Fuck Wendy's


Well-Known Member
Dude, I dont get burgers from any fast food place any more haha, they all gross me out. Chicken sandwiches or gtfo


Well-Known Member
you can say the same about pretty much any place you go out to dine, be it fast food or a fine dining place imo..
Exactly. But then he said he likes to dine at Popeye's, so I assumed it was all tongue in cheek. I mean. Popeye's is pretty fucking fast food.


bud bootlegger
i will admit that i think wendy's quality has dropped a bit in the past, idk, 10 or so years around here.. i remember when the samwhich you'd get would look almost identical to the ones you'd see in the pix advertising them..

recently it seems that a lot of my burgers from there seem more thrown together then they used to be.. :(


Well-Known Member
Dude, I dont get burgers from any fast food place any more haha, they all gross me out. Chicken sandwiches or gtfo
Yep, chicken sandwiches or gtfo. Burgers aren't made to be fast-fooded, really. A burger isn't really good unless it's at least medium, preferably lower on the scale. But every single fast food place will cook the shit out of their burgers for safety reasons. That's why they're paper thin.


Well-Known Member
I like In-N-Out burgers and Wendys, sometimes wienerschnitzel if I don't want a burger. I don't care for other fast food joints. Althouh I do enjoy the curly fries at jack n the box like once a month :D :hump:

The Growery

Active Member
i will admit that i think wendy's quality has dropped a bit in the past, idk, 10 or so years around here.. i remember when the samwhich you'd get would look almost identical to the ones you'd see in the pix advertising them..

recently it seems that a lot of my burgers from there seem more thrown together then they used to be.. :(
I think dave thomas ran tight ship, since he died, the vultures that were his board prob did everything that he didn't want them to to lower quality and increase profits. mmm mmm!


Well-Known Member
dont eat fast food for about a year straight. then , one day eat a nice large meal from any fast food place of your choice. i can almost guarantee you will have liquid lava volcano erupting from your asshole within hours . whats that tell you?


bud bootlegger
dont eat fast food for about a year straight. then , one day eat a nice large meal from any fast food place of your choice. i can almost guarantee you will have liquid lava volcano erupting from your asshole within hours . whats that tell you?
it tells me you should eat more fast food.. :D


Well-Known Member
Not sure what commercials you're watching lol, she's a good 250 pounds in those.
Yeah, the ones I've seen, she ain't no prize peach. Like I said, I'm starting to wonder if (since I saw that commercial a few months ago) they replaced her with an attractive actress. LoL.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, we prefer illustrations around these parts.

I'm pretty careful about when I eat fast food... I do it rarely, but it usually doesn't do me in as long as I make sure there's either a) extra lettuce on the sandwich, or b) a side salad.