Need alotta tips on growin newly grower


Active Member
ay i need some help on growin me and and a friend are planting some kush seeds and thought id get some tips... i was palnin on puttin in a medium sized cardboard box in my closet with a heat lamp and a fan above it.... not really sure tho any advice ill be good :joint:


New Member
hi smoke, you will need to give us more info so we can help you out.
what space do you have for growing ?
what lights are you going to use ?
what medium are you using ? soil or hydro ?
what are you going to feed the plants ?

do you have any pics of your set up yet ? if we can see what you have it would help us to help you.
alternitavely if you visit dr skunk index page there are guys on there that will help you out alot faster than here. every question get answered quickly man.


Well-Known Member
first off, do it yourself, there is NO need to have a friend help you. thats just one more person that can get you busted. Heat lamp is a bad idea, you don't want heat, you want light. get some cfl's or a HPS.
sounds like you really don't know anything about it, so check out the FAQ, there is a section thats a guide to help people like you, just starting out their research. and trust me, do a lot of research before jumping into it, you'll be happy you did once you start.


Well-Known Member
first off, do it yourself, there is NO need to have a friend help you. thats just one more person that can get you busted. Heat lamp is a bad idea, you don't want heat, you want light. get some cfl's or a HPS.
sounds like you really don't know anything about it, so check out the FAQ, there is a section thats a guide to help people like you, just starting out their research. and trust me, do a lot of research before jumping into it, you'll be happy you did once you start.
couldn't agree more - i've done one grow a couple of years back and it was a disaster. I've now spent the last 2-3 MONTHS researching RIU, collecting the things I need (lights, timers, seeds, etc. etc) along the way and learning a tonne on info, so when I do start the next one, it's less likely to fail.

Things like, plants won't uptake certain nutrients if the PH level of your soil/water isn't optimal - I didn't know about this during my first grow and it probably killed my plants..

Read up!


Active Member
sorry guys im actually gonna grow it outside its not worht my parents catching me with it but i really need some tips on any good outside setups or amything thanks for the advice


Well-Known Member
heat lamps are the Shit..... get real grow lamps man. check out the growfaq of this site....very helpfull