Though admittedly, my first ingestion of cannabis didn't go so well,
so I am now fearful of eating it again,believe me,it wasn't fun!!!
it was back in the day that "Top Rock" that's what we called it,
9 oz bers or pukka hash, not soap shit bar like now, this was proper!
anyway, we made coffees, got a spoon, melted some butter, crumbled a few joints into the spoon/ hot butter,then stirred into a cup of coffee.
Fucking hell!!
30 mins later, RUINED!!!!
honestly, it was like a heavier than heavy acid! I mean one good bong of pure puff and I used to be near neigh tripping,so this, I was wasted!
for about two hours man!
i'd gone halves with a hardcore puffer mate on a quarter, done the coffeesetc, he wandered off, I was worshipping the porcelain! When we met up again ,he was like, skin up! Where you been?
i was like fuck that! You can keep it, I'm alright thanks, no more for me.
the moral is,eating hash is fucking heavy!!!
would I do it again?
hmmm,I'm not sure! Scared!!