First grow, in DWC bubbler setup with lights and doodads


woot lookin healthy, you got some wind on em?
Got a fan oscillating yup, I can't make out if its getting worse or if I've managed to halt the continuation of necrosis/brown spots and stunted/slow growth, but the bottom 2 leaves are pretty much dead and crisp at this stage..
Probably too much nutes but this bagseed i used probably hasnt been grown in hydro in many generations if ever, ill keep it as long as it continues living as learing experiment. ;)

Any sugestions are welcome! I can post pic update to get a new and better view of the problem areas.


Well the bagseed plant is recovering now and its back on track it seems, I emptied about 2/3 of the res and filled it up with new water and cut the dead parts of the leaves. No new silver/brown spotting. Keeping fingers crossed!
Now my attention is going to the plant next to it which has yellowing starting on the first leaves, I slighly raised the pH only so far and will wait for further yellowing if that doesnt help. Then ill add some more nutes if so.

before: day24_1before.jpg after:day25_1after.jpgday25_2.jpgday25_CJHperhaps.jpg<- slight yellowing

Oh and almost forgot the latest bagseed I have going:


Well don't exactly know what the problem is with the Critical Jack herer (presumably), but the roots are discolored and might be rotting.. no wonder its showing what I take as def issues. They seem unhealthy, but new thicker roots has started shooting out. I've done the same remedy as on the bagseed, ie about 2/3 res removed and filled up with tapwater.

Its got the same ammount of nutes as last weeks res-change, but I did try to optimize pH, most likely it was too low and therefore slight disaster and stunted the plant. I sure hope its all good now!
I wish I could log proper ppm/pH statistics so I know better how to avoid this in the future. Within the next 2 days ill change res on them all i think, perhaps earlier on the Jack herer.

Other than that, Fruity chronic juice (presumably) plant is absorbing everything I throw at it and has some great root developement and hasnt distabilized at all to this date. Its also starting to throw of a nice smell. :)


Well-Known Member
hmm well the hydroton and nutes make the roots have an orangish brownish color so make sure that doesn't alarm you, check for smells of rotten roots. and i ran into a problem with mine aswell, looks like potassium def at the same time it looks like nute burn bah lol.


Lol, yeah it can be troublesome to figure out whats going on but you learn something new each time hopefully. Your plant is looking real good otherwise though, is it recovering or getting worse still?


Well-Known Member
The nute burn or def has progressed some, not much thankfully, growth has progressed too just keeping an extra eye on it will be running 1/2 nutes for a while


Does anyone have any good tips on how to clean air stones? One of mine has been clogged up already.. the hydroton has shed more particles when i filled it up to the top.


Well-Known Member
Hi i never had a problem with nutes clogging my airstones and during veg I use an array of 8 different bottles, what lights, nutes, air pump, air stone ect you using.
these hydroten clay pebbles need to be really washed out good before use it really messes with you ph levels, I spent a good hour washing them and when I check after a few days was still a little settled brownish stuff at the bottom. So a real good wash is needed.


Hi i never had a problem with nutes clogging my airstones and during veg I use an array of 8 different bottles, what lights, nutes, air pump, air stone ect you using.
these hydroten clay pebbles need to be really washed out good before use it really messes with you ph levels, I spent a good hour washing them and when I check after a few days was still a little settled brownish stuff at the bottom. So a real good wash is needed.
Yeah I learned it the hard way its strange though they would clog up so easily.. I did clean them but obviously not enough. Oh well!
I have some backup air stones so I've replaced two stones giving off low airpressure for cleaning, and now its a complete storm instead lol. I think the other 2 are slighly clogged aswell since its giving of such a variance in pressure.

The pump im using has a rated output of 1800L/h.


Well-Known Member
that top right one is looking awesome, but they all look like they can make full potential still. Hmm, i dunno, maybe they could use more light already? Guess it doesn't really matter though if your not on a time table


that top right one is looking awesome, but they all look like they can make full potential still. Hmm, i dunno, maybe they could use more light already? Guess it doesn't really matter though if your not on a time table
Yep, its never complained, just a little at first when I was too hard on the nutes but its definitely thriving. :) Others are doing well too, im doing a pic update below.
Yeah I've thought about that too, might have been better to have lowered the LE lamps even lower at the start, perhaps, or used a 600W as soon as they were strong enough.

awesome journal!
Thanks! I hope everyone enjoys it :)

Day 36 update - I've topped and fim'd the two biggest ones, the sativa is starting stretching:


Day 39 update - added some cal/mg and nutes to bring up ppm to start values since res-change last week, ill go 2 weeks between changes from now on or if theres any problems.
I just love how they've picked up speed and is now growing at excellent speed. :)

Top left should've been fim'd, but I ended up topping it.


Day 46 - Couple of days on HPS now, and will run for awhile longer on 18/6 then switch to flower.
Trying to bush them out to an even level overall



Day 54 (3 days flower) - another quick update:

Its getting harder and harder to get a good group photo of them all at the same time. :P
I'm not really keeping schedule with Canna's recommended doses at all, just going after ppm value and how much they are all drinking and filling them up as they go.. so far so good though. But I really need to work out a better system on feeding and cleaning buckets til next grow cause its getting hard moving them around when they're this big and will only get harder once they fruit up.


Well-Known Member
Day 54 (3 days flower) - another quick update:

View attachment 2467546View attachment 2467548
Its getting harder and harder to get a good group photo of them all at the same time. :P
I'm not really keeping schedule with Canna's recommended doses at all, just going after ppm value and how much they are all drinking and filling them up as they go.. so far so good though. But I really need to work out a better system on feeding and cleaning buckets til next grow cause its getting hard moving them around when they're this big and will only get harder once they fruit up.
looks awesome, and haha if its any consolation i need to make my setup way more effecient too have had some time consuming problems that could have taken just a few minutes. first times though i guess


looks awesome, and haha if its any consolation i need to make my setup way more effecient too have had some time consuming problems that could have taken just a few minutes. first times though i guess
haha yeah thats how it goes, first time working out all, or hopefully most of the kinks, then improve to infinity ;)


Day 58 (7 days flower) cleaning and picture day:

day58.jpgday58_2.jpgday58_bagseed.jpgday58_cjhroots.jpgInsane ammount of roots on the jack herer. :)

All going well, i'm giving the 3 larger ones ppm around 700 (with an uncalibrated ec meter). Turns out all plants are females, even the two bagseeds.
Bagseed #2 is weird looking but its been that way all the time and I havent been able to stabilize it to look 100%.. Actually thinking of going for 3 plants next grow instead so I have more room and perhaps add another week or two of veg instead.