Got mad and craiglisted someone


Well-Known Member
How the hell is his friend gonna sue? He can't prove shit. Goddamn Buzz Killingtons all over this thread. haha


Well-Known Member
How the hell is his friend gonna sue? He can't prove shit. Goddamn Buzz Killingtons all over this thread. haha
lol you must be a complete idiot.... its called an IP ADDRESS. and craigslist has them for every post made on their site. all they gotta do is track it back to whose computer it was posted from. happens all the time. it doesnt take much to track things back to a location. it is the internet.


Well-Known Member
Saw a news story a few months back about a person that put a craigslist ad up about their neighbor's house while they were on vacation. They said all the furniture was free and to come get it. That bitch deserves to spend a while in jail.


New Member
What the matter with plain confrontation?:confused:

It is killer funny but you don't know what could happen:roll:
Saw a news story a few months back about a person that put a craigslist ad up about their neighbor's house while they were on vacation. They said all the furniture was free and to come get it. That bitch deserves to spend a while in jail.


Well-Known Member
lol you must be a complete idiot.... its called an IP ADDRESS. and craigslist has them for every post made on their site. all they gotta do is track it back to whose computer it was posted from. happens all the time. it doesnt take much to track things back to a location. it is the internet.
Paranoia rules your life huh? Ever heard of a proxy?


New Member
if everyone is so scared GO to church. I know exactly what i am doing and what laws i am breaking. If you all are so scred of the law, are you in the wrong hobby?


Well-Known Member
Paranoia rules your life huh? Ever heard of a proxy?
You just need to hope that the anonymous (I assume you're using an anonymous proxy) doesn't do what a lot do...keep logs. Anon proxies were OK about ten years ago, but nowadays I'd be careful of which you use and do your own checks on how 'anonymous' they really are...yep, if I was paranoid, that's what I'd do. But then, I'd set up a false MAC address (yes, you *can* change your MAC address at the hardware level), I'd chain multiple proxies and I 'd still hope they couldn't follow the trail back to my box.
But I'm not paranoid anymore when it comes to the 'net. There is no privacy and we've all been assimilated.:blsmoke:


Active Member
haha lame. Its ridiculous that you guys have brought the idea of police getting involved and law suits into this minuscule scenario, totally unnecessary.. You need a court order to get the ip address from craigslist because craigslist wont just hand out the ip address, second of all you need a court order for the isp used to give out contact details based on the ip address and then the legal fees necessary and trouble involved in a law suit for something as childish as this is absurd. Plus police don't have time to deal with minor domestic disputes like that, there was no financial damage on either side so there is no bases for a law suit - no basis for compensation because no loss is suffered.


Well-Known Member
haha lame. Its ridiculous that you guys have brought the idea of police getting involved and law suits into this minuscule scenario, totally unnecessary.. You need a court order to get the ip address from craigslist because craigslist wont just hand out the ip address, second of all you need a court order for the isp used to give out contact details based on the ip address and then the legal fees necessary and trouble involved in a law suit for something as childish as this is absurd. Plus police don't have time to deal with minor domestic disputes like that, there was no financial damage on either side so there is no bases for a law suit - no basis for compensation because no loss is suffered.

lol you're an idiot. first of all, if the police didnt have time for small domestic disputes like this then why do you see them all over the news all the time? oh... i forgot its because THATS THEIR FUCKING JOB!!!! also, if his number was posted multiple times for multiple different things and he was called on numerous occasions, harassed by random craigslist people ect.... then it certainly is grounds to go after him for it. he gave out private information on a public forum in order to cause annoyance and grief to said person. does it mean the guy will go after him? probably not. but if he chose to he does have the right. and its not that hard to get information from an isp provider or craigslist. its really not that hard to request a court order.

maybe filing a lawsuit for something like that is absurd but people do it all the time. MOST LAWSUITS ARE ABSURD! its not anymore childish than posting a bunch of craigslist ads with the persons information just because the dude owes him money. take him to small claiims court. it costs like $25 dollars. if he owes enough then its worth the fee to claim your money back. unless of course the money involves drugs then you just shouldnt be an idiot and realize that theres no credit plan for dealing drugs and if you're stupid enough to loan people drugs and let them pay you later then you deserve to not ever see the money.

craigslist gives out ip adresses all the time. anytime there is illegal activity and a police case for it they subpoena the information from craigslist.

Im not sure you're that smart. do you even know what defamation of character is? obviously not. let me make it clear to you:

Defamation of character is: 1) a false statement; 2) published in writing (libel) or verbal (slander); 3) to a third party; 4) which the maker knows to be false; 5) which causes a loss of reputation; 6) resulting in damages.

the damages would be that his private phone number was now made public on a website which millions of people visit on a daily basis. people now think he's gay whether or not they know him he now has gay men calling his phone. and additionally probably racking up his cell phone bill with unnecessary charges.

pretty simple!


Well-Known Member
if everyone is so scared GO to church. I know exactly what i am doing and what laws i am breaking. If you all are so scred of the law, are you in the wrong hobby?
has nothing to do with being scared of the law. just pointing out the fact that you should think out your actions... you never know when someone might sue you. but obviously you arent worried about it and its really not my problem, so hopefully the dude doesnt hold a grudge and hopefully you didnt rack up a phone bill for him that he can come after you for.

newtons third law: for every action there is an equal and oppisite reaction!!

he was a smart guy!


Well-Known Member
Paranoia rules your life huh? Ever heard of a proxy?
why would i be paranoid? Im not doing anything wrong. so it would be stupid for me to be paranoid. its not my problem its this dudes problem. hopefully his friend isnt in the business of revenge.

proxies arent as safe as they used to be anymore. it doesnt take much knowledge to know that! you can always be tracked. it may take them longer, but they'll getcha.


Active Member
You are being a little paranoid and over exaggerating...

Nothing is going to happen, the dude's friend will get some sorry wrong number phone calls if hes lucky enough for someone to actually read and reply to the ad and by the way that is not defamation of character...


Well-Known Member
all you would have toi do is use a computer at a college or internet cafe or something and use a hushmail account wouldnt be hardto do what he did and not get caught in fact i might do that to my neighbors


Well-Known Member
all you would have toi do is use a computer at a college or internet cafe or something and use a hushmail account wouldnt be hardto do what he did and not get caught in fact i might do that to my neighbors
Easier than playing with hardware addresses and proxies. Personally, I wouldn't bother fucking with other peoples' lives to get revenge when I've been fucked over. But then, I have entertained the thought of collecting some money owed to me by ways of violence. However, Karma (as FDD said) will endure and I won't have to worry about fucking around with this bloke.
I'm trying so hard to stay on the path of Buddhist principles, but it can be really hard sometimes...:blsmoke:

'Benefit others. If you cannot, at least do them no harm' is the one I am trying to follow. Not very successfully at times, as some may have gathered from a couple of threads here.