Bring back Mrs. Rare D thread!

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i would as well like to hear rollies or PR's story on the matter, while i did check this out and read a bit, there is always 2 sides to every story and PR nor rolly is the type of person to do things without good reason, i didnt talk to mrs dankesss or darkness and personally think most seed companies are gimmicky and just trying to make a buck, but that doesnt mean they should not be allowed here, my opinion means nothing on that matter.
I think my time is about up here. Not particularly because of this, but this is part of it that did it for me. All the know it all noobs, spam, viruses, nazi dictatorship, and hazey grapes is too much for me. Most of my familiars are at tsd, so my time will be spent there. More real growers, way less jerry springer bullshit.
Well, perhaps someone had to be made an example of...

And maybe the site runs on a deficit. And such things are necessary.

I know over at they wont even let you post an outside link anywhere that is off there site.

I suppose with the advent of Facebook and what not, other sites are feeling intimidated.
I've unknowingly broken rules here before, and had my posts deleted and been warned via pm and via post on thread, but not banned..... I gather more info from this site than I contribute, so I hardly consider myself an asset to this site, but Mrs. RD contributes quite a bit and for her to be banned without warning is complete and utter rubbish
Hey i love Jerry Springer> Watch him atleast once a week!
But in seriousness I'd like to see Mrs. RD back. I doubt even with unban she would return though>just saying
When I posted wrongly, the one and only time, I was warned and politely asked to remove my the post, so I did and that was the end of it,but I'm sure, if I would have been a dick head about it, it could've gotten ugly, real quick. but then I took a toke break, and it was all good.
As unpopular as this decision and action appears to be, try to understand from an objective standpoint. If RIU allows non-paying commercial breeders to advertise here then they have to allow them all or appear to be the asses. Or appear in court possibly, depending on the country the action is filed.

It's sad that the really good people have to pay for the actions of the few bad. But sadly that is how it always has been and always will be. People force it to be that way.
That's the issue I have, I've read other threads where other breeders, yes more than one, have tlkd bout a promo or advertised there company n they hvnt even deleted posts. Every1 shld b treated the same
this is why i think having test journals is a better way along with a few reps to show a Cannabis Community there wares .. . . .sucks when you have to rely on 1 or 2 people for info, and they get themselves banned over stupid shit like a add promo for a competing forum/seed bank
That's the issue I have, I've read other threads where other breeders, yes more than one, have tlkd bout a promo or advertised there company n they hvnt even deleted posts. Every1 shld b treated the same

I hear you. One keeps his thread about a "sick" promo going and if this lady is booted he should be too.
Just out of curiosity,what the shit was the actual infraction? I mean I remember her mentioning the seed depot thing but I dont recall her posting up links or anything and saying "Psssst..fuck herbies,click this for the real flame". It sucks to see her go..but Im sure RD MI can field questions about gear/strains (if thats still allowed -watch your back holmes!) :)
i think with teh fair weather rules system here RIU has more than made its point and yall should bring her back before you loose even more of the respect of teh cannabis community for simple issues vs sever issues demanding removal
I've never did a grow report or journal. Makes me want to review some of my strains, mostly the RD stuff I'm checking out. Maybe I'll have Uncle Pirate shoot some pics for me to post here and put a link to a more friendly site for the info!
I've never did a grow report or journal. Makes me want to review some of my strains, mostly the RD stuff I'm checking out. Maybe I'll have Uncle Pirate shoot some pics for me to post here and put a link to a more friendly site for the info!

It won't do any good, RIU will just delete ur post and ban u for spamming...
I've seen the "sick" ppromo thread n ive seen a promo at hd advertised, n those r the 2 I've seen, I'm sure there's more. It's ok I'll just be spending some more of my time elsewhere if not all of it. There r a few rly good places w.great ppl n run by great ppl (tsd n cz) which I like to linger n I think that's just what's Gna have to happen. I dnt like when politics n personal issues come into play on a site like this. Completely fucks shit up if u ask me.
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