600w multi strain grow


Well-Known Member
Big like..

I didn't have great success with the GO line.. but I think I overdid it and burned all my plants.. I know other people have had success though and really happy to hear it is working out for you. I'm going to try an indoor run soon with just dry amendments and 1 or 2 teas and then just waterings.. try and keep it simple..

I downsized to a 2 x 2 tent and 250w MH only :( wah wah.. oh well keeps me flush!
yeah im not doing anything crazy man, i ammended some fox farm ocean forest with some epsoma organic bulb tone and some espoma garden lime and that was about it. now once a week i mix up a gal of the general organics full strength and feed.


Well-Known Member
popped a......

bluberry gum (barneys farm)
White lavender (G13)
Blue OG(G13)
Critical Kush(G13)

last night. will be heading over there later on today to make sure all is good...really really hope all 4 sprout up for me.....I have one reveg going into flower room this weekend and waiting an a couple FCJ clones to egt a little bigger then they will be going into the flower room


Well-Known Member
Ok so i know i said i was going to do the attitude X mas promo thing but i have still 8 seeds and i really need some other stuff for my grow. i need a seedling heating pad and a decent ptopogator form my clones. going to ditch the dual bucket clone and try out rockwool cubes for a bit and see if i have better sucess with them.

also need more esppoma tone and another bag of soil..


Well-Known Member
Ok so i know i said i was going to do the attitude X mas promo thing but i have still 8 seeds and i really need some other stuff for my grow. i need a seedling heating pad and a decent ptopogator form my clones. going to ditch the dual bucket clone and try out rockwool cubes for a bit and see if i have better sucess with them.

also need more esppoma tone and another bag of soil..
i feel that im about to spend some today on equip and still got to buy bulbs later. just hoping i can get an order in at breeders boutique b4 the months up.


Well-Known Member
yeah i really should buy a new 400w MH bulb for my veg tent but things seem to be doing really well under my CFL fixture.

probabally going ot hit up the hydro store today for some soil and maybe some CS so i can attempt to make some fem mix seeds, thinking blueberry gum x fruity chronic juice and blue cheese x critical kush and see what that turns out to be.


Well-Known Member
everything is sounding good my friend. jealous of your order! in a few short weeks here should have some fundage to be able to get some of my own, or be able to take time to make a trip up your way...


Well-Known Member
just ditched the dual bucket cloner not sure what went wrong maybe not enough humidity in the air or too cold...bought a large propogator dome and a seedling heating mat and going to give the ole rockwool and propogator a shot see if i have more sucess.

Monster i have about 17 clones of fruity chronic juice right now. if they all root i wont need all of them and oyur welcome to come grab a couple. if they do all root ill definatly be doing a little SOG with them and hopefully that will be a nice kickoff to my perpetual as i can veg them for varying times and spread out when i flower them.


Well-Known Member
rockwool works great and i and i feel it even after all that work still have to toss it :( but them aerocloners have to be perfect or they wont work. but shit dude like ive been saying bubble cloneing has been doing me right! just picked up ssome multicolor neoprene 2" inserts(different color different strain!) and built a third one ill trhow a pic up of the system laters. but i use rockwool as my back up


Well-Known Member
yeah i have the 2" neophrene collars i was thinking about doing a little bubble cloner but im going to see how this propogator and rockwool system works if i have good sucess im going to keep with it. i do need to build a insert for the propogator so i can insert the rockwool cubes into it and label them properly.

just pulled last 2 blue cheese clones ill be able to get, she is 3 weeks into flower so the clones are starting to be budding and i really dont care for re vegging clones as it takes 3x as longto get them from rooted clone to flower. i have some FCJ clones that rooted 6 weeks after 2 clone si have that are revegging and the FCJ clones will probabally be ready for flower faster than the reveges, they are just starting to put on new vegatative growth.

went over and did a full feed today, no seedling popped yet im really hoping by tomorow i have some little babies to tend to. i will be placing any seedlings directly into a 3 gal pot, veg for 4 weeks and into flower. i just put another revegged clone into flower today hoping it stretches a bit in the next week.


Well-Known Member
i would turn one of the revegs into a mother. monster cropping is useful but your right its time consuming, when ever i cut clones like that i try to just cut more from other plant cause i know they wont be ready for a while, shit, i have one monster crop that took 2 months before it really started to veg again.


Well-Known Member
dont get me wrong i love the results of revegging as it makes a really nice bushy plant but the time it takes to get there is not reasonable for me right now.


Well-Known Member
yes folgers PLASTIC containers.
yes bubble cloning is DWC

this is all the parts.

big foldgers can covered in foil tape.
air pump
air stone or stones( i use 2 very small cylinder ones on a tee. 2$ at the pet store, more distribution)
1/4" elbow put in the lid attached to a 1/4 tubing to air stone inside container and line back to air pump.
used a 2" hole saw to drill 4 holes.
store bought water, net pots, neoprene and weed cuttings:)
run the pump 24/7(use a big 18w pump for all 3 containers)


Well-Known Member
well all 4 of the beans i planted are doing something. the Critical Kush is above soil and already transplanted into a plastic pot to spend the next 10 or so days in.

the white lavender has shed its seeds shell but for some reason the cytoldeons (spelling) are whitish colored, im assosiating that with the dampness of the soil, moved all the soil away from it and letting it breathe, hopefully it make sit through.

the blueberry gum has a taproot going tinto soil but has not shed its shell yet and the blue OG has just sprouted a little tine taproot. hoping tomorow after work i can transplant all of them into a new pot and get them into the veg tent.


Active Member
well all 4 of the beans i planted are doing something. the Critical Kush is above soil and already transplanted into a plastic pot to spend the next 10 or so days in.

the white lavender has shed its seeds shell but for some reason the cytoldeons (spelling) are whitish colored, im assosiating that with the dampness of the soil, moved all the soil away from it and letting it breathe, hopefully it make sit through.

the blueberry gum has a taproot going tinto soil but has not shed its shell yet and the blue OG has just sprouted a little tine taproot. hoping tomorow after work i can transplant all of them into a new pot and get them into the veg tent.
Should be good man.. just hasn't started producing chlorophyll yet.. by this time tomorrow you'll have light systems p680 and p700 in full effect in your chloroplasts and they'll be pumping out mad amounts of ATP and NADPH into your Calvin cycle..

Just wrote biology :P


Active Member
haha.. Sorry I was quite high when I wrote that.. I meant to say that I had just finished writing my plant physiology exam.. :P

Anyway unless its a taproot (which will find its way back down into the soil) the cotyledon will turn green after it starts producing its chlorophyll and other pigments. Cannabis is a dicotyledon too in case you ever get asked on Jeopardy


Active Member
Hey Matt,

How do you germinate? I just put a couple of seeds down today on some wet paper towel and covered them up and put them on my propogator mat(t) (pun intended)

Do you do paper towel or dunking them in water for 24 hours? any tips?