No, nothing wrong with it at all. Just not my style. I don't have any need for more muscle in my life, i'm as strong as i need to be, so i don't worry about it. I also think it's swings and roundabouts with regard to women, sure there is a difference between toned and tank, but most women i know do not like ab covered muscly men.
Plus i also like to think that not being all hard and muscly and such, i make for a more comfortable pillow for Kuroi to fall asleep on
Even if i wanted to get big and whatnot though, not really viable, not unless i achieved it via work, and a kitchen does not offer that much of a chance of a workout. After a 14 or 15 hour shift, not generally in the mood to do anything but crawl into bed knowing i have to be up 6 or 7 hours later to do it all again. I also can't stand gym workout kinda stuff, if i wanted to get fit, i would go for bike rides, or go swimming, or kayaking etc. then i can at least find some enjoyment while at the same time getting the exercise