how much bud can you yield off this? 4x4 1k light


Active Member
1000watt light ,4x4 tent , how many grams can you expect? say everythings growing great, cuz i got 7 big plants flowering im interested in wat people can get out of a setup like that


Well-Known Member
1LB per 1000 is a good number to shoot for, the big boys are getting 2+. And I want to say someone did like 4+, heath robinson maybe? Idk maybe someone can provide a link.


Active Member
lol well 1st off i jus got my tent for being in flowerin first time usin a light setup.... so realistically a lb would be nice as ff nutes an soil R WORKIN greatly wit the schedule


Well-Known Member
The real question is how much bud can YOU yield with that set up ?

Personally I don`t care how much I grow I know I`ll always get enough per plant for it to be worth my expenses even more so when you factor in I`d rather pay more to grow my own then buy it unless they start slapping EU makings on weed so I know exactly what`s in what I`m buying

That being said an decent level grower can get anything from .5g to 2g per watt normally

Myself I`d rather grow 6 oz`s of premo then 20oz`s of dirt weed but maybe that`s just me ?


Well-Known Member
1000watt light ,4x4 tent , how many grams can you expect? say everythings growing great, cuz i got 7 big plants flowering im interested in wat people can get out of a setup like that
crazy factors going on here man........explain what you have on hand and what you plan to use. from venting to nutes to whatever and everything in-between.

and these plants.......are they haggard ass plants or were they vegged with care?


Well-Known Member
I run a 1000w in my 4x4x6.5 with 8 plants in a perpetual, each plant averages around 2oz, strain dependant, and veg time dependant. I could up the yield if I only grew my heavy yielding strains but I love my sativas ;)


Well-Known Member
At least a pound,but more is possible depending on skill and strain. I avg about 1.25lbs of fully developed bud per 1000. I bottom trim really aggressively early in flower cause I only want big dense A grade bud. All the pics Ive seen that were supposedly crazy high yields look way over crowded with a bunch shaded out popcorn bud.


Active Member
This question is asked all the time and the answer really never changes...

1. Strain is very very relevant to this question as there are strains that will put off heavy yields and some that no matter what you will get get 2.5 zips a plant.
2. Medium... soil, aero, flood & drain, dwc... what is being used to grow.
3. What type of bulb? Yes this is important, straight up tests I have seen a couple certain bulbs add 20-30% to yields.
4. Nute line... what are you using? Are you keeping PH & PPMs in check?

There are literally dozens of things that can effect yield, figure in a 4x4 tent with mid yielding plants and having 7 in there... 2.5-8 zips per plant, all dependent on information I stated above.


Active Member
my area is like 4.5 x 4.5. i have a 1000. i run anywhere from 7 to 11 plants. staggerd times. i guess i am close to a lb. sometimes im thinking im not getting what i could. however, im thinking my prob maybe to much crouding?? someone today told me they should not be touching. mine touch, oh yeah. lol. ill make progress. largest yield i had, was 5 bc godbud, and get 17.5 oz. and it was when i ran a 600 watt. so i am guessing less crouding did it. so far, it evads me. lol.


Active Member
crowding is a huge problem and will seriously effect yield. if light cant get to it, that bud will not grow much. Many growers actually trim off lower bud sites and sites that get zero light to force all energy to sites getting light.


Active Member
hey all i, growin some nemesis an midnight kush, sour d , cannalope kush in ffof every ff nute wit schedule, two 5gall buckets, five 3gall buckets, 40 day veg... cooltube hood to insulated ducting out.... no prob growin


Well-Known Member
Hey FYI to the person reporting spam here. When you ask such an open question with no real answer of course there will be jokesters.

there is no possible way to tell. It depends on how long you veg, how healthy they are, what strain because they yield differently, sativa or indica,.... ecta the list goes on.


Active Member
I konw a grower who is getting 3 1/2 lbs from (2)600W systems. He was at the grow shop and we were all showing videos from our androids. He veggs for 80 days. Keeps the CO2 at 1500ppm. Thats the trick he says, CO2. In the video the plant are 5'-6' tall in room with 10' ceiling hieght. The colas where 2' long and those where the colas on the side. The main colas where over 3'. I cant afford that kind of CO2 set up. Now I have a tent 2'6"wide 6'tall and have flowered 1 plant under a 600hps and got 8oz. I also Vegg it for 45 days too.


Active Member
Hey FYI to the person reporting spam here. When you ask such an open question with no real answer of course there will be jokesters. there is no possible way to tell. It depends on how long you veg, how healthy they are, what strain because they yield differently, sativa or indica,.... ecta the list goes on.
im lookin 4 people who use a 4x4 tent an use atleast 1k in a room filled up wit plants or any light wit high yeild jus for high hopes cuz my plants r great..... so if u have 2 cents from wat is typed in this topic an i mean ne 2 cents im open 4 it without cute smartass remarks