Wal-Mart: The Asshole of America


Well-Known Member
Just because this subject is so easy to pick at is the only reason it continues.
Wallmart hatred is BS. None of you know what you are talking about... except for panhead.

YouTube - Penn & Teller: Bullshit! - 502 - Wal-Mart Hatred 1/3
Okay posting this video as a valid argument for your side was a bad idea. These two guys are about as bright as a sock full of nails.

Well pointing out all of there misleading information i will only bring up the first one that i noticed.

Where they pointed out that the minimum wage in their city was 5.50 /h Wal-mart paid their full time employees 10.25/h (i might have the exact numbers wrong) But they paid their full time employee's almost twice the minimum wage.......
Both of their full time employees. Thats right it was probably the store manager and assistant. Everyone else was only getting 25/h a week and making 5.50/H


Well-Known Member
Ohhh and Target is not that innocent. Are you aware that since Target is a French company that will not let the Salvation Army stand outside its doors because they really dont give two shits about you?
The Salvation Army is a Christian charity. I know plenty of scumbags who have accepted jesus as their personal savior just to get handouts from salvation army. That being said, I don't see you complaining about the absence of Salvation Army kettles at Best Buy or Lowes; they're not french companies! Should we write to them and say "I won't be shopping for my muffin fans / grow lights with you this year because you won't allow the Salvation Army to solicit in front of your store"?

That being said, I shop at a ton of different places for my equipment. Yes, I bought root hormones and plant food and a spade at walmart, but I really am on a low income right now, and don't feel like screwing myself out of more. On the other hand, I am very aware of what walmart does to other companies, and I avoid shopping there too much.


Well-Known Member
a buck that rides a little furthur? Shit I buy all my top-ramen and spam from a locally owned grocery chain. I would rather my money went to my favorite place to get groceries than go to walmart and sit through thier fucking lines and hordes of people.

I remember a case in tenessee many years ago, but wal-mart wanted to build thier store on land that had american indian bones found on the location and all these native people protested but wal-mart won and got to have thier store. That is a reason to stop shopping at walmart right there.
Indians... hahaha... whatever... those bones ended up being placed on there....plus they tested the bones and found out they were white people bones so walmart was allowed to build.


Well-Known Member
Hey, dude, i have done a lot of research on the subject. Do think that people complain just for the sake of complaining. Where theres smoke theres a fire. I implore you to do some research, rent one of the 20 documentaries on the subject. There are also a TON of books. I am not over embellishing. I have to admit, i might be a little bit bias on the subject, but for good reason. The world needs radicals to keep things in check. There are just a lot of people out there that think that wal-mart is the greatest place on earth and turn a complete blind eye to all the problems that it creates; and don't see the connection with there own problems and the problems that this company creates.
I was an avid wal-mart shopper until about a year and a half ago.

I wish you fought for the death penalty with this vigor.... I mean those pieces of shit inmates on death row are the ones costing us money... bitching about walmart to the little people will not get you any ware... if your such a radical why dont you just stop trying to convince us that walmart takes shit from the big corporation and gives it to us....

oh and to that guy that had a 750 dollar bid for walmart...... LOL...hahaahha.... you spent all that time for 750 in walmart.... Like i said.....being a nusiness owner is not foer everyone... and walmart is a good way to weed out the pieces of shit that dont want to do nothing for the product and want to charge more than the big stores ... they say..." well im a smaller store...or i cannot compete with walmart... i would only make 10% markup instead of 20%.... like i said before... start selling chit that you dont buy at walmart...specialized shit...

IM tired of going to walm,art and find that i cannot find (small mom and pop products... Example: Soil Moist granules......... That is a us product... smaller company.... yet if walmart doesnt cary it then i cannot find it anywhere...

"...just to shed some light on my defence.... Its not that i donot see what walmart is doing.... and its not that i dont like small locally owend shops.... Hell i grew up in europe.. and there every building preety much has 2 or 4 basic stores...... 1 is an everyday small market...( were tlaking milk eggs chees bread alot of candy for the kids... again bread... just normal everyday things..... there is also a bar in every building.. (i mean not everywhere in europe).. all of the people that live in that building go to the convinence store every day for fresh bread.... most of that guys income is made from peoples dialy staples.... Not the big shopping..... they all go to stores like safeway and walmart and stuff for that...
See when you need 1 or two things...small shops would win.... if it wasnt that they want to charge you 2 dollars more or some shit...

let me ask you all walmart haters a question: do you pump you gas in the most expensive place in your city?...shit people are going crazy over 1 dollar mark ups per gallon... now you want me to go buy everything in these small mom and pop stores...and pay 1 dollar more at least for each item....yeah right.. Its not that i dont care that walmart is exploiting the corporations..... its just that i understand that they same way the small stores are making a buck... the big one wants to too... the small shop looses cause they stock there shelves with the same shit walmart carries...... the only thing that would make me not buy at walmart would be if the products where shitty... ( i mean some shit is crappy)...but for the most part its the same shit you find anywhere else... WHy pay more.... would they.... would they go to the same factory in asia and tell those kids that he will give them more money to make them? NO... Everyone wants to make money.

And for you activist... HAHAHHAHAHA>... You dumb asses... your asking stoners to go to More little stores to find our shit... LOL... No thanks... i like shoping at walmart at 2:00 am all high with nothing but those workers getting whipped.....ahhhhh


Well-Known Member

What does everyone feel about McDonalds? That is one place that I have not been to in a LONNNGGGGG time (actually don't remember the last time). They are pretty bad as well, and their environmental policies make Wal-Mart look like Al Gore.

Isnt this thread mis-placed?


Well-Known Member
Genfranco, I think I agree with you... it's not all Walmart's fault. They saw an opportunity and, like it or not, they are operating with the laws of our country. What you said about lack of child labor laws is true... we're gonna exploit foreign countries as much as we can as long as we are on this planet consuming. I'm against overconsumption in general, which might be my point, along with the point that individuals are important. But I don't have an answer... I just think it boils down to this:

We have finite resources on this planet, and every negative thing we talk about will continue until we ALL (china, US, everyone) realize we will run out of food, water and air if we keep going in the same direction. People don't seem to think it's possible. But if we had all the resources we wanted, we wouldn't be defending oil fields in Iraq, and poor motherfuckers living in the desert wouldn't be planning to blow each other up. Poverty comes from lack of resources. Lack of resources comes from using them all up! This is probably why I said in my first post to GROW instead of buy. Do it yourself. Live your life in a sustainable way WITHOUT relying on walmart/home depot/Ace. That's hard to do, but it is not getting any easier when you have to share with 6 billion+ people. Maybe we just don't know how to share.

Sorry for the rant... I just don't understand all this. Also, I'm OUT OF WEED which explains a lot. PEACE.
Sorry that your out of weed bro....:joint:

ANyway man thx for your comments... I agree with you guys about consumption,... its like i said... i just dont understand why they blame it all on walmart..... it would be like blaming ruger for some dumb ass kid pulling the trigger on himself... Is it the guns fault..the bullets fault...?...

Good luck if your growing....


Active Member
Sorry that your out of weed bro....:joint:

ANyway man thx for your comments... I agree with you guys about consumption,... its like i said... i just dont understand why they blame it all on walmart..... it would be like blaming ruger for some dumb ass kid pulling the trigger on himself... Is it the guns fault..the bullets fault...?...

Good luck if your growing....
It's funny you say that. I have one seedling about 4" tall (my first attempt) and I think the miracle grow cactus soil was not the way to go. I'll post somewhere else about that. But back to the topic of OVERCONSUMPTION. SimpleSimon posted a link to The Story of Stuff with Annie Leonard and it clearly states in 20 minutes what I think are the major problems of our country, and planet. It isn't all walmart's faults, it's our own. Thanks SimpleSimon, that really rocked my world. I think people on either side of this walmart debate will agree with the information in the flash video. I'm interested in those that DON'T agree because I plan to show this to quite a few people. I want someone to try and knock it down first. Any takers?

P.S. The video indirectly suggests that we shouldn't be working so many hours 'cause it makes us unhappy. Who would disagree with that?


Well-Known Member
I love watching people bitch about the place especially since im employed by them.I do not have a great job,they do not treat the hires fairly,and on top of that im expected to do my crappy job with a smile on my face...which I do thanks to my garden.Unless you have worked for them you truly have no idea of the scale of injustice.:roll:


Well-Known Member
I love watching people bitch about the place especially since im employed by them.I do not have a great job,they do not treat the hires fairly,and on top of that im expected to do my crappy job with a smile on my face...which I do thanks to my garden.Unless you have worked for them you truly have no idea of the scale of injustice.:roll:
i don't have a horse in this race but would point out that you have described nearly every place i have ever worked and i have never worked at wal-mart.


New Member
Walmart is a fucked up corp. with only one concern I take that back two concerns expansion at all cost and making more money for the money hungry walton kids(bunch of little bitches) & its executives.
They are a leach on society that needs to be checked by goverment before they really FK things up. They will reach a point that they wont be able to maintain all those stores but in the mean time they have already driven out mom and pop shops at that point more people are FK cuz they got no where to go.


100% Authentic A$$Hole
I love watching people bitch about the place especially since im employed by them.I do not have a great job,they do not treat the hires fairly,and on top of that im expected to do my crappy job with a smile on my face...which I do thanks to my garden.Unless you have worked for them you truly have no idea of the scale of injustice.:roll:

If its that bad why do you work there?


Well-Known Member
This is the truth lol! But the one that puts this one over the edge is the "employee cheer" we have to do upon arriving at work lol!Im way too old to cheer.:mrgreen:
i don't ever recall having to cheer ... thank goodness. That could have easily prompted a five state killing spree. :fire:

though i do recall a staff meeting where it was requested we not get "so high" before coming to work. :joint:

my how things change....


Well-Known Member
i don't ever recall having to cheer ... thank goodness. That could have easily prompted a five state killing spree. :fire:

though i do recall a staff meeting where it was requested we not get "so high" before coming to work. :joint:

my how things change....
Indeed,but they insist the cheer is for morale.Last night my biggest chore was to assist a 73 year old greeter who was being verbally assaulted by a lady who had weight issues,there were no more electric carts so lady was not happy and called the greeter some choice names a senior should never be called.I solved the issue by getting the lady a manual wheelchair and instead of using it she just walked.OYE VEY! I bought the greeter a very late lunch for having grace in such a silly situation....yeah that cheer works wonders eh?:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Indeed,but they insist the cheer is for morale.Last night my biggest chore was to assist a 73 year old greeter who was being verbally assaulted by a lady who had weight issues,there were no more electric carts so lady was not happy and called the greeter some choice names a senior should never be called.I solved the issue by getting the lady a manual wheelchair and instead of using it she just walked.OYE VEY! I bought the greeter a very late lunch for having grace in such a silly situation....yeah that cheer works wonders eh?:blsmoke:
i suppose it depends on what you are cheering!

it is amazing and sad the crap we have to put up with to put food on the table.


Well-Known Member
i suppose it depends on what you are cheering!

it is amazing and sad the crap we have to put up with to put food on the table.
Bad thing is I will probably be scolded for not going in the back and assembling her majesty a new one out of spare parts, or at least I should have offered to saddle up the greeter so she could browse the dorito isle under no power of her own.:mrgreen: