Bring back Mrs. Rare D thread!

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Well-Known Member
Thought there should be a fresh thread for the RD fans! Or at least a going away party to show of how many good (as in helpful and informative) RIU members it will be driving away! Too bad. I kinda like it here but if shits getting blocked and deleted due to personal feelings than I will be done here soon also!
I do believe Mrs. Rare Dankness was an asset to our community allowing us direct communication with breeders many RIU members utilize. I find this ban, on it's face, to be over the top. It would be nice to hear RIU's side of the story here.
I agree w.that, def over the top. From what iwas told, she was banned bc of tlkn bout seed depot promo, which is absurd bc she was one of the most courteous n respectful members on RIU. That's actually a joke, n makes u wonder who else these ppl ban or what they remove bc of there sponsers or lack there of. Shady stuff goin on around here
Seems like some favortisim going on here. I know for a fact that other breeders have mentioned their promotions but they didnt get banned.
I know, n it's not like they just deleted the thread n told her not to do it agn. I know that other breeders have done it, I've read threads. Theres so much politics here, it's beat, u lose good members n then in turn good info that way
Bunch of B.S. It's obvious she was singled out. As mellow as her posts were I don't see any justifiable reason for her banning. Swerve is still around, he promotes himself here, and disrespects customers. If my MI buddies jet from here, I'm gone too.
I don't know when this site stopped being about offering a helping hand to fellow growers and started being a troll fueled attack on decent folks who actively try to help our community. So she mentioned a Rare Dankness promotion, who cares. It least they have promotions. I think banning someone without warning for such a little thing is just silly. I know other breeders have mentioned things about their promos and they are still here. How about you start banning the petulant little troll children who search the boards looking for people to attack. That might actually make this board a better place.
Mrs. RD asked that I post this message she emailed me...

Hoping this doesn't get deleted for "Spam"

To All:

I do not want any fighting. I have tried to run my threads drama free and respectful for all. Even though I have been banned, I request you guys conduct yourselves respectful. Keep your post clean, respectful and be intelligent. Do not act like idiots. This community has far too many people against it for you guys to turn against your fellow growers. Conduct yourselves properly. Keep your Karma clean. This is not the end of the world. Of course I was shocked and my feeling were a lil hurt. But after thinking it over and baking holiday cookies, all is ok. It is RIU bussiness and they can do as they see fit. My only issue was a warning would have been nice, or a request to run an ad.

From what I gather, I somewhat offended Mr. Sensissensai and I guess I became a important issue for him. (my opinion of course) He is allowed his opinion, the only one I object to is the statement about my attitude. I think my attitude has always been respectful, I just do not like people posting to stir the pot, cause drama, or to stroke their own ego. Some people, for whatever reason are so unhappy with their own life, they need to feel powerful, need that ego boost, and attention. It makes everyone look bad, and no one respects people like that.

But To all the supporters.. Thanks.. I was told about the "bring back Mrs. RD" thread.. i was honestly shocked. As a thank you.. you guys are getting a lil "thank you" gift.
I know every1 says what they say bout RD but honestly that woman has a great attitude, unfair judgement based on things that she didn't even have part of, my opinion of course, but she stand up n Ill def support some1/a company run by ppl like that. Childish shit, n not the members, just to be clear(just read the Chem 91 thread front to back lol, dnt wna get caught up in that mess)
I'm sure there is more going on behind the scenes that most aren't privy to... Let's give the mods/admin the benefit of the doubt. Show ur support to Mrs Rare Dank by purchasing her products, not by second guessing the board.
Second guess everything, or be fed bullshit!
I'm sure there is more going on behind the scenes that most aren't privy to... Let's give the mods/admin the benefit of the doubt. Show ur support to Mrs Rare Dank by purchasing her products, not by second guessing the board.
I just dnt see what cld of been a legit reason, she was always tryin to settle bullshit, not start it. I just dnt see a justifiable reason for it happening.
For what it's worth, I can tell you all that Mrs. RD is one of the most diligent people in this industry. She is constantly working hard to ensure things go as smoothly as possible for every single customer, in addition to running her family! I admire her work ethic.

Beyond that, she's dealt with a lot of abuse thrown her way on this forum, and has handled it with nothing but class and professionalism. Despite the abuse and trolling, she has continued to post content and interact on the R.I.U forum, which has helped bring traffic, which in turn generates implicit value for this site.

It's shitty she was banned without fair warning. I would like to personally appeal to the R.I.U admin to restore Mrs. RD and her content.

If there is some sort of infringement, simply delete the content you feel is in transgression of your forum rules and give her a stern warning ... then again, what do I know.

- J.B
^ agree 1000% w.that, which is why that jb's forum is an awesome place to be...but I better watch my words b4 I get banned for mentioning it...
I'm sure there is more going on behind the scenes that most aren't privy to... Let's give the mods/admin the benefit of the doubt. Show ur support to Mrs Rare Dank by purchasing her products, not by second guessing the board.

I really couldn't disagree more. When I first began frequenting these boards the folks I encountered were generally friendly and when possible dare I say helpful. We had our share of characters. Hazey Grapes and BrickTop you know I am talking about you, but as years have gone by the boards have become populated with increasingly hostile little sociopaths who delight in tormenting people for no reason I can fathom. This is allowed to happen. People aren't banned.

So when you go and ban a member like Mrs. D, who always seemed like a perfectly decent human being to me, how can it at least not merit a mention. We have a dwindling number of rational and sane voices frequenting the RIU boards as of late. When one of the voices is arbitrarily snuffed out what better place to take about it then here?
Without knowing any details whatsoever and not wanting to know, Mrs.RD was always professional in her responses that I saw.
Of all the people who could have been banned in that RD thread, she is not the one I would have chosen as a likely candidate.

This is too bad.
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