Rare Dankness Test thread ~ Vale' Vale'. (Green Crack x Nevil's Wreck)

You are not hijacking brother. This is a Rare Dankness thread. Plus I am a big fan of Long's Peak Blue!:mrgreen:Are you in the U.S? I think I am on my seventh Rare Dankness strain and they have all been good. I keep stocking up on RD beans too. Mrs. Rare Dankness is online on Rollitup all the time, also Rare D - MI the Michigan rep is extremely helpful as well. I am going to mix up some organic soil over the next few days, and when it's ready I am going to run a pack of Rare Dankness, the strain named after the company (or vice versa). That is Rare Dankness #1 X Grape Ape. In organic soil. It's what I picture I want to be smoking late Spring/ and summertime! TheMan13 is another fellow grape ape fan, and this is one of the packs that I really can't wait to grow and smoke!
The strain you are about to run is Rare DARKNESS. Not dankness. The only strain the rare dankness female was used in is khyber kush #1, which is RD#1 x afghani ibl

Rare Dankness ~ Vale' Vale' (green crack X nevil's wreck test grow)

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Tomorrow I am mixing 2 bags of Ocean Forest, 2 bags of Worm Castings (Morgan's Composting in Michigan), 2 bags of botanicare cocogro, and I think I have 4 cu ft bags of perlite so 3/4 of a bag of that. Then these will be transplanted Monday at the latest.

Rare Dankness ~ Vale' Vale' (Green Crack x Nevil's wreck test grow)

Saturday night I mixed up equal parts of Ocean Forest, Worm Castings, Perlite, and Coco. They should have some nice growth. I will give them a little bit and take cuts, and flip them. Probably next saturday. We will see how they do this week.

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It appears Admin banned Mrs. Rare Dankness for mentioning a large promo that was going on at another non-riu site.
They asked if I would hold off on any Rare Dankness threads and pictures, as far as this site goes.

WOW, do I hope this shit ends smoothly and quickly.
I am not bad mouthing tsd. But seriously, I have nothing but technical difficulties there.
I need to learn to load my pics, and size them and shit.
Seriously, I jumped back over here, cuz I just got my laptop back from geek squad and I am
time-locked out of tsd for not knowing password. lol.
So a Seed Co. makes a minor slip and then they (RIU admin) have to interrupt your work progress here? For what reason...? This tactic doesn't make RIU look too good. That's heavy handed malarky and I hope they are able correct that choice. Did I miss something, wtf?
So a Seed Co. makes a minor slip and then they (RIU admin) have to interrupt your work progress here? For what reason...? This tactic doesn't make RIU look too good. That's heavy handed malarky and I hope they are able correct that choice. Did I miss something, wtf?

No Abe you missed nothing. But RIU is gonna be missin some stuff. This is not the first time a double standard has popped up here.
I slept on it.
The fact that Mrs Rare Dankness is banned on a site that sub has his own forum makes me rethink rollitup hardcore.
If it wasn't for the Michigan forum, there wouldn't be anything here, as far as I am concerned.
I really hope rollitup fixes this bullshit.

I am not bad mouthing tsd. But seriously, I have nothing but technical difficulties there.
I need to learn to load my pics, and size them and shit.
Seriously, I jumped back over here, cuz I just got my laptop back from geek squad and I am
time-locked out of tsd for not knowing password. lol.
New version and a new tech support guy..