Seeds coming again to RiverRock


Well-Known Member
I saw Scott in a tokin daily episode. RareDankness beans will be available on the shelf from RiverRock starting next week. Woot.


Well-Known Member
I saw this also...super awesome!
Hey just curious do you know why Paul has a feed to the MMED from his home grow? I was trying to hear them say something about it but never caught it. Perhaps his home grow is an optional premise cultivation area for RR or something?
Anyway I grew out Rare Dankness Abusive Afghan and was very pleased. Look forward to growing more of their gear!

Nevermind! I just found in the comments of the video that Paul's grow is linked to River Rock and thus the connection to the MMED.
Take care everyone!


Well-Known Member
His grow is actually on the RR premises. Any plants on the premises are subject to the MMED. Cheers!!

I have some more RareD tester beans to pop. Excited...

Mrs. Rare Dankness

Active Member
Very Limted strains choices. This was the first production there. After we have some CO feedback about what is wanted, we can adjust the strains selection produced there.