1st time Noobie CFL Stealth Grow!


Subd! Im liking this whole design u have! And u should check out magnetic locks that way u have a smooth surface and u can run a magnetic pen to open the doors! Can't wait to see whhen u harvest and wht seeds did u get?!


Active Member
WOOHOOOOO!!! As of this morning I have all 4 seeds with very nice tap roots! Only took 36 hours and had to re-wet the paper towels twice. Looked nice and health so far. Got them in plastic solo cups with some perlite and Fox Farms Light Warrior. Got so excited to get them planted I forgot to take pictures of the process!!! :cuss:

I've planted 2 seeds of Royal Queen Seeds Shining Silver Haze ( http://www.royalqueenseeds.com/121-shining-silver-haze.html ) and 2 freebie seeds that came with my order: 1 ea CH9 Seeds Jack ( http://www.ch9femaleseeds.com/Ch9-Fem-Seeds/ch9-seeds-jack-feminized ) and 1 ea CH9 Seeds Vintage 2006 ( http://www.ch9femaleseeds.com/Ch9-Fem-Seeds/ch9-seeds-vintage-2006-feminized ) .


Active Member
Ordered on November 26th, received my order on December 10th. Exactly 2 weeks - didn't think that was bad at all. Wish I could just go down the street to the head shop and buy some seeds but.....evidently we have to keep fighting this 'drug war'. I have NEVER had a problem with anyone that had been smoking, had a LOT of problems with people who have been drinking. SO many problems would be solved and lives saved if it would just be legalized. I'll get off my soap box now. :roll:


Well-Known Member
Ordered on November 26th, received my order on December 10th. Exactly 2 weeks - didn't think that was bad at all. Wish I could just go down the street to the head shop and buy some seeds but.....evidently we have to keep fighting this 'drug war'. I have NEVER had a problem with anyone that had been smoking, had a LOT of problems with people who have been drinking. SO many problems would be solved and lives saved if it would just be legalized. I'll get off my soap box now. :roll:

I hear you brother.


Well-Known Member
I do all the time... I love the setup you got. I wish i had the funds and space to do something more like that.


Active Member
And then there were two! Amazing how fast things can go - there was nothing showing last night - this morning we have this.


Active Member
Thanks, Blaze. Nice grow. How do you keep your temps low. I've got mine to at least not go above 82-83 now. Might have to just leave the cabinet doors cracked when the lights are on and no prying eyes are around if I see negative effects.


Active Member
Hey champaign
I don't really do anything special just keep my fan on high circulating the air and i have 3 holes in the top of my case to disperse heat and two holes in and out with a pc fan to bring in fresh air and exhaust the waste keep your intake high and you out take low in your grow box that should help alot


Well-Known Member
high man, nice work on the cab, very nicely done, kudos!

...i haven't had the time to do any reading yet, i've just scanned through the pics and i thought you'd like to see some pics of superpedro's work, he is a grower out of the Netherlands who is a very clever individual and if you would like a link to any of his threads just give a shout out.

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