It's probably a must they get some kind of tomato cage or support netting to help support their colas near harvest time.
Sweet I have the Deep Sleep too, how do you like it? I have some cloning right now but haven't run it out yet. The 3 cuts I have from them are the Tahoe OG, Chem D & Deep Sleep
I use cages on the Tahoe and it works great! Here are some of the ones I have in bloom right now,
Tahoe Og Day 50 Bloom
And here is a Chem D also at day 50 bloom for good measure
Sweet I have the Deep Sleep too, how do you like it? I have some cloning right now but haven't run it out yet. The 3 cuts I have from them are the Tahoe OG, Chem D & Deep Sleep
I use cages on the Tahoe and it works great! Here are some of the ones I have in bloom right now,
Tahoe Og Day 50 Bloom
And here is a Chem D also at day 50 bloom for good measure
Great pic. I'm stealing it.
Also, I'm not trying to start some kind of top / no-top battle or anything. I just thought it was interesting how Diesel had a differing view.
I top once at the very start, basically chopping the clone in half, then i wait around 3 weeks then i tip, top and carefully snip Every main tip. I vegged for 28 days with that girl. I cannot veg for longer than 30 days given my small given time to grow in ( rental 3 months inspections ) but thats plenty long enough for 2 toppings and 2 minor recoveries, this is in 100% many times did you top that one - and what was your veg time? thats awesome canopy distribution..
Dude, I think you beat my trichs. Amazing. Green Gurlz. You need a better camera, though.
I top once at the very start, basically chopping the clone in half, then i wait around 3 weeks then i tip, top and carefully snip Every main tip. I vegged for 28 days with that girl. I cannot veg for longer than 30 days given my small given time to grow in ( rental 3 months inspections ) but thats plenty long enough for 2 toppings and 2 minor recoveries, this is in 100% perlite......