If you were an Atheist..

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
If you consider the following valuable:

learning to be an unthinking person who runs to authorities like they are modern day priests and have the answer to all, then we're in agreement that modern day public schooling is valuable.

You can slag on entire groups all you want, just know that you shouldn't throw rocks from glass houses.
Do you consider the following valuable:

being fluent in english, able to read and write, trigonometry, geometry, arithmetic, calculus, physics, and chemistry?

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
Please do not misconstrude my comment as a shrug off. I believe every person has a place in the universe, even tho sadly, some will never find that place. I also believe that no matter what you believe, all people are created equal and have the same right to believe whatever they so choose. To me, the most powerful force in the universe is freewill and I would die defending it, because if that is ever taken away, the rest reagardless of what it may be, would become a moot point.

I am not an athiest, butI respect all until given a reason not to. As long as someone doesn't push something on me, I have no problem with any of it. In my opinion, if you run around shouting from the rooftops that someone or something does or doesn't exist, you are more than likely not doing your cause any justice.

Lead by example, let the actions of your everyday life be the voice that brings about the change you wish to see. Rising in anger or animosity towards another's beliefs is doing nothing to help an individuals or a groups plight. I guess what I am trying to say is, actions speak louder than words ever will in most any situations I have come across in my nearly 50 years of existence.

Peace and Harmony

You claim to promote tolerance, peace, and harmony while simultaneously respecting delusion beliefs that harm others. If you really wanted tolerance, peace, and harmony how about we stop coddling and respecting bullshit beliefs and start encouraging critical thinking and rational thought?


Well-Known Member
You claim to promote tolerance, peace, and harmony while simultaneously respecting delusion beliefs that harm others. If you really wanted tolerance, peace, and harmony how about we stop coddling and respecting bullshit beliefs and start encouraging critical thinking and rational thought?
Wow, you are so narrow-minded, I bet you can look through a keyhole with both eyes.

You disrespect me, and now you want to encourage the way I believe to coincide with your plight, weak at best m8, weak at best.

You want rational thought, I just gave it to you. If you have a problem with what I believe, so be it, I stated my place on the matter, take it or leave it.



guy incognito

Well-Known Member
How did I disrespect you? By giving you valid reasons why I promote what I believe in? I don't respect beliefs simply because they are a belief.


Well-Known Member
Atheism is a religion like off is a TV channel...
Wrong. You can't prove God doesn't exist anymore than anyone can prove he/she/it does.

And there are reasons to believe either. But there is no proof and it seems to me that atheists are pretty close to the worst about pushing their religion upon others in the most obnoxious way possible.

Making unsupportable claims (there is no logic behind the principles of religion! - wrong, there were logical reasons to do things they suggested were best practice (that had nothing to do with God), whether you want to accept this or not is on you and others like you) no different than any other claim that isn't actually true.


Well-Known Member
Wrong. You can't prove God doesn't exist anymore than anyone can prove he/she/it does.
A short list of things that cannot be disproven: Elves, smurfs, FSM, the dragon in my garage and Russel's Teapot. Just because something cannot be dis-proven is not a good reason to believe in it. Atheism tells you exactly one thing about a person and nothing else, that they are unconvinced that a deity exists.

And there are reasons to believe either. But there is no proof and it seems to me that atheists are pretty close to the worst about pushing their religion upon others in the most obnoxious way possible.
Really? Atheists don't go door to door, erect large structures to support our disbelief, retard scientific progress for all, hand out pamphlets, make it possible for violent fundamentalist acts, or threaten eternal torment for not agreeing.

Making unsupportable claims (there is no logic behind the principles of religion! - wrong, there were logical reasons to do things they suggested were best practice (that had nothing to do with God), whether you want to accept this or not is on you and others like you) no different than any other claim that isn't actually true.
There are many tenants included in religious dogma that are logical, the golden rule, do not do evil, etc. I haven't seen an atheist state that there is no logic behind absolutely all principals of religion. Imo, it is not the minority of sensible nuggets of truth that are the problem, it is illogical awfulness that comprises the majority of the Abrahamic religions' teachings that we have a problem with. So, this last bit seems like a strawman...

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
Wrong. You can't prove God doesn't exist anymore than anyone can prove he/she/it does.

And there are reasons to believe either. But there is no proof and it seems to me that atheists are pretty close to the worst about pushing their religion upon others in the most obnoxious way possible.
You do know that there are many, many atheists who do not believe in god... yet do not deny the possibility that it may exist.

Many atheists are merely trying to help people understand that there is the possibility that god may not exist, in the same way that there is the possibility of it's existence.

No one can be certain either way, but i think that is too hard for too many people to understand... let alone accept. I think that to alleviate the pain and fear of not knowing, they delude themselves into thinking that they are certain... when really they are not.

The easiest way of not having to deal with fear is pretending it isn't there.


Well-Known Member
Wrong. You can't prove God doesn't exist anymore than anyone can prove he/she/it does.
Your assumption seems to be that atheist make the claim that god does not exist. That assumption is wrong. All that is required to be atheist is to be a non-theist. I am not able to stand up and prove that Bigfoot doesn't exist, yet at the same time I do not believe he does. No claim needs to be made to be atheist, you only need to doubt the claim of the theist.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Stuff like that would be a big up-front turnoff for me. No connection.
However a belief in God would not be a big deal to me, as long as it didn't come bundled with religiosity. cn
what if she didnt like seal blubber, or had some weird beliefs about the personhood of caribou?

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
I like that he talks real quite, and then several voice yell "out of context" at about 5X volume, just in case you are trying to watch it discretely at work or something.