If you were an Atheist..


Well-Known Member
Ok lets all read the ten commandments and just live by dojng the opposite of each one and see where it gets us. I said what it teaches you not who teaches you. The very basics. If your so weakminded as to not create your own beliefs than you deserve to become a brainwashed zombie. Your taking your beliefs and your ignorance to say there is no way anyone can find one single thing to take in from church and not become another religious steryeotype. And bc they go ti church you have to discriminate against them even if she could be your soulmate. Just bc you are an atheist. Now your just as wrong as the strict catholic who codemns you as an atheist to hell and discrimjnates against you bcnof your belief. How are you any better


Active Member
Ok lets all read the ten commandments and just live by dojng the opposite of each one and see where it gets us. I said what it teaches you not who teaches you. The very basics. If your so weakminded as to not create your own beliefs than you deserve to become a brainwashed zombie. Your taking your beliefs and your ignorance to say there is no way anyone can find one single thing to take in from church and not become another religious steryeotype. And bc they go ti church you have to discriminate against them even if she could be your soulmate. Just bc you are an atheist. Now your just as wrong as the strict catholic who codemns you as an atheist to hell and discrimjnates against you bcnof your belief. How are you any better
If she was my soulmate, she would be an atheist, no?

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
Ok lets all read the ten commandments and just live by dojng the opposite of each one and see where it gets us. I said what it teaches you not who teaches you. The very basics. If your so weakminded as to not create your own beliefs than you deserve to become a brainwashed zombie. Your taking your beliefs and your ignorance to say there is no way anyone can find one single thing to take in from church and not become another religious steryeotype. And bc they go ti church you have to discriminate against them even if she could be your soulmate. Just bc you are an atheist. Now your just as wrong as the strict catholic who codemns you as an atheist to hell and discrimjnates against you bcnof your belief. How are you any better
So your argument is that religion teaches good morals, but also you should be able to create your own beliefs? Which is it? Do I need religion to tell me what is good/bad, or am I able to derive that on my own without religious influence? If I am able to derive them on my own, then what purpose does religion have when it comes to developing morals?

I never said that there was nothing good that could be taken in from church. My stance is that you can get the same moral fiber WITHOUT church, and without all the tainted morals that churches also give. Remember god hates fags. If you are a homosexual you deserve to burn in hell for all eternity.

No I am not just as wrong because I use evidence, rational thought, and logic to arrive at my conclusions. Not all beliefs are equal, and not all beliefs automatically deserve respect. I have zero respect for religious beliefs.


Well-Known Member
It is hard to respect a belief when someone is openly proud of the fact that they arrived at it irrationally and in spite of evidence. When beliefs are based on ignoring real world data, they can no longer be said to tell you anything accurate about the real world. If I believe my dog can turn invisible when no one is looking, do I deserve respect for that belief? There are people who are convinced their loved one has been kidnapped and replaced with an exact replica. At some point beliefs have to be distinguished from delusion. Some religious people are very good at presenting delusions on which they have hung a sign that says "belief".


Well-Known Member
The funniest thing about athiests I have noticed, is the fact most of them spend thier entire lives fighting something they don't believe in. I say, don't believe and go about your business...lol




Well-Known Member
If she was my soulmate, she would be an atheist, no?
Clearly youve never been in a real relationship.

And where do you pick up your beliefs and morals? You see the world and filter out what you disagree with. Yoi dont have tk believe the minister talking to the church but you can take in thou shalt not kill and apply it to your life.


Well-Known Member
If your trying too find a girl whos going to agree with you on everything than just get a cat.

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
I've dated plenty of super hot christains in my day... fucked a bunch of them, the topic just never came up... if we were at a gathering at her place and they did a pray thing, i just pretended... sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do to get that tang. Hehehehe.

It's usually like... oh you believe in god? whatever... cool, oh you don't believe in god? whatever... cool, lets fuck.


Well-Known Member
It would be very difficult. It would probably cause a lot of friction, especially once you have children. No way I am letting my children go through the bullshit brainwashing that churches do.
Instead you will opt for the bullshit brainwashing the school system provides?

It's a little shocking how some people feel about others beliefs and their own.

I could never be so certain about life.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
The funniest thing about athiests I have noticed, is the fact most of them spend thier entire lives fighting something they don't believe in. I say, don't believe and go about your business...lol


It's because those beliefs are actively causing harm to people and stifling forward progress. Maybe you can simply shrug it off and move on, but I can't.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
Clearly youve never been in a real relationship.

And where do you pick up your beliefs and morals? You see the world and filter out what you disagree with. Yoi dont have tk believe the minister talking to the church but you can take in thou shalt not kill and apply it to your life.
My beliefs and morals come from real world experiences and personal values I place things. It makes a hell of a lot more sense than arbitrary rules in an ancient text. Don't kill, steal, or hurt others - yes that makes sense and can be completely justified without the need for god or religion. Don't have premarital sex, don't love someone that is the same sex, don't swear, don't masturbate - arbitrary nonsense that cannot be justified without appealing to god as an authority. Fuck that noise and anyone that believes in it.


Well-Known Member
Clearly youve never been in a real relationship.

And where do you pick up your beliefs and morals? You see the world and filter out what you disagree with. Yoi dont have tk believe the minister talking to the church but you can take in thou shalt not kill and apply it to your life.
I think the point is the morals of the bible are not proprietary, while the negatives of indoctrination like guilt and prejudice are. Christianity is a cult that celebrates human sacrifice and then wants to be a source of morals. The bible says thou shalt not murder along with

Matthew 10:37
New International Version (NIV)
37 “Anyone who loves their father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves their son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me."

Not exactly a family friendly idea. Women don't seem to get a fair break either.

1 Timothy 2:11-12
New International Version (NIV)
11 "A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. Do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet."

Unless religious people are willing to kill their child if God commanded, then they must get their morals from someplace else.


Ursus marijanus
Clearly youve never been in a real relationship.

And where do you pick up your beliefs and morals? You see the world and filter out what you disagree with. Yoi dont have tk believe the minister talking to the church but you can take in thou shalt not kill and apply it to your life.
I otoh got a giggle out of the oxymoron. An atheistic soulmate, ~giggle~. cn

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
Instead you will opt for the bullshit brainwashing the school system provides?

It's a little shocking how some people feel about others beliefs and their own.

I could never be so certain about life.
I can, and will, teach my children to think critically. School is mandatory in this country. You also get gain a valuable education from the school system. They will gain absolutely no value from church.

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
The funniest thing about athiests I have noticed, is the fact most of them spend thier entire lives fighting something they don't believe in. I say, don't believe and go about your business...lol


my grandfather fought against racial discrimination and bigotry, i don't see how fighting for what you believe to be true is wrong, both sides take part in this argument. except one side supports a method in which truth is attainable and the other has blind faith.


Well-Known Member
I can, and will, teach my children to think critically. School is mandatory in this country. You also get gain a valuable education from the school system. They will gain absolutely no value from church.
If you consider the following valuable:

learning to be an unthinking person who runs to authorities like they are modern day priests and have the answer to all, then we're in agreement that modern day public schooling is valuable.

You can slag on entire groups all you want, just know that you shouldn't throw rocks from glass houses.


Active Member
Such interesting thoughts on the topic. I think the question was: 'If your girlfriend believed in god" Not: Is she taking my kids to Sunday school OR Is she walking door to door preaching the bible OR if she's a psycho religious nutjob. Seriously, who cares nowadays with all the other shit you have to worry about. Most of you guys would probably have no problem banging a hot chick with warts or a cold sore or a hottie you just met at the bar, but If she believes in God then it's a big no-no?! That kinda sounds crazy IMO.

PS: I don't believe in god.



Well-Known Member
It's because those beliefs are actively causing harm to people and stifling forward progress. Maybe you can simply shrug it off and move on, but I can't.
Please do not misconstrude my comment as a shrug off. I believe every person has a place in the universe, even tho sadly, some will never find that place. I also believe that no matter what you believe, all people are created equal and have the same right to believe whatever they so choose. To me, the most powerful force in the universe is freewill and I would die defending it, because if that is ever taken away, the rest reagardless of what it may be, would become a moot point.

I am not an athiest, but I respect all until given a reason not to. As long as someone doesn't push something on me, I have no problem with any of it. In my opinion, if you run around shouting from the rooftops that someone or something does or doesn't exist, you are more than likely not doing your cause any justice.

Lead by example, let the actions of your everyday life be the voice that brings about the change you wish to see. Rising in anger or animosity towards another's beliefs is doing nothing to help an individuals or a groups plight. I guess what I am trying to say is, actions speak louder than words ever will in most any situations I have come across in my nearly 50 years of existence.

Peace and Harmony
