Bring back Mrs. Rare D thread!

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Thanks for all of the support everyone. Mrs. RD has told me she wasn't aware y'all loved her so much. Guess its kind of hard to feel that when your thread is filled with trolls and then you get banned...
Thanks for all of the support everyone. Mrs. RD has told me she wasn't aware y'all loved her so much. Guess its kind of hard to feel that when your thread is filled with trolls and then you get banned...

haters gonna hate, i dont even know her and i feel like we would have lost a big part of this community with her gone, im glad she can and hopefully she will, come back...also if at anytime she feels like shes being harrassed or trolled she can always contact a moderator who im sure can take care of it :lol:
I don't believe the "official" explanation of what happened. During this ban period there were multiple spammers posting threads about soccer matches and fake passports and shit. How did a member with hundreds of posts over the last year get lumped in with brand new members creating nothing but spam threads... I call bullshit. Mods covering their asses.
I don't believe the "official" explanation of what happened. During this ban period there were multiple spammers posting threads about soccer matches and fake passports and shit. How did a member with hundreds of posts over the last year get lumped in with brand new members creating nothing but spam threads... I call bullshit. Mods covering their asses.

you do have to understand where PR aka rollie is coming from, he is a busy man, he hasto spend alot of time deleting spammers here as you can see it gets pretty bad, only 2 or 3 mods and admin have the power to ban and hard delete threads, so when he is on here he is more than likley doing that, although i can see your point of few and dont blame you for it, i really do think it was a big mis sure its quite easy to miss one name mixed in with 100s of others and one thread in 1000s of threads:peace:
I don't believe the "official" explanation of what happened. During this ban period there were multiple spammers posting threads about soccer matches and fake passports and shit. How did a member with hundreds of posts over the last year get lumped in with brand new members creating nothing but spam threads... I call bullshit. Mods covering their asses.

Dam man we are on the same side! We are just passing what we were told, believe it or not.
Dam man we are on the same side! We are just passing what we were told, believe it or not.

I believe that, the problem is passing along information, just for the sake of passing it along. Do YOU believe the explanation your superiors gave you? Feel free to PM me if you feel your answer will have negative reprocussions.

The way it went down doesn't jive with the admin explanation. Period.
I believe that, the problem is passing along information, just for the sake of passing it along. Do YOU believe the explanation your superiors gave you? Feel free to PM me if you feel your answer will have negative reprocussions.

The way it went down doesn't jive with the admin explanation. Period.

Whadayagonnadoaboutit? She will be back, so move along imo. Even though it may not "jive" with you, it is what is is. And it ain't gonna change.
If you were banned for no reason and days later did not have an official explanation or apology would you come back? Mrs. Rd may come back, because she cares about the people here and helping the community out. If I was in her position, I'd never post here again, and I'd do everything in my power to get people to leave this site.
As soon as I learn my way around the other site I'm sure I'll feel right at home. And after a good look around that place makes RIU look pretty weak!
I agree. Mrs. Rare Dankness was an asset to this site, and more importantly us growers and for RIU to ban her is a huge mistake. RIU really shot themselves in the foot on this one, accident or not the person responsible fucked up and needs to PERSONALLY post a formal apology to her and all of us here on the forum. She has answered many questions people have had on here and sent out testers to some of the users on this site, which in turn has brought traffic to this site and any of its sponsors... So they ban her and give a half assed explanation passed down to the mods? Seriously, fuck this place if thats how shit is getting handled here. I was looking forward to posting my OG Ghost Train Haze#1 on here and getting some feedback from her but I guess thats not happening now. Mrs. Rare Dankness, thank you for the awesome genetics and all you have done for the growers on here I dont blame you if you never come back, but know you have alot of fans who will follow you on whatever forums you choose to post on. PEACE
Hi To All,
So let’s address the issue. I was banned and now I’ve been unbanned. I received an email from PotRoast this morning explaining things and apologizing.

Apparently I was banned by accident. In a mass spamming sweep, I was “detected” and banned. My personal opinion on this explanation, iti s most likely true, BUT how was I detected, why was I on the list??? My personal theory involves another seed company and I’ll leave it at that.
This became a MUCH bigger issue than I could have ever imagined. I never felt important or respected here. I just have my lil thread to answer questions, post some info, post some pic, and make sure that anyone that is running a RD strains has support. I have always felt that companies need to support the people that support them. It is one reason I have made myself reachable. And as much as it will shock some, I am not at anyway mad at the MODS. They have a job to do, sometimes I wish they would do it a little better, but I assume these people work full time and give their personal time to be here. So lay off mods, they are human and shit happens.
To all the supporters. You guys blew me away. It was very humbling. I received many, many emails, I received P.m.’s on other forums, some of you PM’d my husband on Facebook (yes, that happened),and a few other sites offered me a “home”. Never knew anything like this would happen.Thank you guys so much. I will continue my lil thread here, and a few other places.

Stop the fighting, take down the Ban Potroast thread (I’m sure this has been a pain in his ass), stop giving the Mods hell, they didn’t ask for this and some even helped. Some of you sent a few emails that raised my eyebrow, I DO NOT condone hacking!!! As you can see the ban was lifted, all is well.

My only personal request to the MODS is can someone please turn my PM function back on???, and I would like to be able to moderate my own thread… I know it’s a privilege, I don’t care about the trolls, I mostly care about the hateful, demeaning crap. If not, will one of you PLEASE DELETE pages 209-220. They have no place on the thread.

It is time to move on. Get in your grow rooms, take care of your girls, post some pics up and get back to doing what you’re supposed to do.
Mrs. Rare Dankness
welcome back glad its all worked out. now i just need to get my hands on some of that rd gear lol
just going to lock this thread now since things seem to be working out.. nice to see you back mrs r d, you seem to have a lot of supporters around here.. :D
First off, I don't think that I have to jump whenever one of you speculators thinks I should. You guys go on and on like you know what you're talking about, but you don't. You have no idea of the job that I have to do, and how I go about it. Yet that doesn't stop you from spouting off about how I should do it.

I've communicated with Mrs RD, and apologized to her for our mistake. And she is the only one that I need to apologize to.

I actually don't know how she was banned. It must have been in a large group of spammers, and I missed her post. For the past week, we have been bombarded by spam, and I have banned over 1000 every day! I have been banning them in groups of 150-200 at a time. As soon as we learned of the mistake, it was corrected. It was taken care of the next day, so please try to get over it.

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