What all do I need to grow?


What all do I need to grow Indoors?Here the stuff I have what else do I need? Sun system Hps 150 watt grow light,4 5 gallon buckets,FoxFarm grow big,Tiger bloom,and big bloom,a Wall mounted fan,and a Thermostat. P.S It's a closet grow. P.S.S This is my first grow.


Well-Known Member
Please refer to the indoor growing, closet growing sections, everything you would ever want to know is in there. Kinda like a treasure hunt...lol

I am on my first indoor grow as well. I have found the answer to every question I have had. I started reading in February and I didn't feel comfortable to start untill 3 weeks ago, but as soon as I did, game on!

I will say this, you have the most important thing down already, the will to grow, and that is a helluva good start.

Peace and Great Grows



Please refer to the indoor growing, closet growing sections, everything you would ever want to know is in there. Kinda like a treasure hunt...lol

I am on my first indoor grow as well. I have found the answer to every question I have had. I started reading in February and I didn't feel comfortable to start untill 3 weeks ago, but as soon as I did, game on!

I will say this, you have the most important thing down already, the will to grow, and that is a helluva good start.

Peace and Great Grows

Thanks and hope you do good on your first grow.


Well-Known Member
You need to do more research.
Everyone starts somewhere, but i personally won't waste my time helping someone if they can't take the time to find the basics out themselves.


Well-Known Member
Your HPS light is fine for flowering but you can also veg with it, most people do but you're better off getting a MH for veg, aside from that I'd say you're good to go, start with a few seeds say one or two to get the hang of it, bag seeds are best to experiment with instead of wasting good expensive seeds, good luck with your grow my friend we're all here to help.

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
150w won't cover 4 plants in 5 gal containers. you need exhaust fans, and a way to keep light out at "night". you need good seeds or clones. you need to pay attention. you need to do more reading.


Well-Known Member
I guess the more polite way for me to respond is to suggest that you do a bit of reading first.
As someone mentioned earlier , you have the desire to grow and learn so that is the first step.
You need to research the different ways to grow and decide what way works for you and your grow area you have to work with.
A 150W HPS light will do about 2 short plants. That light is for flowering. What are your plans for sprouting beans and vegging ?
Are you growing in a tent or a closet ? How many fans do you have ?


Well-Known Member
with that set up I would grow two Auto`s

but you need a ventilation of some kind in order to provide your plants with fresh air/Co2 and for temperature control and a filter to match for odour control once they begin to flower


Auto`s dont care about light leaks and stay small perfect for a small closed grow with a 150W HPS, later on when you have a grow under your belt and have done more research

start here:


you can get a bigger and better set up/light, once you found out what you want (a 400W MH/HPS cool tube would work well with that 4" ventilation once you have money to invest and more experience and will for sure grow 4 nice plants, a 150W won't, sorry)