wtf is this bug!!!


Active Member
so i was doing a routine check on my girls and i found this on my big momma.....

its pretty cool down there (about 65-68), canopy temp is 75F, not much light cuz the foliage is pretty thick... i killed it and its the only one i saw but now im freaking out... i couldnt find this insect in any of the pests pictorials i found in the net...

so should i worry or not?


Well-Known Member
Kind looks like some kind of little spider. It's not something that will hurt anything. I wouldn't worry.


Active Member
i know it just looks like a spider but is it a bad kind of bug? or just happened to be chillin there and i shouldnt be scared.. lol sorry


Active Member
If anything spiders are helpful because they eat other bugs. It might be there cause its trying to find other smaller bugs (food)


To get rid of bugs do these steps!

What you need, plant with bugs,trash bag, vinegar,hose,knife,milk jug or large juice container, baking soda.

1- put plant in trash bag

2- get old milk jug cut hole in cap

3-put hose in jug cap

4- fill jug 1/4thwith vinegar

5-put hose from cap into the bag

6- tie bag tight around hose! Use tape if needed.

7- roll baking soda in toilet paper not to much toilet paper and about two table spoons of baking soda make two like this!

8- with the hose tight in cap and other end tied into bag your ready to kill all sorts of bugs!

9- drop ONE *1* in the jug cap it tight it will go crazy in there and make sure the hose does not touch the plant you want it at the bottom of the trash bag away from the plant! Once the jug stops going crazy you drop in the other charge since you made two of them.

now you wait about 15 min ad you killed all bugs by rapidly removing air and adding lots and lots of co2 you can do this once a day if you want because co2 is plant food. And supports growth. It's cheap and easy. I have years exp. with co2 and large planted fish tanks.

Good luck!

also can someone sticky this to help people kill bugs off there plants?


Active Member
dont do that not fkin needed and as said before spiders dont eat plants but if theres a bug she will eat the bug and help u lol, i would kill the spider too... coz i got some phobia to bugs :)


Active Member
Those spiders eat aphids and spider mights, dozens a day. That spider is a true "Daddy long leg" the ones we call Daddy Long Legs aren't