
Well-Known Member
Good thing your not God or Dike queen of the universe. We wouldn't have a have human race after 100 years of your reign. Pussy + Pussy = no re-production same goes for homo dick play ewewewwew!

Man I'm glad my wife's hot, and loves my cockaosaurs!

But, dike love is far more tolerant & sexy then gay man butt sex! EEEEWEWEWWEWEWWWWWEWEEWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEWEWEWEWEWEWEWEWE
WTF is your problem? I'm not a 'dyke'?!

It's not my fault you need your wife to worship your dick to make you feel secure and support your 17 children because you don't believe in contraception.

There's a mormon raised gay man on this board and I identify as Protestant but not bigoted.

And I'd do your wife too.