have a wall mount fan but a soft sided tent? look here


Well-Known Member
Gtfo troll!! ;) lol. We do what we gotta do. I feel like my description left nothing for the imagination "enviously ghetto" ur just mad u ran outta twack before u thought of it ain't ya? Lol. Hows the garden?


Well-Known Member
Can't complain. Garden is green and sparkly jar is full and my eyes are slim. Its not too bad of a day really. Bit broke and needing a few things for the garden but who isn't anymore.


Well-Known Member
Indeed. Jtr is putting on a nice frost lately. I'm surprised how well she's putting out for not being pushed.


Well-Known Member
I'm thinking so. Those are the same bud two days apart. She's a slow starter in comparison but always a good smoke. Your turn :joint:


Well-Known Member
I got nothin that compares with that.
I just wanted to see if I could make ya show some of that frost we all like to see after you said it was coming.:lol:


thanks i like thsi thread, ihad the same problem when i first started, although i fixed it a diff way i may use this in the future, plus rep


Well-Known Member
I got nothin that compares with that.
I just wanted to see if I could make ya show some of that frost we all like to see after you said it was coming.:lol:
Its not a competition but I doubt that highly. Don't be shy buddy. There's a tin better than mine. Even on my best grows there always will be..

thanks i like thsi thread, ihad the same problem when i first started, although i fixed it a diff way i may use this in the future, plus rep
Thanks man. Back at ya... feel free to post pics up of your fix man. The more the merrier :joint:


Well-Known Member
Well good news I suppose lol. I told the Guy I only needed one and ended up with all3 and somehow it shipped in under 12 hours.. pretty sweet I suppose. Anyway they don't weight much so if u have a p.o. box or address ur comfortable pming me feel free to do so and ill get it shipped out ur way a.s.a.p.. if not well I can understand that lol.


Well-Known Member
I use metal straps from Home Depot. They are $2 a piece and I bend them to act as a spring to hold the tent away from the fan so the fan can oscillate correctly. They are held in place with zip ties.



Well-Known Member
Nice fix. +Rep. No problems with it sliding? I used zip ties previously but over time the fan would work its way down they upright like a slow mo stripper. But I didn't incorporate the metal straps